

早川 亮大



I’m an experimental physicist and an astrophysicist. I worked in Rikkyo University as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow on data analysis using the Chandra X-ray satellite and ground-based application using a superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES). I also worked in AIST to develop a microwave SQUID multiplexing technique for TES array. At QUP, I am working on the development of microwave SQUID multiplexing techniques for optical TES array to increase the response time at multiple TESs.

Research Content

Microwave SQUID-based signal multiplexing technique is a key technology to read out TESs as an array of more than several thousand pixels. I have been developing microwave SQUID multiplexing readout technology for X-ray/gamma-ray TES at AIST. Since the year before last, I have been working on improving the fast response time to apply this technology to optical TES, and am still developing it. For ground-based application of TES, I have been participating in a project to bring the TES system to accelerators and synchrotron radiation facilities such as J-PARC and SPring-8, aiming at a new science by utilizing the high energy resolution of TES.

© 2021 International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles