
July 12, 2024

On Sunday, June 30, the Tanabata Lecture 2024 was held at the Tsukuba Expo Center. QUP Principal Investigator Prof. Masaya Hasegawa gave a lecture on the theme of the event "Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe! What is Dark Matter?"  ⇒More details


July 11, 2024

WPI-QUP will hold a lecture in English entitled "KEK KAKENHI Writing Seminar - Let's Prepare an Effective Research Story for Your Proposal" for early career scientists who are planning to apply for KAKENHI (due in September this year) on 30th July 2024.  ⇒More details


June 27, 2024

A paper by prof. Yuko Urakawa, QUP affiliate member, has been released to the press from KEK.  ⇒More details


June 17, 2024

The 3rd QUP Synergy Summit (QSS3) was held on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at QUP satellite in Toyota Central R&D Labs. ⇒More details


May 23, 2024

In a recent study published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, an international team comprising postdoctoral researcher William DeRocco, graduate student Nolan Smyth from the University of California at Santa Cruz (USA) as well as QUP Principal Investigator Volodymyr Takhistov in Japan, who also works at KEK Theory Center, have demonstrated how unique insights into the structure of macroscopic dark matter can be uncovered through the microlensing survey of Galactic Bulge by the upcoming NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope expected to launch in 2027. ⇒More details


May 10, 2024

This past weekend at NicoNico Chokaigi 2024 on April 27th - 28th, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) exhibited “Cho KEK”. Here, the International Centre for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe Particles (WPI-QUP) also participated in a live broadcast talk and workshop to introduce QUP’s research. ⇒More details


April 25, 2024

WPI-QUP participated in the Tsukuba Science & Technology Pre-Event 2024 on Sunday, 14th April 2024.  ⇒More details


April 24, 2024

On April 20th, KEK Tsukuba Campus hosted the Spring Campus Open, which was available to the public. As part of Science Café’s “Resume of a Ph.D.," Dr. Masaya Miyahara presented a talk titled “Magic Square Drawn by Integrated Circuits.”  ⇒More details


April 18, 2024

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Daniela Bortoletto, Principal Investigator at WPI-QUP and the Head of Particle Physics at the University of Oxford. In January 2024, she was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in recognition of her services to particle physics and gender equality.  ⇒More details


April 10, 2024

The latest advancement using Transition Edge Sensors (TES), which is a core focus at WPI-QUP, can be seen in the “Application of transition-edge sensor for micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements and micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy: A case study of uranium speciation in biotite obtained from uranium mine” published on April 9, 2024 in “Analyst,” a journal issued the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK).  ⇒More details


April 9, 2024

On Sunday, March 24, 2024, the first QUP Science Lecture "Making Tools to Look into the Universe" was held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center with over 100 participants. This science lecture was aimed at high school and university students and included lectures on the "new tools" = "sensors" developed by WPI-QUP, as well as an opportunity to meet researchers directly.  ⇒More details


April 5, 2024

WPI-QUP is participating in SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PRE EVENT 2024, held on Sunday, 14th April 2024 at Tsukuba Centre Square and Tsukuba Centre Building co-en.
It will be a fun educational experience with workshops, exhibits, and science activities for the community of all ages. The talk session will be broadcasted live and have three WPI centers in Tsukuba — MANA, IIIS and QUP — coming together to share their cutting edge technologies and results.
Dr. Kosuke Itabashi from QUP will be our guest of honor and discuss the latest on radiation-hard semiconductors developed at QUP. Everyone is invited to come and join!

Further information:


March 22, 2024

WPI-QUP co-organized a workshop, "AI-Smart: ML on FPGA school" with “AI-Smart”. The workshop was the course of three days on February 28th to March 1st, 2024.  ⇒More details


March 19, 2024

WPI-QUP co-hosted the "JSPS Core-to-Core program: CMB Japan group seminar for young scientists" on March 7th to 8th, 2024, at the Epochal Tsukuba International Congress Center in Japan.  ⇒More details


March 5, 2024

On February 19th, 2024 WPI-QUP Director, Masahi Hasumi and QUP Associate Professor Hiroki Akamatsu had a prolific visit at CNES, le Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, with ISAS Deputy Director General Masaki Fujimoto.  ⇒More details


February 27, 2024

QUP successfully hosted the second annual "Machine Learning at HEP workshop" on 9th January 2024 at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan with over 110 participants to highlight the recent progress in state-of-the-art ML applications to high energy physics and astrophysics.  ⇒More details


February 15, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that QUP is hosting its first Public Science Lecture: “Creating Tools to Look into the Universe!” in Tsukuba, Japan, on March 24th, 2024(Sun). QUP Director Masashi Hazumi and Professor Noriko Yamazaki will present lectures directed toward high school and university students about the 0.1mm "new tool" = "sensor" developed by QUP and hold an open discussion session with QUP researchers. The language of this lecture is Japanese. Everyone is welcome!  ⇒More details


January 19, 2024

QUP’s 2nd International Symposium "QUPosium2023" was held on December 11th-13th, 2023, at the Epochal Tsukuba International Congress Center in Tsukuba, Japan.  ⇒More details


January 4, 2024

On November 23, the 12th WPI Science Symposium was held at at WPI-ICReDD, Hokkaido University (simultaneous online event).  ⇒More details


December 26, 2023

The second QUP Synergy Summit (QSS2) was held on 26 October at QUP research satellite in Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. (TCRDL).  ⇒More details


November 6, 2023

QUP at KEK will host the symposium "QUPosium2023" in Tsukuba, Japan, from Dec. 11 (Mon) to Dec. 13 (Wed.)  ⇒More details


October 10, 2023

New Ideas on the Origin of Dark Matter from QUP Internship Program.  ⇒More details


October 4, 2023

The "AI-Smart" Kickoff Workshop was held at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on September 25-26, 2023.
 ⇒More details


August 24, 2023

QUP reseachers proposed a new method for searching for new quantum fields.
 ⇒More details


August 4, 2023

The first QUP Synergy Summit (QSS) was held on 18 July at the QUP satellite in Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. (TCRDL).  ⇒More details


June 19, 2023

The 26th "Science in Japan" Forum was held in Washington DC on June 9th (EDT), organized by JSPS Washington Office and co-sponsored by QUP.  ⇒More details


June 1, 2023

QUP Scientists Show Black Holes Can Hold Keys to Mysteries of Fundamental Strong Force. ⇒More details


May 17, 2023

"Science in Japan" Forum will be held in Washington DC on June 9th (EDT), organized by JSPS Washington Office and co-sponsored by QUP. Director Masashi Hazumi and other QUP PIs will give talks on the theme of "Quantum Taste of the Universe".  ⇒More details


May 8, 2023

QUP Scientists Find Novel Method to Uncover Behavior of Earliest Universe Using Gravitational Waves! ⇒More details


April 24, 2023

Dilution refrigerators are now in place for the QUP development of ultra-sensitive sensors! ⇒More details


April 6, 2023

We have started a QUP Internship Program (QUPIP). ⇒More details


March 27, 2023

The "ML at HEP workshop" was held in a hybrid format at the Kobayashi Hall of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in February 23-24, 2023. ⇒Report on "ML at HEP workshop"


March 14, 2023

QUP Principal Investigator; Nanae Taniguchi has been awarded the 4th (2023) Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Award. ⇒More details


February 20, 2023

QUP director; Masashi Hazumi was appointed as a member of the Copernican Academy in Poland. ⇒More details


January 18, 2023

An international workshop on Machine-Learning; "ML at HEP workshop" in Japan will be held in Kobayashi Hall at KEK (+zoom connection) on February 23-24, 2023. ⇒Register here


January 4, 2023

We have started a selection of Project Q.   ⇒More details


December 27, 2022

The symposium "QUPosium 2022" and the inauguration ceremony were held at Tsukuba International Congress Center EPOCHAL from December 13 (Tuesday) to December 15 (Thursday), 2022, to celebrate the first anniversary of QUP's establishment.  ⇒More details


December 26, 2022

An interview of Director Hazumi was published in the CERN Courier! Please have a look!


December 5, 2022

On November 23, the WPI Science Symposium "Science Opens Up Infinite Possibilities" was held at the University of Tokyo's Ito Hall (simultaneous online event). ⇒ Report on "the WPI Science Symposium".


December 2, 2022

The KEK Theory Center and QUP will hold a joint online workshop, The KEK-PH + KEK-Cosmo + QUP joint lectures and workshops 2023 on "Hubble Tension 2023", on Tuesday, February 21 and Wednesday, February 22, 2023. ⇒ Register here


November 23, 2022

On Nov. 23(Wed.), the QUP director Hazumi gave a talk (online) on "Probing Cosmic Inflation and Quantum Gravity with the LiteBIRD CMB Polarization Survey" at AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland.
More details


November 9, 2022

On November 7(Mon.) and 8(Tue.), the workshop "toward Project Q" organized by QUP and KEK Theory Center was held at the KEK Tsukuba site.
Report on the "toward Project Q".


November 1, 2022

Registration Deadline of QUPosium2022 (December 12th - 15th, 2022) has been extended to November 15, 2022. ⇒ Register here!


October 12, 2022

Workshop "toward Project Q" hosted by QUP and KEK theory center will be held on November 7-8, 2022. This workshop is in a hybrid form (in-person at KEK + online via zoom). ⇒ Register here


October 7, 2022

You can watch QUP channel on youtube. Please take a look!


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