Hiroki Ohata, Kyoto University
Bosonized Schwinger model on a lattice
Bosonization, in which a fermionic model in 1 + 1 dimensions is transformed to an equivalent bosonic model, has been a powerful technique for the analytical study of many models. However, although the bosonized model is usually much simpler than the original model, obtaining the analytical exact solution is still very hard in some cases.
In this seminar, I present the lattice formulation of the bosonized Schwinger model, which enables us to study the model using the Monte Carlo method. This approach has several distinct advantages over the conventional one based on the original fermionic Lagrangian. First, the approach is unambiguously free from the fermion doubling problem.
Second, it is also free from the sign problem. Moreover, much more efficient configuration generation is possible. I demonstrate the validity of my formulation by showing my numerical results and discuss possible applications to other models.
Ref: H. Ohata, Monte Carlo study of Schwinger model without the sign
problem, arXiv:2303.05481 [hep-lat].
東島智, 量子科学技術研究開発機構
[金茶会] フュージョンエネルギーの早期実現に向けて、JT-60SA始動
Kazuya Mameda, Tokyo University of Science
[QCD theory seminar] Nonlinear chiral kinetic theory
The chiral kinetic theory is a pivotal theoretical tool for the transport theory of massless degrees of freedom. Despite various developments, the usual framework contains only linear-order quantum corrections. In this talk, I will explain the formulation of the chiral kinetic theory with the nonlinear-order corrections. Also I will show several findings from this nonlinear chiral kinetic theory, such as nondissipative transport phenomena, a consistency with the Euler-Heisenberg effective theory and a potential issue on regularization.
Johannes Henn, Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
Finite Scattering Amplitudes From Geometry
Scattering amplitudes are key ingredients for cross sections relevant to collider physics. In the last decade, novel geometric ideas have emerged that hint at a completely different formulation of quantum field theory. For example, the Amplituhedron provides, via geometric means, the all-loop integrand of planar scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Unfortunately, dimensional regularization, used conventionally for integration, breaks the beautiful geometric picture. This motivates us in this talk to propose a ‘deformed’ Amplituhedron, which is well-defined in four dimensions. Leveraging four-dimensional integration techniques based on differential equations, we compute the four-particle amplitude up to two loops, as a function of the two deformation parameters. The latter can be interpreted as certain mass and energy variables. We observe simple behaviour in various physical limits of the parameters.
Yushi Mura, Osaka University
Electroweak baryogenesis via top-charm mixing
Electroweak baryogenesis is a promising scenario to solve baryon asymmetry of the Universe, which is one of big mysteries of particle physics. I will discuss a scenario of electroweak baryogenesis in the two Higgs doublet model with quark flavor mixing. In general, off-diagonal components of quark Yukawa interactions with additional Higgs bosons are strongly constrained by the data for flavor changing neutral currents. However, top-charm quark mixing is not the case, so that a large off-diagonal element can be taken, which can contribute to generating baryon asymmetry of the universe. I will also discuss characteristic predictions for Kaon rare decays in the scenario of top-charm electroweak baryogenesis.
Shigehiro Yasui, Hiroshima U
[QCD theory seminar] Exotic hadrons with charm and bottom flavors: X, Y, Z, Pc, Tcc and hadron interaction
Researches of exotic hadrons have been conducted for a long time since the discovery of quarks by Gell-Mann and Zweig. Recently, there have been many experimental reports on candidates for exotic hadrons with charm and bottom flavors since the discovery of X(3872). Exotic hadrons, whose internal structures are different from normal hadrons, ask us important questions about QCD. What kinds of hadrons should exist? What is the hadron dynamics? What is quark confinement? Those questions may be resolved by studying the properties of exotic hadrons, such as productions, mass spectroscopy and decays. My presentation is divided into two parts. In the former part, I introduce the basics of X, Y, Z, Pc (charm pentaquark), Tcc (double-charm tetraquark), and so on, and review recent experimental and theoretical progress on the study of them. In the latter part, I focus on the recent study with my collaborators for the hadron interaction between a heavy flavored hadron (anti-D meson and B meson) and a nucleon with respecting chiral symmetry and heavy-quark spin symmetry, and discuss the possible extension from exotic hadrons to heavy flavored nuclei as quark many-body systems. I welcome questions and comments from people who are not so familiar with exotic hadrons.
賀沢 秀人氏 (Ph.D., Google ソフトウェアエンジニア / 言語処理学会 理事)
[KEK連携コロキウム] 大規模言語モデルの舞台裏
最近 ChatGPT に代表される大規模言語モデル (Large Language Model; LLM)が大きな話題となっている。LLM以前の自動対話システムでは、宅配便の配達問い合わせのようにあらかじめ決められた話題と目的のために応答を生成するのがやっとであり、しかもその応答も定型文の域を出ないものが多かった。それにたいしLLMは一見人間が応答しているのと区別がつかないやりとりを広範な話題について行うことができるため、様々な応用が期待されるとともに、その発展についていろいろな懸念も生じている。本講演では、LLMとは実際のところどういうものなのかその仕組みを解説するとともに、単なる印象論を越えてLLMについて冷静に議論をするための視点を提供する。
Michiru Niibo, Ochanomizu University
Updated Constraints and Future Prospects on Majoron Dark Matter
Majorons are (pseudo-)Nambu-Goldstone bosons associated with lepton number symmetry breaking due to the Majorana mass term of neutrinos introduced in the seesaw mechanism. They are good dark matter candidates since their lifetime is suppressed by the lepton number breaking scale. We update constraints and discuss future prospects on majoron dark matter in the singlet majoron models based on neutrino, gamma-ray, and cosmic-ray telescopes in the mass region of MeV-10 TeV.
川勝康弘, JAXA
[金茶会] 火星衛星探査計画MMXと火星探査
Diego Blas, UAB
Detecting (high frequency) gravitational waves in a box