- Event
[IPNS Workshop] Muon acceleration and future colliders with muon
October 18th, 2023
Recently, muon acceleration receives more attentions as a technology for realizing the next generation collider with muons. This mini-workshop aims to review the current status and discuss future prospects of muon acceleration and its applications to future colliders. Topics covered by this workshop include physics explored by the next generation collider using muons, muon acceleration in MAP, ultra-slow muon acceleration and high-intensity muon production. Possibilities of next generation colliders using muons will be discussed using muTRISTAN as an example. Throughout this workshop, we aim to identify possible physics reach and technical bottlenecks at present. In the end, we wish to develop a common understanding of necessary R&D steps towards the next stage of planning.
[Invited speakers]
Katsuya Yonehara (FNAL)
Cari Cesarotti (MIT)
Dario Buttazzo (INFN Pisa) etc.
Session-1: Introduction, Theory
Session-2: Muon acceleration technology
Session-3: Future colliders with muon
Date: 2nd November, 2023
Venue: Building-4, KEK Tsukuba Campus
All talks are available by Zoom.
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Tsutomu MIBE, Ryuichiro KITANO, Mitsuhiro Yoshida, Masashi OTANI, Shusei KAMIOKA, Satoshi MIHARA, Kenji INAMI, Kohei YORITA, Junji Tojo