Belle II Physics Week (6th Belle II Theory Interface Platform, B2TiP, Workshop)
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林博貴, 東海大学
「だれも教えてくれなかった!? LHC/PLANCK 後の超弦塾」集中講義(研究会)第2回「Box graphと特異点解消:小平分類を超えて」
本間良則, 明治学院大学
「だれも教えてくれなかった!? LHC/PLANCK 後の超弦塾」 集中講義(研究会)第1回「ミラー対称性とその超弦現象論への応用」
21st meeting on physics at B factories
The main purpose of SuperKEKB/Belle II is to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model through B, D and tau decays by accumulating 50 times more data than KEKB/Belle by the mid of the next decade. It also aims to directly search for dark-sector and axion-like particles by taking advantage of high luminosity e+e- collider experiments.
In March of this year SuperKEKB started the Phase II commissioning, and the first collision was successfully detected in April. It achieved the first target luminosity of 10^33/cm^2/s this past May. The Belle II detector also started taking data, which are being analyzed to release the first physics results.
This series of meetings aims to provide opportunities, where theorists and experimentalists get together and closely discuss physics at B factories.
In this 21st meeting, we will have the following invited talks:
Yosuke Maeda (Nagoya) “Belle II phase 2 summary”
Katsuro Nakamura (KEK) “Review on Vcb (experiment)”
Eiichi Nakano (Osaka City) “New physics search using leptonic B decays”
Yusuke Shimizu (Hiroshima) “Review on Vcb (theory)”
Yousuke Yusa (Niigata) “Time-dependent CP violation of B decays related to recent results”
The working language of the 21st meeting is English, and non-Japanese participants are very welcome.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any requests and/or suggestions.
Th: M. Endo, T. Goto, J. Hisano, T. Kaneko, Y. Kiyo, S. Mishima, T. Morozumi, M. Nojiri, Y. Okada, T. Onogi, M. Tanaka, M. Tanimoto
Exp: K. Hayasaka, T. Higuchi, A. Ishikawa, S. Nishida, Y. Ushiroda
Mini-workshop on inflation, mirror symmetry and F-theory
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Workshop on "Structures of Heavy Quark and Exotic Hadrons"
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