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3 Rental Bicycle in KEK

 Rental Bicycle 

 You can borrow a bicycle from your work-related office and Users Office

 ・Belle Factory  Belle Secretary Office  029-864-5342
 ・Photon Factory  Security Office at the entrance to PF experimental Hall  029-864-5778
 ・Accelerator Laboratory  Accelerator Laboratory Office  029-864-5205
 ・Computing Center  Computing Research Center Office  029-864-5473
 ・Cryogenic Science  Cryogenics Science Center Office  029-864-5460
 ・Users Office  Users Office <Application Form (PDF) ya>  029-879-6197


 Attention when you ride a bicycle in KEK

 midori_pin Bicycle control onsite

 When you use a bicycle in KEK, please be conscious about the followings:

As there has been so many abandoned bicycles onsite, KEK started a bicycle registration effective April 1st, 2010. After that date, not only automobiles, but also motorcycles and bicycles must be registered. if you bring them into KEK site.The registration for bicycles and motorcycles will be handled through the same way as Vehicle Permit for automo-biles. If you are a visitor to KEK and use a bicycle onsite, here is what you should do.

1 Application form. PDF ya 

2 Fill it out with your signature on it and bring it to your KEK contact
  office or Health and Safety Office.

  <Users Office's Bicycle>
  3 You will receive an identification tag or a sticker (your choice) from them typically three working
   days later.

 Note: As owner’s signature or ‘han-ko’ stamp is required on it, handling through e-mail is not possible.

 The main rules for safe bicycle riding

 When you ride a bicycle in Japan, be sure to read these website before you do.

 orenji_pin The Penal regulations of a bicycle (we do not list all in PDF) PDFya

 orenji_pin Please visit the Kanagawa Prefectural Police website to see the main rules for safe bicycle riding: ya 

 orenji_pin Tsukuba City website: ya

 orenji_pin JISTEC website: ya


 updated: 2015-09-09