
Member List

Christopher Raum

QUP Affiliate member

R&D Engineer
Radio Astronomy Lab, UC Berkeley

Dr. Christopher Raum received his PhD in electrical engineering from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. His area of research was micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS) to thermo-mechano-optically control the flow of light in waveguides. His postdocs at UC Irvine and NASA/JPL were DARPA funded projects for research on fused quartz based MEMS resonators and gyroscopes. Currently he is the lead R&D engineer in nanofabrication for Prof. Adrian Lee's experimental cosmology group at UC Berkeley.

Research Content

Dr. Raum’s main work in Prof. Lee’s lab is to develop process flows to fabricate millikelvin millimeter wave bolometer detectors for such experiments as Simons Array, Simons Observatory and the LiteBIRD space telescope.

He was able to develop a repeatable 95% yield nine layer process flow for a 1080 bolometer detector array used in the two Simons Array CMB telescopes. This was accomplished in an academic fab, the Marvell NanoLab at UC Berkeley. Currently he is developing a similar process flow for the LiteBIRD space telescope, the current detector wafer yield of which is 98%.

Seven detector wafers placed together in the configuration of
a focal plane of one of the Simons Array (PB2) telescopes.

A current generation LiteBIRD low frequency (78/100/140GHz)
detector wafer showing individual pixel and TES bolometer.

© 2021 International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles