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  Narita Airport
  Haneda Airport
  Ibaraki Airport
  For Tokyo (Bus)
  Tsukuba Express
  Tsukuba Center
  Hokubu Shuttle Bus
  Tsukuba City Hall
  Driving License Center
  JR Joban Line
  JR Tsuchiura Station
  J-PARC ( from KEK )


4 To Narita Airport


 There are four ways Access from Narita Airport to Tsukuba Center.

     by Highway Bus    by Skyliner   by Sky Access Exp.   by Car
 Transfer     0 time     2 times      2 times   Map ya
 Take time      100 min.     110 min.      92 min.
 Total Fare    2,600 yen     3,660 yen     1,940 yen
 Login bus skyliner accessExp

 From KEK by car 

 When you use a car between KEK and Narita Airport, please see Map (To Naria Airportya) 

 From KEK to Tsukuba Centert

 ao_pin by Bus

  Take a Kantotetsudo Bus or Tsku-bus to Tsukuba Center. <Timetable is here ya>

 ao_pin by Taxi

  When you take a Taxi from KEK to Tsukuba Center, fare will be about 3,000yen, 20 minutes.
  The nearest taxicab company is Ozone : 029-864-0301 (only Japanese is available)

      英語  English          日本語 Japanese
  I want a taxi.  タクシーをおねがいします。 Taxi wo onegai shimas.
  From ( A ) to ( B ) .  ( A ) から( B ) までです。
  at ( D:month, E: day )  ( D ) がつ ( E ) にち にのります。 
 ( D ) gatsu ( E ) ni norimasu.
  My name is ( F )  なまえは( F )です。  watashi no namae wa ( F ) des.
  Telephone number is ( G )  でんは ばんごうは ( G) です。
 Denwa bango wa ( G ) des.
 1. Please come in front of a dormitory
 2. Please come in front of a Apartment
 ドミトリーの前 / アパート(A・B・C)の前に来てください。
 1. Dormitory no mae ni kite kudasai.
 2. Apart A/B/C no mae ni kite kudasai.

 <Tsukuba Center Bus Terminal Map ya>

 updated: 2015-09-10