Photon energies between 30 and 300 eV are available.
Vertical and horizontal linear polarized and left and right circular polarized lights are available.
High-resolution ARPES measurements using micro-focused beams, at low temperatures down to 10 K, are possible at Branch A.
Branch B is a free port, at which a bring-your-own measurement equipment can be installed.
Area of research
Condensed matter physics
Surface physics
Kenichi Ozawa kenichi.ozawa(at)
Please change (at) to @ in the e-mail address.
The type of the sample holders used at the ARPES system at Branch A is an Omicron type, which is also employed at the PES system at BL-13B.
PF 2.5-GeV Ring, Elliptically-polarizing undulator with six variable rows of magnetic arrays
Variable-included-angle Monk-Gillieson-type monochromator with varied-line-spacing gratings (VLSGs)
Focusing mirror of Branch A: Kirkpatrick-Baez (K-B) mirror
Focusing mirror of Branch B: Toroidal mirror
Energy range
30 – 300 eV
Vertical and horizontal linear polarized lights
Left and right circular polarized lights
E/ΔE > 20000 at 65 eV
Beam size
Branch A:12 (V) × 10 (H) µm at 200 eV
Branch B:40 (V) × 100 (H) µm at 100 eV
Photon flux
1011 - 1012 photons/s
Branch A:Micro-ARPES system with an iGONIO manipulator (10 - 300 K)
Omicron-Scienta DA30 analyzer
Remote / Mail-in
Remote measurements are possible, but the sample transfer should be done manually.
Special notes
K. Tsuchiya et al., AIP Conf. Proc., 1741, 020023 (2016), doi:10.1063/1.4952802 : [Elliptically-polarizing undulator with six variable rows of magnetic arrays]
M. Kitamura et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum., 93, 033906 (2022), doi:10.1063/5.0074393 : [Micro-focusing of the beam by the K-B mirror]