QUP International Graduate Research Fellowship
List of Supervisors
Hiroki Akamatsu (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Development of the focal plane unit (FPU) of Low-Frequency Telescope (LFT) onboards LiteBIRD satellite. The projects span from characterization and development of a cryogenic instrument (TES bolometers), cryogenic harness, temperature controlling system. Interested in candidates with skills in low noise electronics, superconducting devices.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Testing and evaluation of TESs and associated readout technology
■Testing and evaluation of cryogenic harness together with SQUIDs
■Testing and evaluating of high-precision temperature controller
Yuji Chinone (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Data analysis of ground-based and satellite Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments for searching Axion-like particle (ALP) and physics beyond the Standard Model as well as Primordial Gravitational Waves (PGWs). Development and application of new analysis techniques, including machine learning (ML), for CMB experiments. Interested in candidates who will take a leading role in the POLARBEAR/Simons Array and Simons Observatory data analysis. Expertise in any data analysis and/or ML techniques is an advantage.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Time-domain astronomy with the POLARBEAR datasets.
■ALP search with the POLARBEAR/Simons Array datasets.
■Development and application of new data selection techniques with ML for
the POLARBEAR/Simons Array datasets.
■Development of analysis pipeline of Simons Observatory for the PGW search.
Tijmen de Haan (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
CMB Hardware: I develop low-noise systems of frequency-multiplexed 100mK transition edge sensors (TES) for precision CMB measurements. The frequency multiplexing technique is still evolving, with untapped potential to enhance TES stability, crosstalk, linearity, calibration, and noise performance.
Example projects:
■Analytical and numerical modeling of TES multiplexing
■Real-time simulations of TES systems at sub-Kelvin temperatures
CMB Data Analysis: I work on forecasting and building requirements for future CMB experiments and perform data analysis for current missions.
Example projects:
■Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect searches in existing CMB datasets
■High-level hardware optimization for future space-based CMB missions through
end-to-end analysis
Artificial Intelligence: I created the AI platform cosmosage, which has in-depth knowledge of scientific literature in cosmology. cosmosage is evolving rapidly, moving from a proof-of-concept to a state-of-the-art AI for cosmology.
Example projects:
■Automated data gathering and curation, generation of synthetic data
■Direct preference optimization and reinforcement learning for AI-driven science
■Performance evaluation and refinement of current and future cosmosage versions
Tommaso Ghigna (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Design and optimization of TES detector arrays for CMB experiments and simulation of instrumental effects on CMB data.
Most current and future CMB experiments are characterized by the use of multichroic antenna-coupled polarization-sensitive TES detectors. This solution requires complex RF-structures that need to be designed, simulated and then validated experimentally.
In parallel to this activity, I am working on simulating the effect of the instrument on CMB data to produce science forecasts, define requirements and study mitigation techniques to suppress instrumental systematic effects.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Design and optimization of lenslet-coupled sinuous antenna
■Design and optimization of superconductive LC chips for frequency-domain multiplexing
■Design and optimization of microstrip bandpass filters
■Analytical and numerical modeling of TES
■Modeling and simulation of optical elements and RF structures (antenna, bandpass filters, etc)
Masaya Hasegawa (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Development of key technologies for low-noise and large format superconducting detector arrays in future CMB missions. Interested in candidates with skills in cryogenics, control engineering, quantum sensor, large-scale data processing, characterization of CMB telescope.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Testing of LiteBIRD prototype detector (including operation of dilution refrigerator)
■Evaluation of optical property of LiteBIRD LFT scale model and related items.
■Demonstration of active vibration isolation for refrigerator
Kaori Hattori (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Development of superconducting single-photon detectors (optical transition-edge sensors) for new dark matter search experiments. Interested in candidates with experiences in the development of detectors and skills in cryogenics, detector fabrication, array readout, optics.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Testing and evaluation of TESs and associated readouts.
■Single-photon detection.
Hideo Iizuka (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Our aim is to search for new quantum fields enabled by quantum effects in a single lab space. We have started setting up a measurement system using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond for light dark matter search.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Setup of the ODMR (optically detected magnetic resonance) measurement system.
■Evaluation of optical properties of diamond samples.
Satoshi Iso (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Theoretical Studies of particle physics and cosmology based on quantum field theories. The subjects also include relativistic quantum measurement theory, quantum entanglement and decoherence in open quantum systems.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Interested in candidates with sufficient skills in quantum field theories and interests in
interdisciplinary research on particle physics, cosmology, condensed matter physics,
and quantum information theory.
Tsutomu Mibe (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba and J-PARC, Japan)
Experimental studies on particle physics with accelerator and precision measurements. The research subjects include applications of quantum sensors to the accelerator-based research.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Development of high-sensitivity beam profile monitors
■Development of high-precision magnetic field monitors
■Development of high-sensitivity electric field monitors
Masaya Miyahara (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Development of an analog/digital-mixed signal ASIC using high-speed ADCs for various physics experiments. Seeking candidates who are interested in reconfigurable analog ASICs or design automation techniques for analog circuits.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Design of small-scale DAQ system using reconfigurable ASICs for particle detectors.
■An ASIC design for particle detectors using automated analog circuit design environment.
Yu Nakahama (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Developments of cutting-edge machine-learning tools and their applications to the particle-physics analyses of the LHC-ATLAS data and detector-system developments.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■The application of machine-learning tools to the physics analyses, such as the studies of
the Higgs boson properties and searches for new physics phenomena long-lived particles and
model-independent new-phenomena.
■The application of machine-learning based algorithms in mass production and testing of
the pixel detector modules for the LHC-ATLAS upgrade.
■The commissioning of new online selections for Higgs-boson pair production events using
the LHC collision data.
■The development of machine-learning based algorithms and their implementation in
accelerators such as FPGA and GPU.
Kazunori Nakayama (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
I am working on theoretical particle physics and cosmology with topics including inflation, dark matter, axion, and new particle search. Seeking candidates interested in interdisciplinary research fields, including particle physics and condensed matter physics, and their applications to new ideas for detecting light dark matter or other new particles.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Early universe physics and dark matter
■New idea and simulation for dark matter detection
■Calculation of Casimir force
Suerfu (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
I am working on developing novel detectors for dark matter and neutrinos. Currently there are three research areas: 1) developing and testing cryogenic detectors with a dilution refrigerator, 2) purification and growth of ultra-high purity NaI(Tl) scintillator detectors, 3) simulation and testing of detector prototypes of neutrino detectors.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Testing cryogenic bolometers in a dilution refrigerator
■Measuring mechanical, electrical and optical properties of scintillating crystals at low temperatures
for developing high-performance cryogenic scintillators
■Developing assaying techniques for alpha spectroscopy for ultra-low levels
■Chemical purification methods for raw materials for dark matter detectors
■Geant4 simulation of dark matter and neutrino detectors
Volodymyr Takhistov (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Research at the intersection of theoretical particle physics, astro-particle physics/astrophysics, and cosmology. Topics ranging from dark matter, neutrinos, and experiments for probing fundamental physics to gravitational waves and black holes. Preferred candidates would be interested in interdisciplinary research, developing new theoretical ideas as well as connecting them with observations. Projects focusing on data analysis and simulations are also possible.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Dark matter detection (direct and indirect), production
■Formation and signatures of primordial black holes
■Experimental signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model, especially in neutrino experiments
■Neutrinos (including sterile neutrinos) in laboratories, astrophysics and cosmology
■Gravitational wave sources (cosmology, astrophysics) and their detection
■Fundamental physics with cosmic ray interactions and astrophysical transients
■Fundamental physics with precision instruments, table-top, and space-based experiments
■Signatures and production of axions and other new particles, including exotics (e.g. monopoles)
Nanae Taniguchi (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Development of new radiation-hard devices with high rate tolerance, including new FPGAs with atomic switch technology, and applications to high-energy physics experiments. We seek candidates interested in R&D on detector readout electronics with the new FPGA and the development of system tools for users.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■Development of firmware for readout slow monitor using atom-switch FPGA
■Evaluation of readout board for readout slow monitor using atom-switch FPGA
■Systematic study of prototype of new readout electronics used for Belle II CDC
Manabu Togawa (Research Location: KEK Tsukuba, Japan)
Development of a super radiation-hard semiconductor detector for the high-energy and/or high-intensity beam experiment. We seek candidates interested in semiconductor detectors with non-silicon material (CIGS, GaN for example) and novel technologies for detector integration.
Example study subjects for the young researchers
■GEANT simulation study for charge output from semiconductor detectors.
■Evaluation of semiconductor detectors with alpha source in a vacuum environment.