
The picture on the back cover is the Main Building of the Todaiji Temple.
It is the largest wooden building existing in the world where it houses a 18 meters tall bronze statue of Buddha Vairocana (also shown). After burned down several times in its history, present building (rebuilt in 1709) is smaller than the previous buildings built as early as in 752. Yet its dimensions, 49 m high, 57 m wide and 50 m deep is very impressive even by today's architectural standard.
Front cover shows a "Ja-ki", an evil spirit, trampled by a guardian of buddhism. This sculpture is also installed at the middle gate of the Main Building. The Todaiji, the very highly regarded temple, is in Nara city, one of the old capitals of Japan. (The editor would like to thank the Todaiji for their understanding and kind support in taking these pictures.)
"Central Japan Relief Map" on the first page : Courtesy of Japan Map Center The editor would like to thank Geographical Survey Institute for their help.
KEK News Vol.2, No.1 June 1998
Published by High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan
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Printing and cover design : Matsueda Printing Inc.
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