

July 12, 2024

Tanabata Lecture 2024: "Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe! What is Dark Matter?"

On Sunday, June 30, the Tanabata Lecture 2024 was held at the Tsukuba Expo Center. The theme of the event was "Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe! What is Dark Matter?". The event was organized by the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS, KEK) and Tsukuba Expo Center as one of the nationwide simultaneous Tanabata lectures 2024 promoted by the Astronomical Society of Japan, targeting diverse audiences from elementary school students to adults. A total of approximately 70 participants attended the event.

Prof. Takahiko Matsubara of IPNS explained the mystery of dark matter, how it occupies our universe, and how it relates to our existence, in detail by using many beautiful images and photographs.

QUP Principal Investigator Prof. Masaya Hasegawa continued reviewing the properties of dark matter following Prof. Matsubara’s lecture. He then explained the various methods to search for dark matter. He also talked about his experiences in Antarctica and the Atacama Desert, where he conducted his research, and explained the principles of the superconducting sensors he has currently developed.

Participants raised questions such as "I’ve heard dark matter doesn’t react, so why can it bounce off other particles?" and "How can use the superconducting sensors outside of research?" There were also exchanges of opinions on impressions of the lectures, reflecting the high level of interest in the Tanabata Lecture and dark matter.

Related Link:
【Tsukuba Expo Center】
Tanabata Lecture 2024: "Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe! What is Dark Matter?" (Japanese)

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