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3 Education in Tsukuba 


 The Japanese education system consists of 6 years of Elementary school, 3 years of Junior high school,
 3 years of High school and 2 years at College or 4 years at University. For which 9 years, Elementary
 school and Junior high school are compulsory.
 The school year begins on April 1st and ends on March 31st.


 Children who applied for a “Moving-in Notification” to Tsukuba can enroll in the kindergarten,
 elementary, and junior high schools in Tsukuba. If you would like to enter your child to public
 kindergarten, the location of the school is specified and it is based on your residential address. Ask for
 the application form at the School or Affairs division Board of Education. Please bring your Residence
 Card and a copy of your passport.

 Google Map ya

 Kindergarten: 'youchi -en'

 Public kindergarten is for children between the ages 4 years and 5 years old.
 For the enrollment from April 1st, you have to apply after November 1st to
 November 7th of the previous year. If you come to Tsukuba after this period,
 your children may be accepted. Basic fee is 6000 yen per month with some
 additional fees (lunch etc.)
 If you are living in KEK Apartment, you apply to the Oho Kindergarten (Tel :
 029-864-0175, address is Shino zaki 557-1). Please bring your Residence
 Card and a copy of your passport.

  kindergarten enrollment application yapdf (Japanese)       


 Elementary School: 'showgatkou'


An elementary school is for children between the ages 7years old and 12 years old.
If you are living in KEK Apartment, you apply to the Ohzone ElementarySchool.

 Ohzone Elementary School: Telephon 029-864-0166、2917 Ohzone, Tsukuba. ya(Japanese)    

 Private Kindergartens near KEK

 midori_pin Inaho kindergarten : ya(Japanese) 
    Telephone : 029-857-2231 / Address : 1860 Maeno, Tsukuba

 midori_pin Yoshimura Kindergarten :
    Telephoen : 029-865-1436  / Address : 4136 Yoshinuma, Tsukuba

 midori_pin Tsukuba International Nursery School : ya(Japanese)
Telephone : 029-863-7210  / Address : 1047-1 Onigakubo, tsukuba

 Private Elementary School

 midori_pin Tsukuba International School : ya
   Telephone : 029-886-5447  / Address : 7821-1 kamigo, Tsukuba

 Tsukuba International School is an English-based elementary and junior
 high school in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. It was founded in 1992 in response
 to the need for an educational opportunity for English-speaking students in
 the Tsukuba area.

 Tsukuba International School are registered as an educational organization
 by Ibaraki Prefecture. This is the standard category for international schools
 in Japan that are registered as schools in their local prefecture. (It is the
 only international school registered in Ibaraki Prefecture.) We are also a
 member of the Japan Council of International Schools (JCIS).

 midori_pin Liberty International Scool : ya  
   Telephone : 029-855-0177  / Address : 342-16 Shimohiratsuka, Tsukuba City
   E-mail: ya

 LIS admits students of any nationality, religion, ethnicity and origin. In accordance with the principle of
 equal opportunity, every child enrolled in the school, regardless of his background, will receive equal
 opportunities for educational and individual development.

 For admission, LIS requires school reports from a child’s previous school. A recommendation letter from
 the last teacher that supervised the child is also needed.

 An interview with the principal and the staff will be scheduled. It would be ideal if both parents and
 guardians could attend the interview with the student. When admission is granted, please pay tuition,
 annual fee and entrance fee.

 updated: 2015-09-09