セミナー 2025年


New physics searches via angular distributions of B -> D* l nu ( l = e, mu, tau) decays

  • SPEAKER Tejhas Kapoor, IJCLab Orsay
  • PLACE Hybrid On-site: Kenkyu Honkan Seminar room 321, 322 Online: Zoom
Angular distributions are powerful probes to search for new physics signals and constrain the Standard Model parameters. The Belle collaboration has analyzed the B -> D* l nu (l = e, nu) distribution to constrain Vcb and B -> D* form factors. Using the newly released lattice QCD data along with the experimental data, we constrain new physics parameters and obtain correlations between new physics parameters and form factors to understand the hadronic uncertainties better. In the next step, to study B -> D* tau nu decay, we build a measurable angular distribution by considering the additional tau -> mu nu nu decay, and perform a sensitivity study with pseudo experimental data, indicating 5-6% sensitivity on right-handed and tensor currents.
