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3 Shako-sho-mei

  Automobile Related Top ya
  How to fill out the application forms

 When you purchase an automobile or when you want to transfer the ownership of an automobile to you,
 you must submit the certificate of your having a parking space to the Local Land Transportation Office
 (‘riku-uhn-kyoku’ in Japanese) along with other paperwork.

 In Tsukuba, you need to fill out 3 kinds of forms to get the parking space certificate from police.
 Blank forms are available from a local police station or homepage of Ibaraki Police.

 (1) Application form to get the certificate of your having a valid parking space for the car.
 (2) Form to write the map to show the location of the parking space so that someone can go check if it is
   a valid parking space.
 (3) Either one of the following forms: Declaration that you own the property to park the car, or, Property
   owner’s written consent about the applicant’s use of the parking space.

 orenji_pin. Application form the certificate of parking spaceApplication form ya
   ( 'jidosha hokan-basho show-may shin-sei sho' )    <How to fill out ya

 Fill out these blank forms only inside the area(s) surrounded by thick lines.

 Be aware of the followings:
 (1) Make of the vehicle
   example : Toyota, Ford, Volkswagen, ... etc.

 (2) Type of the vehicle: This is an identification code of the automobile manufacturer to specify the
   automobile type. This code can be found in the “Vehicle Safety Inspection Certificate” (‘sha-ken-
   show’) which should come with any car. If you do not have the ‘sha-ken-show’, you cannot do any
   paperwork related to the car.
   example : FUKU

 (3) Vehicle Identification Number : This is an identification code of the automobile manufacturer to
   specify the particular automobile. This code can be found in the ‘sha-ken-show’.
   example : FUKU-123456

 (4) Vehicle size as written in the ‘sha-ken-show’
   All dimensions are in centimeters.

 Note that what you will write in (1) to (4) must be identical to the corresponding information printed on
 the ‘sha-ken-show’.

 (5) Address of primary use
   If it is your personal use, write down your residential address. If it is to be used at the work place
   and parked near the work place, then write down the address of the work place.

 (6) Address of the parking lot
   Be aware that if the straight-line distance between the parking and the address of your primary is
   more than, the lot cannot be considered as an appropriate parking.

 (7) Address and the name of the owner of the car, who is also assumed to be the primary user of the
   automobile and the applicant for this certificate.
   If you do not have a Japanese citizenship, the name filled in must be the same as that on your alien
   registration card.
   Print the name clearly.
   You may use alphabets (English type) that will appear on your passport. Write the way your name
   will be pronounced in KATAKANA just above the name you write.
   The sign “?” (next to the area where you write your name) means that you are supposed to stamp
   your personal stamp (seal / ‘in-kan’) here. If you do not have one made for you, you may use your
   signature for this.

 Note: Depending upon the situation among the three choices below,
 you are required to submit different form.

 1. The owner of the parking space is the same as the applicant.
 2. The owner of the parking space is not the same as the applicant.
 3. The parking space is jointly owned by more than one person.

 If your case is either 2 or 3, you must submit a form to prove that the owner (or the other owner) of the
 parking space has agreed the use of the space for your parking space.

 Note; The certificate of parking space is valid for one month after the date of the issue.

 orenji_pin.Map to sow where you will keep your car when not in use <Application formya
  ( ‘ho-kan ba-sho no sho-za-i-Zu , high-chi-zu’)           <How to fill out ya

 There are two sections you should fill out. This is to make it easy to spot your parking space for a police
 person before issuing the parking space certificate.
 Draw an area map of your parking space in the left-side box. Indicate the straight-line distance between
 the parking space and your residence ( or your office location). You may substitute this by attaching a
 separate map to this form In the right-side box, draw your parking space and its vicinity including a
 road that leads in to the parking space. Indicate the width of the road, size of the parking space, both in
 If the parking area has parking spaces for more than one automobile, indicate in which parking space
 you will keep your automobile.

 This paperwork is required ;

 (1) If the owner of the parking space is not the same as the applicant of this certificate of having a
   parking space. (This includes a case that the owner of the parking space is the relative/family
   member of the applicant.)
 (2) If the parking space is jointly owned by other people with you.

 You may use this form filled by the owner ( or the other owner(s) ) of the parking space.

 This form can be substituted by a letter of consent that the owner of the parking space agrees to let the
 applicant use the space for parking the automobile. This can be a formal lease contract of the parking
 space between the parking space owner and the applicant.

 orenji_pin. Property owner's written consent to applicat's use of the parking space  
  ( 'ho-kan ba-sho shi-yo sho-daku show-may sho') <Application formya><How to fill out ya

 How to write the form which proves that the owner (or the other owner) of the parking space has
 agreed the use of the space for your parking space.?

 This paperwork is required ;

 (1) if the owner of the parking space is not the same as the applicant of this certificate of having a
   parking space. (This includes a case that the owner of the parking space is the relative/family
   member of the applicant.)
 (2) if the parking space is jointly owned by other people with you.

 You may use this form filled out and signed (personal stamp) by the owner (or the other owner(s) ) of
 the parking space.
 This form can be substituted by a letter of consent that the owner of the parking space agrees to let the
 applicant use the space for parking the automobile. This can be a formal lease contract of the parking
 space between the parking space owner and the applicant.

 orenji_pin. Additional paperwork is required if... ;

 (1) you are purchasing an used automobile that has a license plate issued by this prefecture, submit a
   memo that shows the name and address of the previous owner of the automobile.

 (2) you will be getting rid of your car by trading it in or selling or discarding to make a parking space
   for the new car, submit a memo stating the make and model of the car you will be getting rid of.

 updated: 2015-09-09