Symposium on Laser Application to Muon Science (3/25-27)
Symposium “Laser Application to Muon Science” was held at Tsukuba Kyoiku-Kaikan during the period of March 24-27, 1998 with 78 participants including 7 from overseas. 44 presentations and intense discussion covered wide range of topics.
Neutrino beam line (3/25)
On completion of the neutrino beam line civil engineering, the groupe held a party. Installation of Near-Detector and magnets cintinues.
KEK International “Hanami” party (4/3)
KEK International Affairs Division hosted a party under on-site cherry blossoms in full broom. The party went along with an informa tea ceremony.
Colloquium on ITER project (5/27)
President of Japan Atomic Energy Researc Institute, Dr. Masaji Yoshikawa, gave a talk on International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project.