Bファクトリー物理勉強会 第24回ミーティング (24th meeting on physics at B factories)
Extension Project for the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility (J-PARC HEF-ex WS)
Muon g-2 theory initiative workshop
2nd KEK-PH on "Next Generation Accelerators"
Invited talks
First talk:
June 23 16:00-17:30: Prof. Mitsuhiro Yoshida (Accelerator Laboratory, KEK), “Future laser and beam driven high gradient accelerator technology”
Second talk:
June 30 16:00-17:30: Prof. Daniel Sculte (CERN), “Muon Collider”
June 30 16:00-17:30: Prof. Daniel Sculte (CERN), “Muon Collider”
The Future of Color Transparency and Hadronization Studies at Jefferson Lab and Beyond
1st KEK-PH 2021 on "Muon g-2"
Invited talks
May 11 17:00-18:30: Dr. Massimo Passera (INFN, Padua), “Muon g-2 and Δα connection”
May 19 17:00-18:30: Prof. Christoph Lehner (Regensburg U. and Brookhaven Natl. Lab.), “Consistency of the hadronic vacuum polarization between lattice QCD and the R-ratio”
7th KEK-PH Lectures and Workshop on "Flavor"
Mar. 24, 16:30-18:00 : Prof. Shoji Hashimoto (KEK), “Filling the gap between inclusive and exclusive processes”
Mar. 30, 17:00-18:30: Dr. Danny van Dyk (TUM), “Exclusive b -> s mu mu Processes as Precision Probes of the Standard Model”
We will have time for contributed talks on March 24. Please submit an abstract using the registration form.
Femtotechnologies by quantum computers in 2021