Koji Hashimoto, Kyoto University
A bound on energy dependence of chaos
We conjecture a chaos energy bound, an upper bound on the energy dependence of the Lyapunov exponent for any classical/quantum Hamiltonian mechanics and field theories. The conjecture states that the Lyapunov exponent λ(E) grows no faster than linearly in the total energy E in the high energy limit. In other words, the exponent c in λ(E) ∝ E^c
(E→∞) satisfies c ? 1. This chaos energy bound stems from thermodynamic consistency of out-of-time-order correlators (OTOC’s) and applies to any classical/quantum system with finite N / large N (N is the number of degrees of freedom) under plausible physical conditions on the Hamiltonians. To the best of our knowledge the chaos energy bound is satisfied by any classically chaotic Hamiltonian system known, and is consistent with the cerebrated chaos bound by Maldacena, Shenker and Stanford which is for quantum cases at large N. We provide arguments supporting the conjecture for generic classically chaotic billiards and multi-particle systems. The existence of the chaos energy bound may put a fundamental constraint on physical systems and the universe.
Yuki Yokokura, RIKEN, iTHEMS
Interior Metric of Slowly Formed Black Holes in a Heat Bath
We study a spherical black hole formed slowly in a heat bath in the context of ordinary field theory, which we expect to have the typical properties of black holes.
We assume that the matter field is conformal and that the metric satisfies the semi-classical Einstein equation. Then, as a necessary condition, its trace part must be satisfied, which is determined only by the metric through the 4-dimensional Weyl anomaly independently of the quantum state. With some physically reasonable assumptions, this equation restricts the interior metric to a certain class.
Such metrics are approximately warped products of AdS_2 and S^2 with almost Planckian curvature.
Among them, we find one that is consistent with Hawking radiation and is smoothly connected to the exterior Schwarzschild metric slightly outside the Schwarzschild radius.
This leads to a picture that the black hole is a dense object with a surface (not a horizon), which evaporates due to Hawking-like radiation when taken out of the bath.
[arXiv: 2108.02242]
大森寛太郎, 東京大
Intensive lecture on Quantum Anomalies as Projective Phase (in Japanese)
この講義では0+1次元と1+1次元における場の量子論とその対称性の量子異常(量子アノマリー、’t Hooft anomaly)を扱う。特に、対称性の状態空間(ヒルベルト空間)への作用と量子異常の関係に焦点を当てたい。
講義ノートは https://kantohm11.github.io/symmetry_review/ において公開される。(現在準備中で、順次更新する。)
Masaru Hongo, Niigata Univ.
[QCD Theory Seminar] Effective field theoretical approach to weakly bound Borromean nuclei
We construct an effective field theory of a two-neutron halo nucleus in the limit where the two-neutron separation energy and the neutron-neutron two-body virtual energy are smaller than any other energy scale in the problem, but the scattering between the core and a single neutron is not fine-tuned, and the Efimov effect does not operate. The theory has one dimensionless coupling, which formally runs to a Landau pole in the ultraviolet. I will demonstrate some universal properties of the system, such as the ratio of the mean-square matter radius and charge radius and the shape of the E1 dipole strength function. I will also discuss the application of our EFT to 22C nucleus, where higher-order corrections to our theory are estimated as of order 20% or less if the two-neutron separation energy is less than 100 keV and the s-wave scattering length between a neutron and a 20C nucleus is less than 2.8 fm.
– M. Hongo, D. T. Son, arXiv:2201.09912 [nucl-th]
– M. Hongo, D. T. Son, arXiv:2201.09912 [nucl-th]
Ryosuke Sato, Osaka University
Chiral symmetry breaking in large N QCD
In this talk, chiral symmetry breaking and condensation in large N QCD are shown by utilizing Ward-Takahashi identity and QCD inequality. I will also show some comparisons with discussions in Coleman-Witten [PRL45(1980)100] and Veneziano [PLB95(1980)90].
Shoichiro Tsutsui, RIKEN
[QCD Theory Seminar] Recent progress on complex Langevin simulations of QCD at finite density
The complex Langevin method (CLM) is one of the promising approaches to overcome the sign problem in conventional Monte Carlo simulations and is expected to reveal the phase diagram of QCD in the high-density region. On the other hand, the CLM is reliable only when the probability distribution of the drift term falls off exponentially or faster. Whether the CLM is reliable or not in the high-density region is still an open problem. In this talk, I will present recent results on the physics of QCD at finite density, based on the reliability of the CLM. I will also discuss possible setups to realize color superconductivity for future CLM simulations.
Sinya Aoki, YITP, Kyoto University
Conserved non-Noether charge in general relativity: Physical definition vs. Noether's 2nd theorem
In this talk, we make a close comparison of a covariant definition of an energy/entropy in general relativity, recently proposed by a collaboration including the present authors, with existing definitions of energies such as the one from the pseudo-tensor and the quasi-local energy. We show that existing definitions of energies in general relativity are conserved charges from the Noether’s 2nd theorem for the general coordinate transformation, whose conservations are merely identities implied by the local symmetry and always hold without using equations of motion. Thus none of existing definitions in general relativity reflects the dynamical properties of the system, need for a physical definition of an energy. In contrast, our new definition of the energy/entropy in general relativity is generically a conserved non-Noether charge and gives physically sensible results for various cases such as the black hole mass, the gravitational collapse, and the expanding universe, while existing definitions sometimes lead to unphysical ones including zero and infinity. We conclude that our proposal is more physical than existing definitions of energies. Our proposal makes it possible to define almost uniquely the covariant and conserved energy/entropy in general relativity, which brings some implications to future investigations.
Shane O'Sullivan, Dublin City University
[JpDe Joint Seminar] Radio polarimetry and Cosmic Magnetism
In this talk, I will introduce the techniques of radio polarimetry and Faraday rotation for the study of cosmic magnetic fields. Faraday rotation is a birefringent effect caused by magnetised plasma along the line of sight, which we measure using the frequency-dependent rotation of the plane of linearly polarized light from radio galaxies (i.e. synchrotron emission). Radio galaxies can be observed throughout the majority of the history of the Universe and are thus excellent beacons for measuring the properties of the cosmic web and their evolution with cosmic time. In particular, I will highlight recent results from the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) radio telescope. LOFAR is the world’s premier low-frequency radio telescope, providing exceptional RM precision, in addition to unrivalled angular resolution, sensitivity and image fidelity, which facilitates the reliable identification of the host galaxy through comparison with optical and infrared data (from which one can then determine the redshift). Our recent work shows how these capabilities are allowing us to transform our understanding of cosmic magnetic fields and are providing a new way to study the properties of filaments and voids of the cosmic web in general.
Kai Murai, The University of Tokyo
SU(N)-natural inflation
We study SU(N) gauge fields that couple to the inflaton through the Chern-Simons term. In this talk, I will shortly review the dynamics of SU(2) gauge fields during inflation and provide a general procedure to construct homogeneous, isotropic, and attractor solutions of SU(N) gauge fields during inflation. As specific examples, we construct the stable solutions for N=3 and 4 and numerically confirm that they are complete and attractor. I will also discuss the linear perturbations in our model. It is straightforward to apply our procedure to the other simple Lie groups.
Yuya Tanizaki, YITP
[QCD theory Seminar] Semiclassical description of confinement via center vortices and anomaly-preserving $T^2$ compactifications