This is an experimental station with general 4-circle diffractometer HUBER5020. We can detect a tiny of structural & electronic changes at a phase transition, which is an origin of the physical properties. Polarization analysis of scattered x-ray can be also performed.
2-circle diffractometer with superconducting magnet is also available for magnetic-field dependence measurements.
Area of research
Material structural science
Condensed matter physics, Surface science
Hironori NAKAO hironori.nakao(at)
Please change (at) to @ in the e-mail address.
Special notes
2.5-GeV PF ring : In-vacuum short gap undulator (SGU#03)
Si (111) monochromator
Bent cylinder mirror
Energy range
5 - 14 keV
Resolution (deltaE/E)
2 x 10-4
Beam size
0.4 x 0.6 mm (V x H)
Photon flux
>1012 photons/s
4-circle diffractometer
2-circle diffractometer with superconducting magnet
Inside of BL-3A experimental hutch(front, downstream : 2-circle diffractometer with superconducting magnet. back, upstream : 4-circle diffractometer
Silicon drift detector
Remote / Mail-in
Remote : available (Please contact with the beamline scientist.)
Mail-in : not available
Special notes
Control program : SPEC
Sample environment : Temperature 2 - 600 K, Magnetic field 0 - 7.5 T