Robert Brandenberger, McGill University
Superstring Theory and Cosmology of the Very Early Universe
At the present time, cosmology is presenting us with a wealth of data which can only be explained by invoking new physics operating in the very early universe. I will introduce three paradigms for the evolution of the early universe: inflation, a cosmological bounce, and an emergent scenario. I will argue that in light of arguments from quantum gravity and string theory the inflationary paradigm is severely constrained.
I will then discuss attempts to obtain an emergent cosmology making use of fundamental principles of superstring theory, in particular matrix theory.
Sotaro Sugishita, Nagoya University
Target space entanglement in quantum mechanics of fermions and matrices
I will introduce the notion of target space entanglement. Quantum entanglement is closely related to the structure of spacetime in quantum gravity. For quantum field theories or statistical models, we usually consider the base space entanglement. However, target space instead of base space sometimes directly connects to our spacetime, for example, perturbative string theories. We thus need target space entanglement. To define the target space entanglement, we have to generalize the definition of the conventional entanglement entropy. I will explain this generalization and apply it to the first quantized particles, in particular, fermions.
Yuki Fujimoto, University of Tokyo
[QCD Theory Seminar] Non-Abelian Alice strings in two-flavor dense QCD
Recently, the new phase of the two-flavor color superconductor was proposed in connection with the recent discussion on the equation of state of neutron stars [1]. In this talk, I will show the classification of the topological vortices in this phase. We found that the most stable vortices are what we call the “non-Abelian Alice strings” [2]. They are superfluid vortices carrying 1/3 quantized circulation and color magnetic fluxes. I will discuss in some details about their properties in comparison to the well-established CFL vortices in three-flavor symmetric setup, by putting some emphasis on their peculiarity: the non-Abelian generalization of the Alice property. I will also discuss the confinement of the vortices as well as how the vortices in the quark phase are connected to those in the hadronic phase [3].
[1] Y. Fujimoto, K. Fukushima, W. Weise, Phys. Rev. D 101, 094009 (2020), arXiv:1908.09360 [hep-ph].
[2] Y. Fujimoto, M. Nitta, Phys. Rev. D 103, 054002 (2021), arXiv:2011.09947 [hep-ph]; JHEP 09 (2021) 192, arXiv:2103.15185 [hep-ph].
[3] Y. Fujimoto, M. Nitta, Phys. Rev. D 103, 114003 (2021), arXiv:2102.12928 [hep-ph].
[1] Y. Fujimoto, K. Fukushima, W. Weise, Phys. Rev. D 101, 094009 (2020), arXiv:1908.09360 [hep-ph].
[2] Y. Fujimoto, M. Nitta, Phys. Rev. D 103, 054002 (2021), arXiv:2011.09947 [hep-ph]; JHEP 09 (2021) 192, arXiv:2103.15185 [hep-ph].
[3] Y. Fujimoto, M. Nitta, Phys. Rev. D 103, 114003 (2021), arXiv:2102.12928 [hep-ph].
Andrey Shkerin, University of Minnesota
Black hole induced false vacuum decay from first principles
We will discuss a method to calculate the rate of false vacuum decay induced by a black hole. The method uses complex tunnelling solutions and consistently takes into account the structure of quantum vacuum associated to the black hole. We will illustrate the technique on a two- dimensional toy model of a scalar field with inverted Liouville potential in an external background of a dilaton black hole. Using this model, we will compute the exponential suppression of tunnelling from the Boulware, Hartle-Hawking and Unruh vacuum states and show that they are parametrically different. Finally, we will discuss how our results are generalised to the realistic case of black holes in four dimensions.
Benjamin Grinstein, University of California San Diego
[EX] The Neutron Decay Anomaly: a window to new Physics, perhaps.
In this talk I will first review a long-standing discrepancy between the neutron lifetime as measured in beam and in bottle experiments. If this discrepancy is not due to a systematic error, it may be due to novel mechanisms for neutron transmutation into new, as yet unknown elementary particles. These particles would be electrically neutral, or so-called “dark”. We will explain several scenarios for the possibility of neutron transmutation into dark particles. For example, in one interesting scenario the products of the neutron transmutation include a monochromatic photon with energy in the range 0.782 MeV?1.664 MeV and this is predicted to occur in 1% of all neutron decays. We will describe recent theoretical developments as well as ongoing and planned experiments looking directly to establish or rule out the “dark decay” hypothesis.
松本 伸之, 学習院大学
[KEK連携コロキウム] 量子振り子の開発と応用
Keisuke Fujii, Heidelberg University
[QCD theory Seminar] Transport coefficients of resonating fermions in the quantum virial expansion
We consider two-component fermions with a zero-range interaction in two and three dimensions and study their transport coefficients—shear viscosity, bulk viscosity, and thermal conductivity—for an arbitrary scattering length. In order to carry out reliable analysis in the strongly correlated regime, such as near the unitarity limit, we employ the quantum virial expansion. The quantum virial expansion is applicable to the high-temperature regime and has been actively used as a non-perturbative method in ultracold-atom physics.
In this talk, I will first review the quantum virial expansion for the resonating fermions and then introduce previous results for the transport coefficients. Next, I will show that the Kubo formula of the shear viscosity and the thermal conductivity evaluated at the lowest order in the quantum virial expansion is reduced to the linearized Boltzmann equation [1]. I will also discuss that the bulk viscosity cannot be calculated from the kinetic theory even in the high-temperature regime [2].
[1] KF & Y. Nishida, PRA 103, 053320 (2021).
[2] KF & Y. Nishida, PRA 102, 023310 (2020).
[1] KF & Y. Nishida, PRA 103, 053320 (2021).
[2] KF & Y. Nishida, PRA 102, 023310 (2020).
Shunsaku Horiuchi, Virginia Tech / Kavli IPMU
[EX] Predicting the Diffuse Flux of Supernova Neutrinos
The diffuse flux of supernova neutrinos provides an immediate opportunity to detect stellar core-collapse neutrinos. This signal is spatially isotropic and temporally constant, arising from the combined fluxes of neutrinos emitted from all distant stellar core collapses. It has not been detected yet, but the Super-Kamiokande detector, now upgraded with gadolinium, should detect a few neutrino events every year, providing a new probe of core-collapse neutrinos and the cosmic core-collapse rate. In this talk, I will review predictions of this signal. Inputs from both the theoretical and observational communicates are crucial, and I will cover recent insights gained from both simulations of core collapse and surveys of supernovae. I will close with promising probes in both the discovery and precision phases.
津久井 崇史 (国立天文台 総研大5年) 他
The KEK-NAOJ Joint Seminar 1st meeting
We will have a series of joint-meetings of KEK and NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
The first on-line meeting is held on Oct. 1, 2021 from 10AM for 2 hours.
There are 6 pedagogical talks of 15 minutes. The slides are written in English, but most talks are given in Japanese. When the COVID19 is settled, we will plan a tour to NAOJ for graduate students.
Please come to the meeting and enjoy the talks of astrophysics.
10:00 – 10:15 津久井 崇史 (国立天文台 総研大5年):
Takashi Tsukui (NAOJ, Sokendai 5th year) “The measurement of galactic structures in a galaxy more than 12 billion years ago using the gas dynamics”
10:00 – 10:15 津久井 崇史 (国立天文台 総研大5年):
Takashi Tsukui (NAOJ, Sokendai 5th year) “The measurement of galactic structures in a galaxy more than 12 billion years ago using the gas dynamics”
10:20 – 10:35 伊藤 慧 (国立天文台 総研大5年):
Kei Ito (NAOJ, Sokendai 5th year
“Large-scale structure and galaxy evolution in the early universe revealed by the Subaru Telescope”
10:40 – 10:55 滝脇 知也 (国立天文台 科学研究部助教):
Tomoya Takiwaki (NAOJ, Division of Science, Assistant Professor) “Neutrino oscillation in core-collapse supernovae”
11:00 – 11:15 加藤 晶大 (高エネ研 総研大3年):
Akihiro Kato (KEK, IPNS, CMB experiment, Sokendai 3rd year), “Characterization of cosmic ray noise of LiteBIRD satellite using a tunable infrared laser”
11:20 – 11:35 Rishabh Bajpai (高エネ研 総研大4年):
“Gravitational Wave Detector and Study of Cryogenic Technical Noise in KAGRA”
11:40 – 11:55 郡 和範 (高エネ研 理論センター准教授):
Kazunori Kohri (KEK, Theory Center, Associate Professor), “Theory of the Inflationary Universe: A unique bridge between astronomy and high-energy physics”
Samuel Charles Passaglia, KIPMU
Isocurvature, Black Holes, and the Maximum Temperature of our Universe