We discuss the emergence of a low-energy effective theory with quarks, mesons, diquarks and baryons at vanishing and finite baryon density from first principle QCD. The present work also includes an overview on diquarks at vanishing and finite density, and elucidates the physics of transitional changes from baryonic matter to quark matter including diquarks. This set-up is discussed within the functional renormalisation group approach with dynamical hadronisation. In this framework it is detailed how mesons, diquarks, and baryons emerge dynamically from the renormalisation flow of the QCD effective action. Moreover, the fundamental degrees of freedom of QCD, quarks and gluons, decouple from the dynamics of QCD below the respective mass gaps. The resulting global picture unifies the different low energy effective theories used for low and high densities within QCD, and allows for a determination of the respective low energy constants directly from QCD.