IPNS Director: SAITO, Naohito
(in the left of the third row),
Deputy Director: KOMATSUBARA, Takeshi, USHIRODA, Yutaka, TOMOTO, Makoto (hold Instrumentation Technology Development Center Head)
Theory Center Head:
WAKO Nuclear Science Center Head:
Engineering Coordinator:
KAWAI, Masanori
IPNS Administraion office member
From FY2024, the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS) has started under a new leadership structure. With the promotion of Hanagaki as the Executive Director of KEK, Deputy Director Tomoto has joined the IPNS directorate. He also serves as the head of the Instrumentation Technology Development Center, which was established in FY2022. Additionally, Professor Yutaka Watanabe has been appointed as the head of the Wako Nuclear Science Center.
Under the new structure, we will accelerate collaboration not only within the KEK but also with the community to promote research cooperation. We will also continue to promote the three pillars of IPNS’s research activities.
-Create results from the current experimental activities
-Encourage new research proposals and formulate future plans
-Share results with the society
The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of several groundbreaking achievements: the discovery of CP violation by J. Cronin and V. Fitch, the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation by A. Penzias and R. Wilson, the proposal of the quark model by M. Gell-Mann and G. Zweig, and the introduction of the Higgs mechanism by P. Higgs and F. Englert. These milestones represent key developments that laid the foundation for our modern understanding of nature and the Standard Model of particle physics.
The IPNS aims to work together with the community and society to take on the challenge of building new perspectives on nature and the universe.
We sincerely appreciate your continued support and guidance going forward.
December, 2024
Director of Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
SAITO, Naohito