

Benjamin Westbrook


Project Scientist
University of California, Berkeley


My name is Benjamin Westbrook and I grew up in New Mexico with a love for the natural world. By the time, I was through my first semester in college, I decided I wanted to pursue a career in physics. I went to UC Berkeley and studied the cosmic microwave background and earned my Ph, D in physics with an emphasis in detection systems. Since then I have worked as a postdoc and now a project scientist alongside professor Adrian Lee on modern CMB experiments such as Lite BIRD, CMB-S4, the Simons Observatory, and the Simons Array.

Research Content

My research focuses on the development of the detection chains for modern experiments aiming to precisely measure the polarization of the CMB and the cosmic foreground. I am involved in most of the sub-K hardware required to detect and readout the polarized light from the CMB. I specialize in the design, fabrication, characterization, and ultimately deployment of the focal planes for the experiment. I have over 12 years of experience fabricating detector arrays for CMB experiments. I'm currently involved in the production of low frequency arrays for the simons observatory and prototype production of low frequency arrays for CMB-S4. One of my primary focuses however, is the development and delivery of the detectors for LiteBIRD. The fabrication for the low frequency telescope focal plane arrays will occur at UC Berkeley and the for the mid and high frequency telescope arrays will occur at NIST.

© 2021 International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles