The Code of Conduct (CoC) provides guidelines for members of an organization or related community to work efficiently toward a common goal. In order to establish a new CoC of IPNS, a “CoC Formulation Working Group”(*) was started in August 2023 and discussions have continued.
The content of the CoC has been reviewed through a wide exchange of views, and recently the CoC, composed of the preamble and five core principles: “Intellectual Integrity,” “Transparency,” “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” “Fostering the Next Generation,” and “Safety,” was released.
This CoC is to be respected by all individuals associated with the IPNS, including collaborating researchers from outside. Moving forward, we will continue to promote widespread awareness of and adherence to its principles.
April, 2024 Particle and Nuclear Research Institute
The full statement can be found here in PDF format.
*IPNS CoC Formulation Working Group
Hiroyuki Nakayama, Masanori Kawai, Ken Sakashita, Shima Shimizu, Hitoshi Takahashi,
Nanae Taniguchi, Yutaka Ushiroda