The photon-energy ranges available at BL-13 are 48−2000 eV for the horizontal linear polarized light, 102−2000 eV for the vertical linear polarized light, 74−700 eV for the left and right circular polarized lights, and 59−2000 eV for the left and right elliptical polarized lights.
A photoemission spectrometer is permanently installed at the first focal position in BL-13B, so that you can perform soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy with a small spot of 80 μm (horizontal) ×15 μm (vertical) approximately.
A near-ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy brought in by a user is installed at the second focal point in BL-13B.
A photoelectron spectroscopy brought in by a user which can precisely control the sample temperature is installed at the intermediate position between the first focal position and the second focal position.
You can install your own apparatus to the free port in BL-13A to conduct your experiment.
Area of research
Surface chemistry
Organic thin films
Solid-state physics
Kazuhiko MASE mase(at)
Please change (at) to @ in the e-mail address.
The beamline can be selectively used with the other beamlines covering similar energy ranges (Undulator: BL-2A/B, 16A, 19A/B,28A/B, Bending magnet: BL-3B,7A, 11A, 11D), so please consult with the contact person for the request.
Variable-included-angle Monk-Gillieson-type monochromator with varied-line-spacing gratings (VLSGs) and two focusing post-mirrors (toroidal mirrors)
Energy range
Horizontal linear polarization : 48 - 2000 eV
Vertical linear polarization : 102 - 2000 eV
Left and right circular polarization : 74 - 700 eV
Left and right elliptical polarization : 59 - 2000 eV
Resolution (ΔE/E)
Grating (Gr) & slit conditions
Light energy
Gr 300 line/mm、slit width of 30 μm
Gr 300 line/mm、slit width of 100 μm
Gr 1000 line/mm、slit width of 30 μm
Gr 1000 line/mm、slit width of 100 μm
Beam size
The first focal point at BL-13B : 80 μm (H) x 15 μm (V)
The second focal point at BL-13B : 630 μm (H) x 120 μm (V)
The first focal point at BL-13A : 420 μm (H) x 80 μm (V)
Photon flux
1013 - 109 photons/s
The measured values of photon number at BL-13A. LHR represents horizontal linear polarization. LVS represents vertical linear polarization. E+S represents elliptically polarization. C+S represents circular polarization. E1 represents 1st harmonic. E3 represents 3rd harmonic. E5 represents the 5th harmonic. Gr represents grating.
A photoemission spectrometer. Omicron-type sample holders can be used. A photoemission spectrometer. Omicron-type sample holders can be used.
Sample current detector,microchannel plate detector
Remote / Mail-in
Not available
Special notes
Typical photon intensity drop in the carbon K-edge region(hν = 275 - 295 eV)is around 4% at most.
A mirror for higher harmonics suppression and a higher harmonics filter are installed at BL-13B./li>
Sample size under 10 mm square is recommended.
Users are permitted to bring in their own apparatus to BL-13A. The pressure at the connecting chamber to the BL should be under 10-6 Pa. The synchrotron radiation is at a height of about 1200 mm from the floor. A top view of the beamlines and experimental area.