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3 Shaken(Car inspection)

 Automobile Related Top ya
 Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance 

  Vehicle inspection and registration system contribute to ensure vehicle safety and prevention of pollutions. It also allows identification of individual vehicles and grasp the owner and usage. In other words, vehicles are given social recognition only after they are inspected and registered.
shaken Motor vehicle inspection and registration system is the systematic basis to
maintain order in our fast growing motorized society.(Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)

Pleases visit a web site of the National Agency of Vehicle Inspectioya
about process of Renewal Inspection.

   How to undergo Renewal Inspectio
 1  Flow of Renewal
 A step-by-step flow of undergoing Renewal Inspection, from
 beforehand preparation to actual procedures taken on the inspection day
 2  Necessary Documents ya
 A guide to filling out the necessary documents for undergoing  Renewal Inspection.
 3  Approximate Costs ya 
 An approximation of costs necessary for undergoing Renewal Inspection.
 4  Precautions ya
 Preparations and precautions upon undergoing Renewal Inspection.

 Location: Tsuchiura Branch Office 2-1-3 Oroshi-machi, Tsuchiura < Inspection time & Map ya>
 updated: 2015-09-09