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  ・ 奈  良


6 つくば(KEK)から2-3 時間の観光地 
 Sightseeing Spots of requiring over 2 hours driving


 In this range, there are too many places to see. Below are only a few examples.

 Google Map ya

 clover 袋田の滝 ya Fukuroda Falls ya 英語Map ya> <アクセス Acces pdf ya> <時刻表 Timetabe ya>

 Fukuroda-no-taki Falls, said to be one of the most famous falls in Japan, is 120m high and 73m wide,
 stopping at four different levels on the way down. The fall also is called "Four-Time Falls" as it reflects
 four seasonal beauties such as fresh spring green, red leaves of autumn or icefall in winter. Driving
 time will be around three and a half hours (207km) driving from KEK .

  clover 栗田美術館 ya Kurita Museum ya <アクセス Access pdf ya

 Probably the best and largest collection of famous Japanese pottery, "Imari" and "Nabeshima" in the
 world. World famous collectors of Imari and Nabeshima, such as Ms. Elizabeth Taylor, visited here
 often. Open 10am to 5 pm throughout the year. (Closed on Dec.28, 29, 30,31, Jan 1st, 2nd) 1542
 Komaba-Cho, Ashikaga-Shi, Tochigi-Ken Phone 0284-91- 1026, 5
 minutes walk from Ryoge-sen Tomita train station. Two and a half hours drive from KEK.

 clover 日光東照宮 ya  Nikko To-sho-ghu Shrine ya <Map of Nokko ya> <アクセス等 Access pdf ya

 Enshiring 'To-ku-ga-wa I-e-ya-su', the first general of Edo era who reigned Japan. Interesting place to
 visit, although it is not done to my taste. Two and a half hours drive from KEK

 clover 鬼怒川温泉 Kinugawa-onsen ya <アクセス等 Access pdf ya

 Kinugawa Hot Spring is one of Japan's foremost spa resorts, boasting an abundant supply of hot spring
 water. Two and a half hours drive from KEK

 clover 鹿島神宮 ya Kashima-Jingu (shrine) ya

 One of the oldest and most famous shrines. 7th century. There is a museum where you can see many
 treasures that belongs to the shrine (300yen). Inside the shrine is a nice place to walk around.
 Located around 2hrs driving from KEK.

 clover 成田山新勝寺 ya  Naritasan Shinsho-ji ya

 The temple was first established to commemorate the victory in 940 of the forces dispatched from the
 Heian capita to suppress a revolt by the powerful Kantō region samurai, Taira no Masakado.
 Several of the structures at Narita-san temple have been designated National Important Cultural

 clover 国立歴史民俗博物館 ya  National Museum of Japanese History ya

 It is located not too far from Narita Airport. If you want to know about the Japanese history and cultural
 background, it is worth visiting there.

 clover 川越 ya Kawagoe ya <アクセス Access pdf ya> <Timetable and Roure search in English ya>

 The old storehouse merchant houses are lined up, and the Toki-no-kane (Bell Tower) rings to tell the
 Take a stroll through the town in a kimono and you'll feel as if you've travelled back in time to ancient
 Edo. It take about 2hours by train from Tsukuba.

 clover 東京ディズニーリゾート ya Tokyo Disney Resort ya <アクセス Access pdf ya>

 clover 三鷹の森ジブリ美術館 ya Ghibli Museum Museum ya <アクセス Access pdf ya>

 Hayao Miyazaki designed the museum himself, using drawn storyboards similar to the ones he makes
 for his films. The design was influenced by European architecture, such as the hilltop village of Calcata
 in Italy. Miyazaki's aim was to make the building itself part of the exhibit.

 clover 鎌倉 ya Kamakura ya <アクセス Access pdf ya

 Kamakura is a small city and a very popular tourist destination. Sometimes called the Kyoto of Eastern
 Japan, Kamakura offers numerous temples,shrines and other historical monuments. 2.5 hours (129km)
 drive from KEK.

 clover 箱根 ya Hakone ya  <アクセス Access pdf ya >

  Hakone in known in history as a checkpoint on the old Tokaido Road, which linked the eastern and
  western parts of Japan.
  There are many buildings of historic interest to visit here, as well as sites connected to traditional
  culture. Driving time will be around two and a half hours (154km)

 clover 河口湖富士山 ya  Kawaguci Lake ・Mt. Fuji ya <アクセス Access pdf ya

 Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24 m. Located around two and a half hours
 (104km) driving from KEK to Mt. Fuji-gogome.

  kawagoe     Ghibli    nikko
      <川 越 ya>        <三鷹の森ジブリ美術館>      <日光東照宮>

 リンク Links

 shikaku Timetable and Roure search (English)
 shikaku Japan. Endless Discovery
 shikaku Japan (Transportation in Japan): Transportation, Japan Sightseeing Guide
 shikaku Willer Express (Easy online booking) : List of Highway-bus Service Routes.
 shikaku Tokyo Sightseeing Bus-tours (Hato bus)
 shikaku Tokyo Big Sight
 shikaku JTB Sunrise Tours : Sightseeing Tours in English
 shikaku Japan Economy Hotel Group
 shikaku Hotel & Ryokan Search (Japan Ryokan & Hotel Association)(English)
 shikaku Japan Rail Pass(English)

  updated: 2015-09-14