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3 Cultural - Japanese Language

 Cultural Top ya
 Japanese Language materials

  Japanese Language materials can be obtained from the following address.

  orenji_pin Kids Web Japan : ya 

  orenji_pin NHK World Japanese Lessons : ya 

  orenji_pin Introduction to Japanese Language by Ohska is here.ya

 Japanese Language Class in Tsukuba

 There are Three Japanese Language Classes in Tsukuba.
  ① Tsukuba International Association (at Tsukuba Science Information Center),
  ② Keyaki-no-kai (at Tsukuba Gakuin University)
  ③ Niji-no-kai (at Kasuga Plaza, University of Tsukuba)

 orenji_pin Tsukuba International Association: ya

   Address : 〒305-0032, Tsukuba Science Information Center, 1-10-1 Azuma Tsukuba.
   Telephone : 029-869-7675

   Tsukuba International Association has a Night course and a Daytime course.

  1 Night course (The 41th Japanese conversation course)

    Circle_p when :1) Tuesday  2014, Oct. 07.- 2015, Mar. 31.( 20 lessons )
          2) Thursday  2014, Oct. 02.- 2015, Mar. 12.( 20 lessons )

    Circle_p Time : 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

    Circle_p where : Tsukuba Capio (1-10-1 Takezono, Tsukuba) <Map ya>

    Circle_p Admission Fee : 6,000 yen(New student ), 5,000 yen(Continuator)
       Text book is Not included. Pay for the textbook on the first day.

    The 41th Japanese conversation course Information and application is here ya

  2 Daytime course (The 7th Japanese Conversation course)

    Circle_p when :1) Wednesday  2014, Oct. 01- 2015, Feb. 04.( 16 lessons )
          2) Thursday   2014, Oct. 02- 2015, Feb. 05.( 16 lessons )

    Circle_p Time : 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Circle_p where : Tsukuba Science Information Center ( 1-10-1 Azuma, Tsukuba ) <Map ya>

    Circle_p Admission Fee : 6,000 yen(New student ), 5,000 yen(Continuator)
       Text book is Not included. Pay for the textbook on the first day.

     The 7th Japanese conversation course Information and application is here ya  

 orenji_pin Tsukuba-shi Nihongo Kyoshitsu "Keyaki-no-kai" : ya(Jap & Eng)

   Circle_p when : Thursday, 13:00 pm - 2:30 pm,  
     Period: 2013.4. 11(Thu)~2013 .9.19(Thu) Apr- Sep and Oct - Mar.

   Circle_p where: Tsukuba Gakuin University ( 3-1 Azuma, Tsukuba )

   Circle_p Admission Fee : 2,000 yen(17 lessons)and Textbook 1,500 yen.

   Circle_p Class; 
     ・ Basic : For those learning for the first time.
     ・ BeginnerⅠ: For those who can already read and write Hiragana and katakana and can a
            simple conversation.

     ・ BeginnerⅡ: For those who have already studied Japanese for more than 6 months and can
            understand verb, adjective conjugation. 

  You can join the classes anytime!Please contact them. An inquiry:

 orenji_pin Niji-no-kai  <Kasuga Plaza Map ya>

  Niji no Kai which is a volunteer group, offers Japanese Language Classes for family members of
  foreign students or staffs at the University of Tsukuba and for the scientists and their family members
  at the national research institutes.
  The class is on Monday through Friday between 10:00 and 15:30.
  Contact The Kasuga Plaza, 029-853-2387. Japanese Language Program: PDFya

 orenji_pin Tsukuba Gakuin University  3-1 Azuma Tsukuba. Telephone : 029-858-4811

  Tsukuba Gakuin University have started to recruit new students for our International Extension
  Program for Languages and Culture for the spring semester. Students are studying hard and enjoying
  college life here in Tsukuba Gakuin University.
  If you want to study Japanese Language intensively, why don’t you join Tsukuba Gakuin University.

  Please download documents on website. ya

  Contact by email ; KANAKUBO Noriko(Associate Professor) ya


View in a larger map ya

pin_p.High Energy Accelerator
  Research Organization
 (Tsukuba Gakuin University)
  (University of Tsukuba)
pin_bTsukuba International Association
  (Tsukuba Capio)
pin_bTsukuba International Association
 (Tsukuba Science Information Center)
pin_gTsukuba Center
 updated: 2015-09-09