

December 5, 2024

The 4th QUP Synergy Summit (QSS4) was held on Monday, November 11, 2024, at QUP satellite in Toyota Central R&D Labs.

The 4th QUP Synergy Summit (QSS4) was held on Monday, November 11, 2024, at QUP research satellite in Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. (TCRDL) / Aichi Prefecture.

Following the presentations of seeds technologies in basic research from QUP/KEK in the previous QSS3, this QSS4 featured a presentation from an automobile R&D company. After that, a discussion was held on sensing technology using radio waves to explore the matching of seeds and needs in relation to applications in particle physics and astrophysics and in automotive applications, including automated driving, etc.

Also discussed at QSS4 this time was the deployment of advanced technology from industry into basic research in academia. Dr. Daisuke Kaneko of QUP gave a presentation on thermal and mechanical constraints to be considered in the design optimization of cosmic microwave background radiation instruments. Then, Dr. Kawamoto of TCRDL introduced the recent progress and potential applications of topology optimization design methods that could be a solution to such challenges and discussed them among the participants. This became a stepping stone towards industry-academia collaboration.

QUP plans to continue the QSS framework to support matching between academia and industry based on the WPI’s mission of "Values for the Future: Societal Value of Basic Research."

Report on QSS1

Report on QSS2

Report on QSS3

© 2021 International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles