
QUP International Graduate Research Fellowship



―Application Guidelines―

1. Purpose

This program accepts graduate students worldwide and allows them to receive academic guidance from QUP faculty and a chance to experience advanced research. It aims to train young researchers and raise awareness of QUP.

2. Target/Eligibility:

Applicant must be a graduate student (Master's or doctorate) at an overseas university or institution.  * If you are a graduate student affiliated with a university in Japan, please apply here.

3. Application closing:

Accept applications until capacity is filled.

4. Duration:

From 3 months to 1 year consecutive days. (extendable)

5. Place:

KEK Tsukuba campus

6. Financial Support:

  ●Travel and Staying expenses ●

① Round-trip airfare/Ticket to KEK Tsukuba campus
② Travel expenses from the airport or place of stay in Japan to KEK Tsukuba campus
③ Staying expenses (per diem and accommodation Expenses) ※
※ Subject to KEK’s travel expenses regulations.

While participating in this program, you could apply for a Research Assistant (RA) position.

Salary will be paid if employed as an RA.

No Staying expenses (per diem and accommodation expenses) will be provided during the RA employment period.)

(Note)This program does not guarantee RA employment.

  ●Conditions when hired as a Research Assistant (RA) ●

If you are employed by RA, you become a member of KEK's staff and are subject to KEK's work regulations.
Appropriate status of residence (資格外活動許可/permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted) is required before starting work as an RA.
For the details of RA employment conditions, please contact the Person in charge of the QUP International Graduate Fellowship.


7. How to apply

Send the documents listed below to by email.

Application Documents

Application Form for QUP International Graduate Fellowship [excel file]

            ※Find the host researcher you desire in your field of interest  from here

・Curriculum Vitae
・List of Publications
・A one-page research plan for your proposed work at QUP
・Student enrollment/registration certificate
・A Letter of reference, preferably from the current supervisor

From Application to Acceptance

・ Application accepted
・ Acceptance screening at QUP screening committee
・ Student determined *The screening result is announced by QUP
・ VISA Procedures, Deciding on acceptance period and arrival date, etc.
・ Arrive in Japan
・ Starting research as a QUP International Graduate Fellowship

8. Notes

・Participants must subscribe to overseas travel accident and liability insurance before participating in this program.
・If you are planning to conduct research activities that require radiation work, it is essential that you have completed the "Radiation Worker Procedures" at your affiliated university/institution.

Private information obtained from application documents will not be used for any purpose other than the selection process, acceptance procedures, and emergency contact information necessary for the implementation and operation of this program. In addition, if you are not accepted, QUP will be responsible for appropriately disposing of your documents and personal information.

International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles (QUP)

© 2021 International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles