日付 | 曜日 | 開始 時間 |
場所 | 講師(所属) | 講演題目 | 世話人 |
2008/3/28 | Fri. | 13:30- | the meeting room in KEKB control building. | Dr. XU Gang, IHEP, China | Commissioning Progress of BEPCII |
Ohmi |
The BEPCII commissioning started in November of 2006. After two phases commissioning, the current of both beam for colliding mode have been above 500mA, and the luminosity is above 10^32. The machine has been opened to the synchrotron radiation users. The beam cuurent for the synchrotron radiation mode has get the design goal 250mA, the topoff injection mode has been realized. In this talk, the brief introduction about the commissioning process and results will be shown. The third phase goal will be presented also. |
2008/3/27 | (Thu) | 13:30 ~ 15:00 | The meeting room on the 5th floor in Building No.3 |
Frank Zimmermann, CERN, Switzerland | Status, Schedule and Future of LHC | Naoko Iida |
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be the world's next energy-frontier machine, bringing into collision counter-rotating proton beams of about 3000 bunches each at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV with a design luminosity of 1e34 /cm^2/s. About 25 years after its original conception, the LHC will start beam operation later this year. At the same time upgrade scenarios for the LHC and its injectors are being finalized, which could boost the LHC luminosity by another order of magnitude on the 10-15 years time scale. After a brief overview of the LHC main features, this talk will report on the progress of the LHC hardware commissioning, the further 2008 schedule including beam commissioning and first collisions, and the LHC upgrade plans. |
2008/3/26 | (水) | 13:30~ | PF研究棟2階会議室 | S.Simrock氏(DESY) | European XFEL (Project Overview) | 帯名 |
2008/3/17 | (月) | 10:00~ | PF研究棟2階会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | Timing and Sync. Part II (Design) | 帯名 |
2008/3/14 | (金) | 10:00~ |
KEKBコントロール棟会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | Timing and Sync. Part I (Concepts) | 帯名 |
2008/3/11 | (火) | 13:30~ | PF研究棟2階会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | LLRF part3 (LLRF for the XFEL) |
帯名 |
2008/3/7 | (Fri.) | 10:00~ | KEKBコントロール棟会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | LLRF (Low-Level RF) part2 | 帯名 |
2008/3/6 | (Thu.) | 13:30~ | KEKBコントロール棟会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | LLRF (Low-Level RF) part1 | 帯名 |
2007/12/12 | (Wed.) | 13:30- | meeting room in KEKB control building | Yiton Yan, SLAC | Optics measurement, modeling, and correction with MIA --- The PEP-II experience | Ohmi |
With a model-independent analysis (MIA) for precision linear orbit measurement and providing almost unlimited Green's functions, we have been able to obtain accurate lattice models, called virtual machines that match the PEP-II Low-Energy Ring (LER) or High-Energy Ring (HER) in optics. Once a virtual machine is obtained, we may try to find and adjust one or two magnets with noticeable differences from expectation. However, a more common practice is to search for an easily-approachable better-optics model by pre-selecting and fitting a group of normal and skew quadrupoles and/or orbit correctors (for sextupole bumps). The corresponding magnet changes are then dialed into the real accelerator. These procedures have been successfully applied to PEP-II LER and HER for beta beat fixing, coupling and dispersion correction, large working tune jump, IP optics optimization, and have helped PEP-II overcome milestones in luminosity enhancement. |
2007/11/27 | (Tue) | 9:30- | meeting room in KEKB control building | E. Perevedentsev, Budker INP, Novosibirsk |
Commissioning of VEPP-2000 Collider | 大見 |
VEPP-2000 collider is designed for high-luminosity performance by operating with round colliding beams at the energy of up to 1 GeV per beam. Its commissioning is now in progress, current status will be reported. Different options of round colliding beams will be discussed. | ||||||
2007/11/16 | (金) | 13:30- | KEKB制御棟会議室 | Prof. Liu SongQiang(SSRC) | Status of SSRF | 山本 |
2007/10/10 | (水) | 13:30- | 3号館5階会議室 | Martin J. Lee 氏(SLAC) | A Tale of Two Careers: From Accelerator Modeling to Innovative Research | 生出 |
SLAC has long been a leader in accelerator modeling technology transfer. For over three decades, Dr. Martin Lee has engaged in the transfer of SLAC's accelerator modeling technology to the outside world. Recently, he has been working on bringing novel modeling technology to SLAC. Since joining the laboratory's Office of Technology Transfer in July 2007 as an industrial collaborations engineering physicist, he began to play the role as the "Ambassador of Tech Transfer"-at-large. In this talk, Dr. Lee will share his experiences with the "Modeling of Beam Lifetime using a Combined First-Principles Model and a Neural Network"--a current collaborative project with Pavilion Technology. |
2007/9/14 | (金) | 13:30- | 3号館セミナーホール | 堀内茂木氏(独立行政法人防災科学技術研究所研究参事) | ホームサイスモメータ普及計画と高精度地震制御システム に ついて | 末武 |
我々は、(株)エイツーと共同で、安価な地震計を組み込んだ緊急 地震速報の受信 端末(ホームサイスモメータ)を開発した。こ の端末が一点普及すると、リアルタイ ムで接続された地震観測 点が一点増えることになり、将来、極めて高密度の地震観測 網 が整備される見通しである。研究所や会社の周辺に多数のホームサイス モメータが 設置され、そのデータが、リアルタイムで解析でき るようになると、高精度の地震の 揺れの事前予測が行えるよう になる。これを利用することにより、安価で、高性能の 地震制 御システム構築が可能になる。 | ||||||
2007/9/14 | (Fri.) | 15:00-16:00 | Meeting Room of 1-Go kan (Danwa-shitsu) | Dr. Zeke Insepov (ANL) | Introduction to energetic ion interaction with surface | 川合 |
Introduction to surface erosion and modification by energetic highly-charged and cluster ions will be given that are important in the development of semiconductor devices, TeV accelerators, fission and fusion reactors, magnetic storage, and in the development of a future Extreme Ultra-Violet Lithography device. Gas cluster ion beam (GCIB) surface treatment can significantly mitigate the high-gradient electric vacuum breakdown of rf-cavities. GCIB can also mitigate Q-slope drop in superconducting Nb-cavities. Various mechanisms of the Highly-charged ion (HCI) energy transfer into the solid target, such as hollow atom formation, charge screening and neutralization, shock wave generation, and sputtering were analyzed. Surface erosions caused by GCIB, HCI bombardments, and by low energy He+ and H+ ions typical for fission and fusion devices were studied by using Molecular Dynamics simulation. A He bubble splashing mechnaism of liquid Li containing was developed, and surface erosion was simulated. The mechanism of bubble explosion could significantly contribute to the surface erosion at high ion fluxes and explain the existing experimental results. |
2007/6/13 | (水) | 13:30-14:30 | 3号館5階会議室 | 山田広成(立命館大学、放射光生命科学研究センター) | 高輝度単色X線の引き出しに成功した卓上型シンクロトロン“みらくる20SX” | 高山 |
“みらくる”は、X線イメージングにおいて、X線管とも放射光とも異なる高品質X線を発生し、腫瘍のの形状や血管の形状まで識別しているが、このほど、“みらくる20SX”(外径80cmという超小型シンクロトロン)及び2結晶分光ビームラインを開発して、単色X線の引き出しに成功した。結晶構造解析、EXAFS、小角散乱実験等が小規模ラボで可能となる。ビーム加速では、20MeVという低エネルギー電子にも関わらず、10マイクロ秒のダンピングが起きていることが明らかになった。ビーム物理の興味として、強制放射ダンピングについて議論する。 |
2007/6/12 | (火) | 13:30-15:00 | 3号館 7階 会議室 | Dr. Michael Pekeler (ACCEL社, ドイツ) | Superconducting RF activities at ACCEL Instruments GmbH | 加古 |
As a leading manufacturer for accelerator components, ACCEL Instruments is producing superconducting cavities and accelerator modules for worldwide customers. The scope of work can reach from built to print of superconducting cavities or high power couplers to design, engineering, manufacturing, assembly, preparation, testing and taking into operation of complete SRF accelerator modules. Those modules are typically delivered with guaranteed values for cavity gradient and Q. The manufacturing capabilities and performances achieved by delivered SRF modules will be presented on selected past and running contracts. An outlook for possible future major projects like XFEL or ILC will be given. |
2007/6/1 | (金) | 13:30- | 2号館2階会議 | 生出勝宣氏 | コライダーのビーム物理 | 大見和史 |
2007/5/29 | (火) | 9:30- | KEKBコントロール棟会議室 | D. Shatilov氏(BINP, Novosibirsk) | Beam-Beam Interaction with Large Piwinski Angle and Crab Waist | 大見 |
2007/5/17 | (木) | 13:30-14:30 | 4号館1階セミナーホール | Bruno Autin, CERN | The curious interplay between neutrino factories and hadron therapy | 高山 健 |
2007/4/6 | (金) | 9:30-10:30 | KEKB会議室 | 田内利明 | ATF2 | 横谷馨 |
2008/4/14 | 月 | 10:00 - 11:30 | 1号館談話室 |
岡村昌宏(BNL研究員、理化学研 究所客員研究員) |
レーザーによる多種イオンの発生について Laser Based Various Ion Productions |
高山 |
紹介させていただきます。他の機関でのアクティビティについても触れる予定です。 Since the first idea of an ion source using laser ablation plasma arose, almost forty years has already passed. It was found that the laser plasma could provide ultra intense beam with high charge state easily. In spite of this advantage, the laser ion source (LIS) has not been accepted by a major stream of the accelerator field. Once the laser plasma produced, it is hard to control the pulse structure. However, accumulated research results by many groups capable us to provide high quality various ions from LIS now. Due to its simple structure, the LIS suits not only for a large accelerator complexes but also for small facilities. The history of the LIS and a project for LHC at CERN will be briefly introduced. Also a planned LIS project in RHIC will be mentioned. Then recent activities about direct plasma injection scheme (DPIS) will be explained. lastly, other works related to LIS will be summarized. |
2008/3/28 | Fri. | 13:30- | the meeting room in KEKB control building. | Dr. XU Gang, IHEP, China | Commissioning Progress of BEPCII |
Ohmi |
The BEPCII commissioning started in November of 2006. After two phases commissioning, the current of both beam for colliding mode have been above 500mA, and the luminosity is above 10^32. The machine has been opened to the synchrotron radiation users. The beam cuurent for the synchrotron radiation mode has get the design goal 250mA, the topoff injection mode has been realized. In this talk, the brief introduction about the commissioning process and results will be shown. The third phase goal will be presented also. |
2008/3/27 | (Thu) | 13:30 ~ 15:00 | The meeting room on the 5th floor in Building No.3 |
Frank Zimmermann, CERN, Switzerland | Status, Schedule and Future of LHC | Naoko Iida |
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be the world's next energy-frontier machine, bringing into collision counter-rotating proton beams of about 3000 bunches each at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV with a design luminosity of 1e34 /cm^2/s. About 25 years after its original conception, the LHC will start beam operation later this year. At the same time upgrade scenarios for the LHC and its injectors are being finalized, which could boost the LHC luminosity by another order of magnitude on the 10-15 years time scale. After a brief overview of the LHC main features, this talk will report on the progress of the LHC hardware commissioning, the further 2008 schedule including beam commissioning and first collisions, and the LHC upgrade plans. |
2008/3/26 | (水) | 13:30~ | PF研究棟2階会議室 | S.Simrock氏(DESY) | European XFEL (Project Overview) | 帯名 |
2008/3/17 | (月) | 10:00~ | PF研究棟2階会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | Timing and Sync. Part II (Design) | 帯名 |
2008/3/14 | (金) | 10:00~ |
KEKBコントロール棟会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | Timing and Sync. Part I (Concepts) | 帯名 |
2008/3/11 | (火) | 13:30~ | PF研究棟2階会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | LLRF part3 (LLRF for the XFEL) |
帯名 |
2008/3/7 | (Fri.) | 10:00~ | KEKBコントロール棟会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | LLRF (Low-Level RF) part2 | 帯名 |
2008/3/6 | (Thu.) | 13:30~ | KEKBコントロール棟会議室 |
S.Simrock氏(DESY) | LLRF (Low-Level RF) part1 | 帯名 |
2007/12/12 | (Wed.) | 13:30- | meeting room in KEKB control building | Yiton Yan, SLAC | Optics measurement, modeling, and correction with MIA --- The PEP-II experience | Ohmi |
With a model-independent analysis (MIA) for precision linear orbit measurement and providing almost unlimited Green's functions, we have been able to obtain accurate lattice models, called virtual machines that match the PEP-II Low-Energy Ring (LER) or High-Energy Ring (HER) in optics. Once a virtual machine is obtained, we may try to find and adjust one or two magnets with noticeable differences from expectation. However, a more common practice is to search for an easily-approachable better-optics model by pre-selecting and fitting a group of normal and skew quadrupoles and/or orbit correctors (for sextupole bumps). The corresponding magnet changes are then dialed into the real accelerator. These procedures have been successfully applied to PEP-II LER and HER for beta beat fixing, coupling and dispersion correction, large working tune jump, IP optics optimization, and have helped PEP-II overcome milestones in luminosity enhancement. |
2007/11/27 | (Tue) | 9:30- | meeting room in KEKB control building | E. Perevedentsev, Budker INP, Novosibirsk |
Commissioning of VEPP-2000 Collider | 大見 |
VEPP-2000 collider is designed for high-luminosity performance by operating with round colliding beams at the energy of up to 1 GeV per beam. Its commissioning is now in progress, current status will be reported. Different options of round colliding beams will be discussed. | ||||||
2007/11/16 | (金) | 13:30- | KEKB制御棟会議室 | Prof. Liu SongQiang(SSRC) | Status of SSRF | 山本 |
2007/10/10 | (水) | 13:30- | 3号館5階会議室 | Martin J. Lee 氏(SLAC) | A Tale of Two Careers: From Accelerator Modeling to Innovative Research | 生出 |
SLAC has long been a leader in accelerator modeling technology transfer. For over three decades, Dr. Martin Lee has engaged in the transfer of SLAC's accelerator modeling technology to the outside world. Recently, he has been working on bringing novel modeling technology to SLAC. Since joining the laboratory's Office of Technology Transfer in July 2007 as an industrial collaborations engineering physicist, he began to play the role as the "Ambassador of Tech Transfer"-at-large. In this talk, Dr. Lee will share his experiences with the "Modeling of Beam Lifetime using a Combined First-Principles Model and a Neural Network"--a current collaborative project with Pavilion Technology. |
2007/9/14 | (金) | 13:30- | 3号館セミナーホール | 堀内茂木氏(独立行政法人防災科学技術研究所研究参事) | ホームサイスモメータ普及計画と高精度地震制御システム に ついて | 末武 |
我々は、(株)エイツーと共同で、安価な地震計を組み込んだ緊急 地震速報の受信 端末(ホームサイスモメータ)を開発した。こ の端末が一点普及すると、リアルタイ ムで接続された地震観測 点が一点増えることになり、将来、極めて高密度の地震観測 網 が整備される見通しである。研究所や会社の周辺に多数のホームサイス モメータが 設置され、そのデータが、リアルタイムで解析でき るようになると、高精度の地震の 揺れの事前予測が行えるよう になる。これを利用することにより、安価で、高性能の 地震制 御システム構築が可能になる。 | ||||||
2007/9/14 | (Fri.) | 15:00-16:00 | Meeting Room of 1-Go kan (Danwa-shitsu) | Dr. Zeke Insepov (ANL) | Introduction to energetic ion interaction with surface | 川合 |
Introduction to surface erosion and modification by energetic highly-charged and cluster ions will be given that are important in the development of semiconductor devices, TeV accelerators, fission and fusion reactors, magnetic storage, and in the development of a future Extreme Ultra-Violet Lithography device. Gas cluster ion beam (GCIB) surface treatment can significantly mitigate the high-gradient electric vacuum breakdown of rf-cavities. GCIB can also mitigate Q-slope drop in superconducting Nb-cavities. Various mechanisms of the Highly-charged ion (HCI) energy transfer into the solid target, such as hollow atom formation, charge screening and neutralization, shock wave generation, and sputtering were analyzed. Surface erosions caused by GCIB, HCI bombardments, and by low energy He+ and H+ ions typical for fission and fusion devices were studied by using Molecular Dynamics simulation. A He bubble splashing mechnaism of liquid Li containing was developed, and surface erosion was simulated. The mechanism of bubble explosion could significantly contribute to the surface erosion at high ion fluxes and explain the existing experimental results. |
2007/6/13 | (水) | 13:30-14:30 | 3号館5階会議室 | 山田広成(立命館大学、放射光生命科学研究センター) | 高輝度単色X線の引き出しに成功した卓上型シンクロトロン“みらくる20SX” | 高山 |
“みらくる”は、X線イメージングにおいて、X線管とも放射光とも異なる高品質X線を発生し、腫瘍のの形状や血管の形状まで識別しているが、このほど、“みらくる20SX”(外径80cmという超小型シンクロトロン)及び2結晶分光ビームラインを開発して、単色X線の引き出しに成功した。結晶構造解析、EXAFS、小角散乱実験等が小規模ラボで可能となる。ビーム加速では、20MeVという低エネルギー電子にも関わらず、10マイクロ秒のダンピングが起きていることが明らかになった。ビーム物理の興味として、強制放射ダンピングについて議論する。 |
2007/6/12 | (火) | 13:30-15:00 | 3号館 7階 会議室 | Dr. Michael Pekeler (ACCEL社, ドイツ) | Superconducting RF activities at ACCEL Instruments GmbH | 加古 |
As a leading manufacturer for accelerator components, ACCEL Instruments is producing superconducting cavities and accelerator modules for worldwide customers. The scope of work can reach from built to print of superconducting cavities or high power couplers to design, engineering, manufacturing, assembly, preparation, testing and taking into operation of complete SRF accelerator modules. Those modules are typically delivered with guaranteed values for cavity gradient and Q. The manufacturing capabilities and performances achieved by delivered SRF modules will be presented on selected past and running contracts. An outlook for possible future major projects like XFEL or ILC will be given. |
2007/6/1 | (金) | 13:30- | 2号館2階会議 | 生出勝宣氏 | コライダーのビーム物理 | 大見和史 |
2007/5/29 | (火) | 9:30- | KEKBコントロール棟会議室 | D. Shatilov氏(BINP, Novosibirsk) | Beam-Beam Interaction with Large Piwinski Angle and Crab Waist | 大見 |
2007/5/17 | (木) | 13:30-14:30 | 4号館1階セミナーホール | Bruno Autin, CERN | The curious interplay between neutrino factories and hadron therapy | 高山健 |
2007/4/6 | (金) | 9:30-10:30 | KEKB会議室 | 田内利明 | ATF2 | 横谷馨 |
バックナンバーはこちらです。[令和3年度][令和2年度][31年度][30年度][29年度][28年度][27年度][26年度][25年度][24年度][23年度] [22年度][21年度][20年度][19年度][18年度][17年度][16年度][15年度][14年度][13年度][12年度]