笠 真生, Princeton University
Motoko Fujiwara, Nagoya University
A model of electroweakly interacting non-abelian vector dark matter
We propose a new electroweakly interacting spin-1 dark matter(DM) model. In our model, DM pairs annihilate into SM particles through the electroweak interaction efficiently. Therefore, we can explain the correct DM energy density via the freeze-out mechanism while evading the current experimental bounds. In this talk, we present how we constructed this spin-1 DM model. We also show the parameter region where we obtain the correct DM energy density and discuss the future detectability of this model. This talk is based on JHEP 07 (2020) 136 [arXiv:2004.00884].
Masazumi Honda (YITP, Kyoto University)
Quantum simulations of gauge/string/M-theory and via matrix quantum mechanics
This talk consists of two parts. In the first part, I am going to talk on our proposal on a new framework for simulating U(k) Yang-Mills theory on a universal quantum computer. This construction utilizes the orbifold lattice formulation proposed by Kaplan, Katz, and Unsal, who originally applied it to supersymmetric gauge theories. Our proposed approach yields a novel perspective on quantum simulation of quantum field theories, carrying certain advantages over the usual Kogut-Susskind formulation. In the second part, I am going to present a novel framework for simulating matrix models on a quantum computer. Supersymmetric matrix models have natural applications to superstring/M-theory and gravitational physics, in an appropriate limit of parameters. Furthermore, for certain states in the Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase (BMN) matrix model, several supersymmetric quantum field theories dual to superstring/M-theory can be realized on a quantum device. This talk is based on collaborations with Alexander Buser, Hrant Gharibyan, Masanori Hanada and Junyu Liu.
Masazumi Honda, February, YITP, Kyoto University
Digital quantum simulation of the Schwinger model with topological
I am going to talk about application of quantum computation to numerical simulation of quantum field theory. Specifically we implement a digital quantum simulation of a gauge theory with a topological term in Minkowski spacetime, which is practically inaccessible by standard lattice Monte Carlo simulations. We focus on 1+1 dimensional quantum electrodynamics with the θ-term known as the Schwinger model. We construct the true vacuum state of a lattice Schwinger model using adiabatic state preparation which, in turn, allows us to compute an expectation value of the fermion mass operator with respect to the vacuum. Upon taking a continuum limit we find that our result in massless case agrees with the known exact result. In massive case, we find an agreement with mass perturbation theory in small mass regime and deviations in large mass regime. We also study the confinement versus screening problem in the Schwinger model. Our results imply that digital quantum simulation is already useful tool to explore non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories with real time and topological terms. This talk is based on collaborations with Bipasha Chakraborty, Etsuko Itou, Taku Izubuchi, Yuta Kikuchi, Lento Nagano, Takuya Okuda and Akio Tomiya.
Takahisa Igata, KEK
[Cosmophys seminar] Photon escape probability from the vicinity of a Kerr black hole
With the recent development of black hole shadow observations, phenomena in the vicinity of an event horizon have become a subject of observations. In this seminar, we will focus on a light source in the vicinity of a Kerr black hole and consider an escape probability and frequency shift of photons emitted from the source to infinity. We also discuss how the proper motion of the source affects these observational indices.
Denny Lane B. Sombillo, Osaka University
Application of deep learning to the study of near-threshold resonances
Peak structures in the scattering experiments are often interpreted as a manifestation of a resonance state. A more rigorous approach requires that we associate at least one S-matrix pole to the peak structure to qualify as a physical state. The presence of a nearby threshold complicates the situation. Sometimes, near-threshold virtual and quasi-bound states produce a similar peak structure. In our work, we phrased the problem as a classification task and solved them using deep learning. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss how deep learning is applied to distinguish virtual and bound state enhancements in the single-channel nucleon-nucleon system. Even without appealing to deuteron’s existence, our deep neural network models can distinguish the two enhancements. In the last part, I will discuss how this approach can be extended to the coupled-channel problem. Specifically, we designed a deep neural network that can extract the coupled-channel S-matrix pole configuration. The resulting training dataset requires a nonconventional training loop; otherwise, the deep neural network will not learn. Finally, we apply our model to the study of the pion-nucleon scattering near the eta-nucleon threshold. I will also discuss some preliminary results.
Toyokazu Sekiguchi, KEK
[Cosmophys seminar] Revisiting constraints on dark matter annihilation from global 21cm signals
When dark matter annihilation takes place in the Universe at high redshifts (between recombination and reionization), energetic particles are injected into intergalactic medium (IGM), which is filled with neutral hydrogen. By ionizing and heating IGM, dark matter annihilation can affect redshifted 21cm signals, which EDGES have claimed to detect for the first time. After reviewing how redshifted 21cm signals are modified by dark matter annihilation, we revisit the constraints based on the EDGES result. In particular, we’ve performed dedicated N-body simulations in order to estimate dark matter clumpiness, as known as boost factor, which has results in constraints more conservative than previously estimated.
Kazuki Enomoto, Osaka University
Higher dimensional LNV operators and their renormalization
Although the Standard Model (SM) is a successful theory, some mysterious phenomena such as tiny neutrino masses are observed. We need physics beyond the SM to explain these phenomena. Observed tiny neutrino masses would indicate the lepton number violation (LNV) in new physics. If the scale of LNV is much higher than the electroweak scale, low-energy physics is described by the effective field theory with higher dimensional LNV operators. Therefore, the higher dimensional LNV operator is one of the important clues to search for new physics. In this seminar, I will talk about our two studies about LNV operators. One is about the operator between a same-sign lepton pair and a pair of W bosons, which is generated from d=7 and 9 LNV operators. We studied how to test this operator by using data of neutrino oscillation, neutrinoless double beta decay, muon-positron conversion, and future high-energy colliders. The other is about the renormalization of higher dimensional LNV operators. Some higher dimensional LNV operators generate Majorana neutrino masses via divergent loop diagrams, and the renormalization is needed for model-independent analyses. We investigated d=5 and 7 LNV operators and Majorana neutrino masses at one-loop level, and we found that divergence at one-loop level can be renormalized by using counter term from higher dimensional operators. The former topic is based on Phys. Rev. D101, 115019 (arXiv:2002.12265), and the latter is based on the work in progress.
Yu Zhang, Central China Normal University
Revisiting Correlated Dirac eigenvalues and axial anomaly in chiral symmetric QCD
How axial anomaly manifests itself at the chiral phase transition temperature affects the nature of chiral phase transition and it is a fundamental question in QCD. We performed a first continuum and chiral extrapolation of two UA(1)UA(1) measures in (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD at T=205T=205 MeV. By using the proposed novel relations between the quark mass derivatives of Dirac eigenvalue spectrum ρρ and correlation functions among eigenvalues we find that the microscopic origin of the current manifested axial anomaly is the peak structure developed in ρρ with its height proportional to quark mass squared. These strongly suggest the chiral phase transition belongs to 3-d O(4) universality class.
Csaba Csaki, Cornell University
Magnetic scattering: pairwise little group and pairwise helicity