
Tsubasa Ichikawa, Research Center for Quantum Computing, Kinki U


Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F

西尾亮一, IPMU

Studying DVCS in gravitational dual (in Japanese)

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
仮想光子とハドロンの非前方散乱(DVCS)は、一般化されたパートン分布(GPD)を決定できるという点で興味深い。GPDは散乱振幅におけるゲージ理論の非摂動部分なので、通常の解析計算からは導出できない。なので私は、ゲージ/重力対応による、DVCSとGPDのモデルを提示したい。ゲージ理論側ではGPDとは、DVCSの散乱振幅を演算子展開(OPE)した際の、twist 2の演算子の寄与である。従って重力理論側からGPDを決定しようとする際に問題となるのは、重力理論側でのDVCSの散乱振幅に対して、OPEに相当する展開を行い、twist 2の演算子の寄与を決定し抽出することである。これを詳しく整理することで、最新の研究ではskewedness依存性も取り扱えるようになった。この点についても紹介する予定である。

A.B. Balantekin, University of Wisconsin-Madison and NAOJ


Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
After a very exciting discovery stage during the last decade, neutrino physics is now at precision stage. Additionally neutrinos play a rather special role in astrophysics. This talk will cover one example of each; i) Testing the CPT theorem and physics beyond the Standard Model using solar neutrinos; ii) Invariants associated with the supernova neutrinos and their implications for observations.

Dmitry Khangulyan, JAXA

Shedding light on the pulsar wind

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Pulsars are believed to eject ultrarelativistic electron-positron winds that propagate to the large distances leading to the formation of the extended non-thermal sources known as plerions. The wind has been proposed to originate close to the light cylinder, and carry the rotational energy losses of the pulsar. At the beginning the wind is dominated by electromagnetic energy (Poynting flux), but at some later stage the wind is accelerated with most of the Poynting flux being converted to the kinetic energy of bulk motion. Such winds have not been yet observed, therefore the proposed scenario has been deemed inconclusive. The `cold’ winds (in the sense of the low energy of the electrons in the frame of moving plasma) represent a form of “dark substance” since, despite the very high energy of the wind particles, the wind emission is extremely weak. In fact, the pulsar winds are visible only in inverse Compton gamma-rays. Recent observations in high energy (HE) and very high energy (VHE) domains with Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi/LAT) and ground based Cherenkov detectors Magic and Veritas allow the key properties of the pulsar winds to be measured in a few important systems. In particular, the recently observed VHE pulsed gamma-rays emitted by the Crab pulsar are best explained as arising from the X-ray photons scattering off the wind’s electrons. This finding supports the presence of an ultrarelativistic wind in the Crab pulsar, and provides unique information about the acceleration site of the wind at R_w ~ 30 light cylinders, and its Lorentz factor, Γ_0 = 5 x 105. In the case of the pulsars located in close binary systems, the dense stellar photon field provided by the companion star can dramatically enhance the interaction rate of wind electrons with target photons, leading to the formation of detectable gamma-ray signal. Interestingly, the bright gamma ray flare of the binary pulsar PSR B1259-63/LS2883 detected by the Fermi/LAT after several weeks of the periastron passage, can be also interpreted as the inverse Compton (IC) emission of the unshocked electron-positron pulsar wind with Lorentz factor Γ_0 ~104.

Aleksey Cherman, University of Cambridge

Sneaking up on dense QCD using large N methods

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Finite-density QCD notoriously suffers from the fermion sign problem, which makes lattice Monte Carlo simulations essentially impossible. As a result, we have little non-perturbative information on the behavior of QCD at finite baryon number density. I will discuss a recent proposal to dodge the sign problem by exploiting orbifold equivalence, a property of the large N limit of QCD. The proposal starts with the observation that if the gauge group of QCD is changed from SU(N) to SO(N), the sign problem does not appear at finite baryon number chemical potential, and the resulting theory can be studied on the lattice. Despite this seemingly drastic change, it turns out that there is a large N orbifold equivalence between the SO(N) theory and SU(N) QCD. I will argue that with some extra work, the equivalence can be made to hold at finite chemical potential, while the SO theory does not have a sign problem. This opens up the prospect of learning about QCD at finite baryon number density using lattice studies of the SO(N) theory.

Kunio Kaneta, Osaka University

Parity Violation in SUSY QCD

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
In SUSY QCD, a mass of left-handed squark is generally not the same as that of right-handed squark. Therefore, parity can be violated in QCD process by quark-squark-gluino vertexes. We focus on this parity violation, and discuss following two topics.
1. A discrimination between SUSY and UED. SUSY and UED are promising candidates beyond the SM. It is important to experimentally distinguish one from the other. We make a proposal to discriminate SUSY from UED at the LHC by focusing on the parity violation without discovering any new particles.
2. A bound for left-right degeneracy between squark masses. Since any parity violations have not been discovered in QCD, non-degeneracy bounds should be obtained between left-and right-handed squarks. We try to estimate the bounds by an investigation of charmonium decay and nucleon interactions.

大川博督, 京都大学基礎物理学研究所


Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F

Souvik Banerjee, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar

The Holographic Spectral Functions in Non-Equilibrium States

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
We show how holography gives a framework to reproduce aspects of kinetics in strongly coupled media. We develop a holographic prescription to compute the spectral function of (Bosonic/Fermionic) operators in non-equilibrium states. We apply this prescription to reproduce the expected oscillation of the holographic Fermi surface in states with hydrodynamic fluctuations about equilibrium.

Kwang-Chang Lai, Chang Gung University

Astrophysical High Energy Neutrinos

Large meeting room, 2 go-kan 1F
The construction of neutrino telescopes such as IceCube, ARA, KM3Net, etc. makes important progress toward the neutrino astronomy. With the capability of observing astrophysical high energy neutrinos (AHENs) and of identifying their flavors, neutrino telescopes open a new window on both astrophysics and particle physics. In this report, I will first review briefly different sources of AHENs, in terms of their flavor compositions. The difficulty in resolving the source type is analyzed by combining the accuracies in neutrino telescope observations and the knowledge of neutrino mixing angles. Second, a new parametrization of flavor transition matrix will be introduced, with which I discuss classification of flavor transition mechanisms, including decay models, and probes for transition matrix elements. Finally, neutrino signals in the telescope and discrimination of their flavors will be addressed.

Seiji Zenitani, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Numerical modeling of relativistic magnetic reconnection (in Japanese)

Meeting room 3, Kenkyu honkan 1F
There is a growing attention to magnetic reconnection in relativistic astrophysics, but basic mechanisms of relativistic reconnection have been poorly understood.  In this talk I will overview our numerical investigations on magnetic reconnection in relativistic pair plasmas.  Kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations demonstrate that reconnection is a powerful particle accelerator and that various kinetic instabilities take place.  Relativistic two-fluid and resistive relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RRMHD) simulations show larger-scale pictures including various new shocks.  General features in these results as well as the relevance to the theoretical models will be presented.

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