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3 Electric Appliances & Radio
  &TV Programs and Online video subscription service

 Electric appliances

  AC100 volts, 50Hz or 60Hz

In Japan, the line voltage is 100V. The frequency of electric current is 50 Hertz in Eastern Japan (including Tsukuba, Tokyo, Yokohama, Tohoku, Hokkaido) and 60 Hertz in Western Japan (including Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Kyushu), however this frequency difference affects only sensitive equipment.

Japanese power outlets are identical to ungrounded (2-pin) North American outlets. Some North American equipment will work fine in Japan without adapter and vice versa, however, some sensitive equipment may not work properly or even get damaged.

 Foreign language Radio Programs

 AM and FM radio frequencies are not in the same range as that in other countries, although some part
 does overlap. Hence it is not wise to bring your radio from your country. If you get a radio that can
 receive short wave band, you may be able to listen to programs from your country. There are a few
 radio stations that provide programs in English. Major one is AFN (American Forces Network ) at 810kHz.
 Some other FM stations are providing English programs.

 AFN (American Forces Network ) : AM 810 kHz (Fully English)
   ・ bayfm :FM 78.0 MHz
   ・ NACK5 :FM 79.5MHz
   ・ InterFM :FM 76.1 MHz
   ・ FM Yokohama :FM 84.7MHz

 Foreign language TV Programs

 In Tsukuba one can receive five private and two national NHK channels over the air, while other parts
 of the country may be able to receive fewer channels. These days, satellite and cable television are
 becoming more popular.

 There is one cable TV provider, ACCS (Academic-newtown Community Cable Service), which provides
 wider variety of programs. To receive their program, you must subscribe to the ACCS.
 In addition to the basic subscription to the ACCS, movies, music, plays and so forth can be watched for
 an extra charge.  For detail, call them at 852-6111 or contact KEK Users Office.

 orenji_pin JTV programs in English

  Circle_gNHK Satellite TV broadcasting channel has overseas news programs "World Wave".

   NHK BS1 ・ 7:00 am - 7:50 am --- News from ABC, BBC, KBS, CCTV, FA, TVE
・ 8:00 am - 8:50 am --- News from ABC, BBC, KBS, CCTV, FA, TVE
・ 3:10 pm - 3:20 pm --- News from CNN, ABC
・ 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm --- News from ABC
・ 5:30 pm - 5:50 pm --- News from KBS, CCTV,
・ 8:00 pm - 8 :50 pm --- News from ABC, BBC, KBS, CCTV, FA, TVE

  Circle_gYou can watch overseas news on the Internet.
   ABC (Australia) ya   
   BBC (UK) ya         
   KBC (South Korea) ya       
   CCTV (China) ya    

 NHK Online Foreign language Programs


NHK is performing the overseas broadcasting.
Please visit the NHK website.
   : ya

 Online video subscription service

 You can watch many Movies and TV shows in English. We introduce two services Hulu and Netflix.

 orenji_pin Hulu

  Only 980 yen a month for unlimited access. Cancel anytime.
  However, please confirm it because you cannot watch them with all PCs, TV, smartphone. Please see
  more information. ya

  Please visit the Hulu web site : ya

 orenji_pin Netflix

  If you want to watch Netflix from Japan you need to jump trough a few hoops, but it is actually very
  easy to do. Since there are some procedures, please look at a web site for details.

  Please visit the web site :
 updated: 2015-09-11