About QUP

Research Outlines

About QUP

International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles (QUP) was newly founded as a center at KEK in December, 2021. It is the 14th World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

QUP integrates particle physics, astrophysics, condensed matter physics, measurement science, and systems science. It is a place for meta-level interdisciplinary fusion for means, not for a single goal, to produce academic and social values.

We will invent and develop new systems for measuring quantum fields, bring innovation in cosmological observations and particle experiments, and discover the true nature of space-time and matter. We will also cultivate applications to various academic fields and social implementation. Our goal is to establish "quantum field measurement systemology."


Quantum fields are space-time with particles and quasiparticles created and annihilated, and associated physical quantities. The missions of this center are as follows.

Integrate particle physics, astrophysics, condensed matter physics, measurement science, and systems science.

Invent and develop new systems for measuring quantum fields (space-time with particles and quasiparticles created and annihilated, and associated physical quantities) to bring innovation to measurements in cosmological observations and particle experiments, and elucidate the true nature of space-time and matter.

Establish a new measurement science, quantum field measurement systemology, as a science of means through the above practices and create a new level of fusion of various research areas beyond physics and new social values through application to other fields and social implementation.

Code of Conduct


The identities of this center are as follows.


The only center in the world that integrates the invention of new measurement principles for experimental cosmology and particle physics, the development of systems to realize these principles, and the execution of projects.


This center will conduct interdisciplinary research on "means" or "methodologies." It is at the meta-level, leading to a new level of fusion of various research areas to produce academic and social values.


Capability of characterizing measurement systems using the various quantum beams provided by KEK's accelerator facilities.


Leveraging our experience as a host of large-scale international collaborative experiments in fundamental research fields to conduct international research collaborations at an unparalleled level.


Leveraging our experience as an inter-university research institute, we will lead the world and make significant contributions to the research and education of universities and research institutions in Japan and abroad.


Based on the above mission and identity, the goals of this center are defined as follows.


To invent new principles and measurement systems to search for theoretically predicted novel quantum fields


To lead the world in the grand challenges of cosmology and particle physics by developing and implementing new quantum field measurement systems in international projects such as the LiteBIRD satellite project and collider experiments. 


To propose and promote new projects based on new quantum field measurement systems. 


To develop new methods of data analysis, which correspond to the "brain" of the measurement system, and apply them to cosmology and particle physics.



 To establish a new measurement science, quantum field measurement systemology, as a "science of means" through the above practices.


To employ researchers whose primary goal is to give back to society, realize social implementation (smart cities, automatic driving, medical care, etc.), and at the same time, actively develop applications in other academic fields. 


 To cultivate the next generation of human resources who are proficient in systems science and have deep expertise.

© 2021 International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles