Christopher Betancourt
I am a high energy physicist with a focus on detector technologies and radiation sensors. My graduate studies focused on charm production with the ATLAS experiment and on radiation-hard silicon detectors for the High Luminosity LHC. Since my studies I have been involved in the upgrades I and II of LHCb, developed the timing detector for the proposed SHiP experiment, and spearheaded the design and construction of the veto/muon systems of the newly built SND@LHC experiment.
Research Content
As part of QUP I will focus on detector R&D and development of new experiments to perform neutrino/Hidden Sector physics at colliders. Within ATLAS, I will study fast timing and 4D tracking for the phase II upgrade. My research will also delve into neutrino physics with SND@LHC at CERN, which will be used as a springboard to develop new, compact detector concepts for neutrino/Hidden Sector physics at SuperKEKB.