
Neill Warrington, University of Washington

[cancelled] Contour Deformations for Lattice Field Theory

Online (Zoom) https://kds.kek.jp/event/39123/
Highly oscillatory path integrals are common in lattice field theory. They crop up as sign problems and as signal to noise problems and prevent Monte Carlo calculations of both lattice QCD at finite chemical potential and real-time dynamics. A general method for treating highly oscillatory path integrals has emerged in which the domain of integration of the path integral is deformed into a complexified field space. In this talk I will review this method, and I will discuss recent progress in machine learning manifolds for lattice QCD.

Gurtej Kanwar, University of Bern

Machine learning for ensemble generation in lattice field theory

Online (Zoom), indico page, slides (kek.jp only)
Critical slowing down and topological freezing are key obstacles to progress in lattice QCD calculations of hadronic properties causing the cost of ensemble generation to severely diverge in the continuum limit. Recently, a class of machine learning techniques known as flow-based models has been successfully applied to produce exact sampling schemes that can circumvent critical slowing down and/or topological freezing in proof-of-principle applications. This talk summarizes these flow-based MCMC methods, including the incorporation of gauge and translational symmetries. I further discuss progress towards including the contributions of fermions, required for example to include dynamical quark contributions to flow-based sampling for lattice QCD.

Neil Turok, The University of Edinburgh

Towards the path integral for gravity

Online (Zoom)
We show how Feynman?s path integral for quantum mechanical theories may be defined without a Wick rotation to imaginary time. Instead, we employ analytic continuation (and Cauchy?s theorem) in the complexified space of paths being integrated over. We outline a new existence proof for real time path integrals and describe physical applications, from nonrelativistic quantum mechanics to interference patterns in radio astronomy and caustics in Yang-Mills theories. Our target is gravity: I outline the remaining challenges.

Neil Turok, University of Edinburgh

Towards the path integral for gravity

Online (Zoom)
We show how Feynman’s path integral for quantum mechanical theories may be defined without a Wick rotation to imaginary time. Instead, we employ analytic continuation (and Cauchy’s theorem) in the complexified space of paths being integrated over. We outline a new existence proof for real time path integrals and describe physical applications, from nonrelativistic quantum mechanics to interference patterns in radio astronomy and caustics in Yang-Mills theories. Our target is gravity: I outline the remaining challenges.

Heng Tong Ding, CCNU

[QCD theory Seminar] QCD phase structure in strong magnetic fields

Online (Zoom)
The properties of strongly interacting matter in the external magnetic field have attracted many studies in recent years as strong magnetic fields appear in heavy-ion collisions, the early universe, and magnetars. Many novel and unexpected pheonmena have been found from lattice QCD studies, such as inverse magnetic catalysis, reduction of chiral transition temperature in strong magnetic fields, and a plasuible QCD critical end point in the plane of temperature and magnetic field. In this talk I will present the first latiice QCD study on the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner (GMOR) relation in the external magnetic field, and find that the GMOR relation can naturally reconcile the magnetic catalysis at zero temperature and reduction of chiral transition temperature in nonzero magnetic fields. I will further dicuss the change of the degrees of freedom and the strength of transition in the strong magnetic fields via fluctuations of net baryon number, electric charge, and strangeness, and propose certain observables to detect the existence of a magnetic field in the late stage of heavy ion collisions. The talk is based on arXiv:
2008.00493 and 2104.06843.

Sugumi Kanno, Kyusyu University

Indirect detection of gravitons through quantum entanglement

Online (Zoom), indico page, slides (kek.jp only)
In this talk, I will present our recent work on indirect detection of gravitons. We consider an experiment that the entanglement between two macroscopic mirrors suspended at the end of an equal-arm interferometer is destroyed by the noise of gravitons through bremsstrahlung. By calculating the correlation function of the noise, we obtain the decoherence time from the decoherence functional. We estimate that the decoherence time induced by the noise of gravitons in squeezed states stemming from inflation is approximately 20 seconds for 40 km long arms and 40 kg mirrors. Our analysis shows that observation of the decoherence time of quantum entanglement has the potential to detect gravitons indirectly. This indirect detection of gravitons would give strong evidence of quantum gravity.

Shinichiro Akiyama, University of Tsukuba

Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model

Online (Zoom), indico page, slides (kek.jp only)
Tensor renormalization group (TRG) approach is a variant of the real-space renormalization group to evaluate the path integral in the thermodynamic limit, without resorting to any probabilistic interpretation for the given Boltzmann weight. Moreover, since the TRG can directly deal with the Grassmann variables, this approach can be formulated in the same manner for the systems with bosons, fermions, or both of them. These advantages of the TRG approach have been confirmed by the earlier studies of various lattice theories, which suggest that the TRG potentially enables us to investigate the parameter regimes where it is difficult to access with the standard stochastic numerical methods, such as the Monte Carlo simulation. In this talk, we explain recent our numerical study of the (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model with the TRG approach. Our results of the critical chemical potential and the critical exponent ν are consistent with the exact solutions obtained by the Bethe Ansatz. This talk is based on arXiv:2105.00372.

Hajime Otsuka, KEK

理論センタープロジェクト「弦からヒッグズ/フレーバー」セミナー Sharpening the Boundaries Between Flux Landscape and Swampland by Tadpole Charge

Online (Zoom)
We investigate the vacuum structure of four-dimensional effective theory arising from Type IIB flux compactifications on a mirror of the rigid Calabi-Yau threefold, corresponding to a T-dual of the DeWolfe-Giryavets-Kachru-Taylor model in Type IIA flux compactifications. By analyzing the vacuum structure of this interesting corner of string landscape, it turns out that there exist perturbatively unstable de Sitter (dS) vacua in addition to supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric anti-de Sitter vacua. On the other hand, the stable dS vacua appearing in the low-energy effective action violate the tadpole cancellation condition, indicating a strong correlation between the existence of dS vacua and the flux-induced D3-brane charge (tadpole charge). We also find analytically that the tadpole charge constrained by the tadpole cancellation condition emerges in the scalar potential in a nontrivial way. Thus, the tadpole charge would restrict the existence of stable dS vacua, and this fact underlies the statement of the dS conjecture. Furthermore, our analytical and numerical results exhibit that distributions of O(1) parameters in expressions of several swampland conjectures peak at specific values.
Reference: arXiv:2104.15030v1 [hep-th]

Yang Bai, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Magnetic Black Holes with Electroweak-Symmetric Coronas

Online (Zoom) https://kds.kek.jp/event/38766/
Magnetically charged black holes are interesting solutions of the Standard Model and general relativity. They may possess a “hairy” electroweak-symmetric corona outside the event horizon, which speeds up their Hawking radiation and leads them to become nearly extremal on short timescales. In this talk, I will discuss their properties and various approaches to search for them in our current universe.

Ulf Danielsson, Uppsala University

Better than nothing - a higher dimensional view on quantum cosmology

Online (Zoom), indico page, slides (kek.jp only)
Recent developments in string theory indicates a fundamental problem in constructing de Sitter space and dark energy. I will review a new way to obtain de Sitter space compatible with string theory, where our universe is riding an expanding bubble of true vacuum in AdS5. I will also demonstrate how the model solves important problems in quantum cosmology.

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