
Shogo Tanimura, ​Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University

量子測定理論の数学的定式化・量子論と 確率の諸解釈

Seminar Room, Kenkyu Honkan 3F
量子測定理論は,素朴な「波束の収縮」仮説に訴えることなく,量子系の測定における確率と状態変化を記述する理論である.このセミナーでは、 量子測定理 論の基本概念である POVM (probability-operator valued measure), CP map (completely positive map), instrument と,間接測定モデル表現を解説する. また,量子論の解釈に関しては諸説あるが,波動関数の確率解釈を言うにしても,確率自体の解釈に関しても諸説ある.確率の解釈を吟味しないことには, 量子論の解釈を分析することもできないと思われるので,確率の解釈に関する議論を整理したいと思う.ちなみに,私は,波動関数や状態ベクトルやヒルベルト空間は,ミクロ系の内に宿った実体のようなものと捉えるべきではなく,ミク ロ系とマクロ系の間の橋渡し・窓口のようなものとみなすのがよいと考えている.そういう意味で,代数的量子論におけるヒルベルト空間のGNS構成が適切な数理だと考えている.
[1] M. Ozawa, “Uncertainty relations for noise and disturbance in generalized quantum measurements”, Ann. Phys. 311: 350-416 (2004). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003491604000089
[2] 小澤正直「量子測定理論入門」(第56回物性若手夏の学校(2011年度) 講義ノート),物性研究 97巻 1031-1057 (2012). http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110009327893
[3] D. ギリース(中山智香子 訳)「確率の哲学理論」日本経済評論社 (2004).
[4] 松原望「入門ベイズ統計 : 意思決定の理論と発展」東京図書 (2008).
[5] 谷村省吾「21世紀の量子論入門」 第15回:観測問題の基本概念(「理系への数学」(現代数学社)2011年7月号 pp.56-61), 第16回:測定における確率則と遷移則(「理系への数学」(現代数学社)2011年 8月号pp.56-61).
[6] 谷村省吾「波動関数は実在するか ― 物質的存在ではない.二つの世界をつなぐ窓口である」 数理科学2013年12月号 14-21.
[7] 谷村省吾「量子力学 ― 歴史・骨子・展開,そして基礎付け」 数理科学2015年2月号 26-32.

Kentaro Yoshida, Kyoto University

Towards the gravity/CYBE correspondence

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
We present a systematic way to consider integrable deformations of the AdS5×S5 superstring. It is based on classical r-matrices satisfying classical Yang-Baxter equation (CYBE). Then a classical r-matrix gives rise to a gravitational solution that describes a deformed AdS5×S5 geometry. In this seminar, we provide some examples including the Lunin-Maldacena backgrounds for beta deformations of N=4 super Yang-Mills,the Maldacena-Russo backgrounds for non-commutative gauge theories,and Schrodinger spacetimes dual for cold atoms.We present a systematic way to consider integrable deformations of the AdS5×S5 superstring. It is based on classical r-matrices satisfying classical Yang-Baxter equation (CYBE). Then a classical r-matrix gives rise to a gravitational solution that describes a deformed AdS5×S5 geometry.In this seminar, we provide some examples including the Lunin-Maldacena backgrounds for beta deformations of N=4 super Yang-Mills, the Maldacena-Russo backgrounds for non-commutative gauge theories, and Schrodinger spacetimes dual for cold atoms.

Sakine Nishi, Rikkyo University

Generalized Galilean Genesis

Room 345, 4 go-kan 3F
The galilean genesis scenario is an alternative to inflation in which the universe starts expanding from Minkowski in the asymptotic past by violating the null energy condition stably. Several concrete models of galilean genesis have been constructed so far within the context of galileon-type scalar-field theories. We give a generic, unified description of the galilean genesis scenario in terms of the Horndeski theory, i.e., the most general scalar-tensor theory with second-order field equations. In doing so we generalize the previous models to have a new parameter (denoted by \alpha) which results in controlling the evolution of the Hubble rate. The background dynamics is investigated to show that the generalized galilean genesis solution is an attractor, similarly to the original model. We also study the nature of primordial perturbations in the generalized galilean genesis scenario. In all the models described by our generalized genesis Lagrangian, amplification of tensor perturbations does not occur as opposed to what happens in quasi-de Sitter inflation. We show that the spectral index of curvature perturbations is determined solely from the parameter \alpha and does not depend on the other details of the model. In contrast to the original model, a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of curvature perturbations is obtained for a specific choice of \alpha.

Kazuhiro Tobe, Nagoya University

Lepton-flavor-violating Higgs decay $h \rightarrow \mu \tau$ and muon anomalous magnetic moment in a general two Higgs doublet model

Meeting Room 3, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
A two Higgs doublet model (2HDM) is one of the minimal extensions of the standard model (SM), and it is well-known that the general setup predicts the flavor-violating phenomena, mediated by neutral Higgs interactions. Recently the CMS collaboration has reported an excess of the lepton-flavor-violating Higgs decay in $h \rightarrow \mu \tau$ channel with a significance of $2.4 \sigma$. We investigate the CMS excess in a general 2HDM with tree-level flavor changing neutral currents (FCNSs), and discuss its impact on the other physical observations. Especially, we see that the FCNCs relevant to the excess can enhance the neutral Higgs contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (muon g-2), and can resolve the discrepancy between the measured value and the SM prediction. We also find that the couplings to be consistent with the muon g-2 anomaly as well as the CMS excess in $h \rightarrow \mu \tau$ predict the sizable rate of $\tau \rightarrow \mu \gamma$, which is with in the reach of future B factory.

Tatsu Takeuchi 竹内 建, Virginia Tech

Matter Effect from Non-Standard Interactions of the Neutrino

Meeting Room ​1​, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
Neutrino oscillation in matter is sensitive to interactions between the neutrinos and the matter particles, including the Standard Model W-exchange interaction and any Non-Standard Interactions (NSI’s) that the neutrinos may have. In this talk, I will show how the Jacobi method can be utilized to find analytical expressions for the effective mixing angles and effective CP violating phase of the neutrinos in matter, which lead to extremely simple and compact expressions for the oscillation probabilities. All matter effects can be absorbed into the “running” of the effective parameters. It will be shown that the SM interactions cause theta12 and theta13 to run, while NSI’s involving the mu and tau neutrinos cause theta23 and delta to run. By looking at the “running” of the effective parameters, it is possible to find the best conditions under which the NSI effects will be manifest.

Kunio Kaneta, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, U Tokyo

Spontaneous thermal leptogenesis

Meeting room1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Although cosmological and astrophysical observations have found the baryon asymmetry of the universe, the standard model of particle physics hardly explain its origin, and thus new physics beyond the standard model is required. Leptogenesis is one of convincing models for baryogenesis, in which tiny neutrino masses can be explained by the presence of right-handed Majorana neutrinos via seesaw mechanism. There, Majorana masses of the right-handed neutrinos would be originated from spontaneous symmetry breaking of $U(1)_{B-L}$, which can lead to a Nambu-Goldstone boson called Majoron. We discuss a possiblitity that leptogenesis takes place in the primordial thermal bath due to the background Majoron field in motion.
・M.Ibe and K.Kaneta,“Spontaneous thermal Leptogenesis via Majoron oscillation,” arXiv:1504.04125 [hep-ph].

Shinya Aoki, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University

On the definition of entanglement entropy in lattice gauge theories

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
We focus on the issue of proper definition of entanglement entropy in lattice gauge theories, and examine a naive definition where gauge invariant states are viewed as elements of an extended Hilbert space which contains gauge non-invariant states as well. Working in the extended Hilbert space, we can define entanglement entropy associated with an arbitrary subset of links, not only for abelian but also for non-abelian theories. We then derive the associated replica formula. We also discuss the issue of gauge invariance of the entanglement entropy.In the $Z_N$ gauge theories in arbitrary space dimensions, we show that all the standard properties of the entanglement entropy, e.g. the strong subadditivity, hold in our definition. We study the entanglement entropy for special states, including the topological states for the $Z_N$ gauge theories in arbitrary dimensions. We discuss relations of our definition to other proposals.

安井繁宏, 東工大

[近藤問題に関する連続セミナー] クォーク物質におけるQCD近藤効果


倉本義夫, KEK

[近藤問題に関する連続セミナー] 近藤効果の理論的意義と最近の発展


Anupam Mazumdar, Lancaster U

Understanding Gravity

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
I will discuss how gravity in ultraviolet and infrared can be understood in such a way that it can ameliorate some of the singularity problems of nature and also provide some hints to the pertinent question of cosmological constant.

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