
Joe Sato, Saitama U


Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F

Yuhma Asano, Kyoto University

Factorization of the Effective Action in the IIB Matrix Model

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
IIB matrix model is one of the candidates for nonperturbative formulation of the string theory.
While the coordinates are represented by matrices in the original interpretation, the matrices are interpreted as a covariant derivative in the “derivative interpretation.” The advantage of the representation is the manifest diffeomorphism invariance.
We calculate the low-energy effective action in the derivative interpretation and find that it is expressed as a sum of terms, each of which is factorized into a product of diffeomorphism invariant action functionals. This form of the action can be interpreted as describing a multiverse where the universes are connected by wormholes. I will also discuss the locality and the relation to realistic models.

Marco Panero, University of Helsinki

Strongly coupled gauge theories in a spacetime with a compact extra dimension

Meeting room 3, Kenkyu honkan 1F
The idea that the physical spacetime might have more than four dimensions dates back to almost a century ago, but during the last few decades it has received renewed attention, due to its connections to String Theory, and to potential applications for New Physics at energies within reach of the LHC experiments. In particular, gauge theories defined in a spacetime with compact extra dimensions are a theoretically appealing setup for models of Grand Unification and electroweak symmetry breaking, for the fermion hierarchy problem, and for the strong-CP problem. While a gauge theory in a spacetime with more than four dimensions is generally non-renormalizable, and thus cannot be considered as a fundamental theory, it can be interpreted as a low-energy effective description of an underlying, more fundamental theory. In this talk, after reviewing the general properties of models defined in extra dimensions, I shall discuss the construction and the non-perturbative lattice investigation of a strongly coupled SU(2) gauge model in a five-dimensional spacetime with a compact extra dimension. In particular, I shall present the phase diagram of the model, and discuss how various four-dimensional theories can emerge in different low-energy limits.

Hajime Sotani, NAOJ

Constraint on equation of state of Nuclear matter via neutron star asteroseismology

Meeting room, 3 go-kan
The equation of state in the lower density region up to the nuclear saturation density is becoming to be determined, but still there exist uncertainties. Especially, it is difficult to experimentally determine the parameters corresponding to the incompressibility of nuclear matter and the density derivative of symmetry energy. On the other hand, the neutron stars produced after the supernovae realize the ultra-high density inside the star. Thus, the neutron stars might be a suitable “laboratory” to see the properties of high density region. In practice, via the observations of the stellar oscillations and/or the gravitational waves emitted from such compact objects, one could make a constraint on the equation of state. In this talk, using the asteroseismology in neutron stars, we discuss the possibility to constrain the equation of state of nuclear matter.

吉川耕司, 筑波大学計算科学センター


Room345, 4 go-kan
銀河・銀河団・宇宙の大規模構造などの無衝突自己重力系の研究では、過去数十年にわたってN体シミュレーションがほぼ唯一の数値シミュレーションの手法として「君臨」してきた。実際にそれらの方法は数々の成功を収め、多大なる成果を上げてきたことは事実である。しかしながら、N体シミュレーションという手法自体の正当性を真剣に検討した研究はこれまでそれほど多くはない。その理由は、無衝突自己重力系の基礎方程式であるVlasov-Poisson方程式系の直接数値シミュレーションが、膨大なメモリ容量と計算コストが必要とする ため技術的に困難であったからである。そのため、対称性を課して次元を落として行われた研究はあるが、座標空間3次元+運動量空間3次元の6次元位相空間での直接数値シミュレーションはこれまで試みられていなかった。


安齋千隼, 東北大


Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F

Harald Fritzsch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet

Composite Weak Bosons at the LHC

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
The weak bosons are considered as composite systems. The constituents are confined like the quarks in a rho meson. The substructure scale is estimated to be of the order of 0.5 TeV. A new isoscalar neutral weak boson must exist. Its mass should not exceed 1 TeV. Excitations of the weak bosons can be produced at the LHC. The lowest p-wave state is identified with the particle, which might have been observed at the LHC with a mass of 126 GeV. A substructure for the weak bosons implies also a substructure for the leptons and quarks, which should soon be observed at the LHC.

Pascal Naidon, RIKEN

Recent developments in Efimov physics

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
The Efimov effect is a special three-body binding mechanism occurring in the universal regime of particles interacting with large scattering lengths. This mechanism allows the existence of an infinite number of bound states related to each other by scale invariance. Originally predicted 40 years ago in the context of nuclear physics, it has been investigated experimentally over the last few years with ultracold gases of atoms. In this talk, I will introduce the basic theory of this effect, and present some of its experimental observations, as well as related developments in few-body theory.

Alessandro De Angelis, U Udine / ICRR, U Tokyo

Dark matter and new particles with Cherenkov telescopes

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Recent results from very-high energy cosmic gamma-ray experiments are reviewed, with emphasis on fundamental physics and search for new particles. The prospects for next generation detectors, CTA in particular, are outlined.

木村元, Shibaura Institue of Technology


Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
量子力学を — アプリオリな数学ではなく — 物理原理に基づき構築する試みを紹介する.これは近年世界的に研究が進められる一方,国内での関心は高いとは言えない.そこで本セミナーの主目的を,物理理論を原理ベースで理解する意義を共有することとする.その上で,量子力学の原理探求の最適な舞台となる「操作主義的な確率論」を説明し,本研究に関する最新の成果を紹介する.

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