
Kenji Toma, Osaka Univ

Efficient Acceleration of Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Jets

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
Collimated outflows (or jets) with relativistic speeds are driven in various celestial objects. The origin of relativistic jets are thought to be black holes with their accretion flows, although the detailed mechanism remains unknown. A widely discussed model is that rotational energy of the accretion flow is magnetohydrodynamically converted into the outflow energy in analogy of pulsar winds. One of the major problems for this model is how Poynting flux can be efficiently transferred to particle kinetic energy flux. Recently some numerical simulations of global structure of steady magnetohydrodynamic jets have been significantly developed, but they have not succeeded in reproducing the energy conversion as efficient as suggested by observations. We focus on the motion along a magnetic field line and show some examples of 2-dimensional field configuration for which the energy conversion is efficient enough, also discussing the conditions required for the external boundary of the jet.

Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Kavli IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo

Equilibrium partition functions and actions for hydrodynamics

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu-Honkan 1F
At first, we shall study the thermal partition function of quantum field theories on arbitrary stationary background spacetime, and with arbitrary stationary background gauge fields, in the long wavelength expansion. We shall demonstrate that the equations of relativistic hydrodynamics are significantly constrained by the requirement of consistency with any partition function. In specific examples, at low orders in the derivative expansion, we shall demonstrate that these constraints coincide precisely with the equalities between hydrodynamic transport coefficients that follow from the local form of the second law of thermodynamics. We shall then go on to construct non-trivial classical action for second order non-dissipative hydrodynamics involving pure energy-momentum transport. Comparison of our results with non-dissipative hydrodynamics that follows from entropy current analysis, reveals the existence of additional constrains, when the effective theory of hydrodynamics follows from an action principle.

Arhrib Abdesslam, Abdelmalek Essadi U.

Diphoton excess in type II seesaw Model

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
In this talk, the general renormalizable Higgs potential of the type II seesaw model will be introduced. A detail study of its main dynamical constraints such as boundedness from below and perturbative unitarity will presented. Then, I will discuss how the model can account for the two photon excess found by CMS and ATLAS.

森越文明, NTT物性科学基礎研究所


Room 322, Kenkyu Honkan 3F
量子論における非局所性を示すには,通常,Bell不等式による議論が用いられる.しかし,量子論の存在論的モデルにおいて,量子状態が認識論的ではなく存在論的なものである場合には, Bell不等式を用いずとも,より平易な議論で非局所性を証明できることが知られている.存在論的モデルにおける量子状態は認識論的なものではないと最近証明されたことを受けて,上記の議論があらためて重要になってくるものと考えられる.本講演では,多者間の非局所性においても同様の議論を展開する.

Tomohiro Abe, TsingHua University

LHC Higgs Signatures from Extended Electroweak Gauge Symmetry

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
We study LHC Higgs signatures from the extended electroweak gauge symmetry SU(2) x SU(2) x U(1). Under this gauge structure, there are two neutral Higgs states (h, H) and three new gauge bosons (W’, Z’). We identify the lighter Higgs state h with mass 125GeV. The parameter space of this model is highly predictive. We study the production and decay signals of this 125GeV Higgs boson h at the LHC. We demonstrate that the h can naturally have enhanced signals in the diphoton channel gg→h→γγ, while the events rates in the reactions gg→h→WW* and gg→h→ZZ* can be same as the SM expectation.

Tastu Takeuchi, Virginia Tech

Some Mutant Forms of Quantum Mechanics

Seminar Room, Kenkyu Honkan3F
In order to progress our understanding of Quantum Mechanics, we advocate what we call the “geneticist’s approach” in which we introduce mutations to the mathematical genotypes of Quantum Mechanics and study how it affects the physical phenotypes of the theory. We show a few examples of such “mutations” and how the predictions of Quantum Mechanics are affected. We argue that in the process, the physical meanings of various mathematical aspects of Quantum Mechanics will be clarified, and further possible directions of evolution will be evinced.

Hiroyuki Abe, Waseda Univ.

Phenomenological aspects of ten-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory on magnetized tori

Meeting Room 3, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
We present a particle physics model based on a ten-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory compactified on magnetized tori preserving four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetry.
The low-energy spectrum contains the minimal supersymmetric standard model with hierarchical Yukawa couplings caused by a wavefunction localization of the chiral matter fields due to the existence of magnetic fluxes, allowing a semi-realistic pattern of the quark and the lepton masses and mixings.
We show supersymmetric flavor structures at low energies induced by a moduli-mediated and an anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking.

Mark Vagins, Kavli IPMU, U. of Tokyo

GADZOOKS! How to See Extragalactic Neutrinos By 2016

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F 
Water Cherenkov detectors have been used for many years to study neutrino interactions and search for nucleon decays. Super-Kamiokande, at 50 kilotons the largest such underground detector in the world, has enjoyed over fifteen years of interesting and important physics results. Looking to the future, for the last nine years R&D on a potential upgrade to the detector has been underway. Enriching Super-K with 100,000 kilograms of a water-soluble gadolinium compound – thereby enabling it to detect thermal neutrons and dramatically improving its performance as a detector for supernova neutrinos, reactor neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos, and also as a target for the T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment – will be discussed.

Gaber Faisel, National Central U

Supersymmetric contributions to B_s --> φ π^0 and B_s --> φ ρ^0 decays in SCET

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
In this talk I present the study of the decay modes B_s –> φ π^0 and B_s –> φ ρ^0 using Soft Collinear Effective Theory. I briefly give an introduction to Soft Collinear Effective Theory and discuss the importance of electroweak penguins in the decay modes B_s –> φ π^0 and B_s –> φ ρ^0. The branching ratios of these decay modes are so small in the SM and thus provide a test for new physics beyond SM.

Yuta Hamada, Kyoto University

Bare Higgs mass at Planck scale

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
We compute one and two loop quadratic divergent contributions to the bare Higgs mass in terms of the bare couplings in the Standard Model (SM). We approximate the bare couplings, defined at the ultraviolet cutoff scale, by the MSbar ones at the same scale, which are evaluated by the two loop renormalization group equations for the Higgs mass around 126GeV in the SM. We obtain the cutoff scale dependence of the bare Higgs mass, and examine where it becomes zero. We find that when we take the current central value for the top quark pole mass, 173GeV, the bare Higgs mass vanishes if the cutoff is about 10^{23}GeV. With a 1.3 sigma smaller mass, 170GeV, the scale can be of the order of the Planck scale.

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