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3 International Call

 Telephone Card

 ao_pin There is International public telephone in KEK Dormitory. Public telephone that accepts a Telephone
   Prepaid Card. You can purchase KDDI Prepaid Card yain KEK Grocery.

 ao_pin Receive free shipping for rechargeable calling card : ya

   Pleses see about Sadia Card : ya
   (This Telephone Card can be recharged any time at convenience stores.)

 International call 

 When you make an International call from Japan using an ordinary fixed-line, you use an access number
 of a telecommunication company. There are two companies such as NTT yaand KDDI ya

 International call with Card of KDDI or cash (100 coins) 

 Make an International call from a public telephone by an international phone call card of KDDI which
 you purchased at the Grocery of KEK or by 100 yen coins.

 1) International call with Telephone call Card of KDDI

 The procedure is as follows.

  1_1 Take off a receiver and dial 0055.

  1_2. There is explanation of Japanese and English after you heard a sound with a toot.

  1_3. Dial card number [ 81 # ○○○○○○○○○○○○(12 columns of number) # ]

  1_4 The balance of the card is performed.

  1_5 Dial the phone number of the partner point from a country card.
    Country Code → Telephone Number (Area code omit the first 0) → #

  1_6 After “Guidance” tells you the maximum possible call length, your call is connected.

 2) International call with 100 yen coins

 International calls are charged in 100 yen units. So, please be sure to use 100 yen coins. 

  1) Dial 0033 ⇒ 2) Dial 010 ⇒ 3) Country cord ⇒ 4) Area cord ⇒ 5) Telephon number

    Area  Cuntry  number

The time when you can talk for 1.000 yen

  Daytime    Night   Midnight/
 Early morning

 U.S.A.( Hawaii is excluded)

 1  7min.25sec   9min.10sec.   9min.45sec.
 U.K  44  4min.15sec   5min.15sec   5min.55sec
  India  91  3min.35sec   4min.30sec   4min.45sec
 Australia  61  4min.50sec.   6min.5sec.   7min.45sec.
 Canada  1  7min.10sec.   8min.35sec.   9min.10sec.
 Korea  82  6min.00sec  7min.45sec.   8min.20sec
 Switzerland  41  4min.15sec.  5min.15sec.   5min.55sec
 Taiwan  886  5min.20sec.  6min.35sec.   7min.55sec.
 China  86  5min.20sec.  6min.35sec.   7min.55sec.
 Germany  49  4min.15sec.  5min.15sec.   5min.55sec.
 France  33  4min.15sec.  5min.15sec.   5min.55sec.
 Russia  7  3min.25sec.  4min.15sec.   5min.0sec.
 updated: 2015-09-09