Yuto MInami, RCNP, Osaka University
Search for parity-violating physics in the polarisation of the cosmic microwave background, so called “Cosmic Birefringence”
Polarised light of the cosmic microwave background, the remnant light of the Big Bang, is sensitive to parity-violating physics, cosmic birefringence. In this presentation we report on a new measurement of cosmic birefringence from polarisation data of the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Planck satellite. The statistical significance of the measured signal is 2.4 sigma. If confirmed with higher statistical significance in future, it would have important implications for the elusive nature of dark matter and dark energy.
Makiko Nio, RIKEN
[EX] On determination of the fine-structure constant: Electron g-2 and Atomic interferometers
Any precision tests of the elementary particles are carried out on the assumption that the fine-structure constant alpha is sufficiently known.
Currently, there are two methods that provide equally accurate values of the alpha. One is the electron g-2 measurement together with its theoretical prediction from the QED theory. The other is the quotient of the Planck constant and the atomic mass (h/M) determined by using an atomic interferometer. I will report recent progress in both determination of the alpha including our own work on the five-loop QED calculation of the electron g-2.
Sinya Aoki, YITP
Conserved charges in gravity and entropy
We propose a manifestly covariant definition of a conserved charge in gravity. We first define a charge density from the energy momentum tensor with a Killing vector, if exists in the system, and calculate the energy (and angular momentum) of the black hole by a volume integral. Our definition of energy leads to a correction of the known mass formula of a compact star, which includes the gravitational interaction energy and is shown to be 68% of the leading term in some case. Secondly we propose a new method to define a conserved charge in the absence of Killing vectors, and argue that the conserved charge can be regarded as entropy, by showing the 1st law of thermodynamic for a special case. We apply this new definition to the expanding universe, gravitational plane waves and the black hole. We discuss future directions of our research.
Yu Nakayama, Rikkyo University
[QCD theory Seminar] Anomalous hydrodynamics with dyonic charge
We study anomalous hydrodynamics with a dyonic charge. We show that the local second law of thermodynamics constrains the structure of the anomaly in addition to the structure of the hydrodynamic constitutive equations. In particular, we show that not only the usual E ・ B term but also E^2 ? B^2 term should be present in the anomaly with a specific coefficient for the local entropy production to be positive definite.
Yasunori Lee, University of Tokyo
Revisiting Wess-Zumino-Witten terms
We revisit various topological issues concerning 4d Wess-Zumino-Witten terms for SU and SO QCD, from the modern bordism point of view. We explain why the definition of the 4d WZW terms requires the spin structure, and also discuss how the mixed anomaly involving the 1-form symmetry of SO QCD is reproduced in the low-energy sigma model.
長谷川眞理子, 総合研究大学院大学
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Kazuya Mameda, RIKEN
Chiral transport under gravitational field
The kinetic theory is a fundamental tool to describe transport phenomena, such as that induced by quantum anomaly. In this talk, we explain how the Boltzmann transport theory is modified by quantum corrections. Also we show the field-theoretical derivation of the kinetic theory of chiral fermions in general curved spacetime. Then, we briefly discuss possible applications of the resulting framework to high-energy and condensed matter physics.
Hua Xing Zhu, Zhejiang University
[QCD theory Seminar]Double-slit interference in jet substructure and light-ray OPE
The flow of energy within jets is characterized by correlation functions of energy flow operators, with the three-point correlator, being the first correlator with non-trivial shape dependence, playing a special role in unravelling the dynamics of QCD. In this talk we consider the three-point energy correlator to all orders in the strong coupling constant, in the limit where two of the detectors are squeezed together. We show that by rotating the two squeezed detectors with respect to the third by an angle ¥phi?, a ¥cos (2¥phi)cos(2?) dependence arising from the quantum interference between intermediate virtual gluons with +/-+/? helicity is imprinted on the detector. This can be regarded as a double-slit experiment performed with jet substructure, and it provides a direct probe of the ultimately quantum nature of the substructure of jets, and of transverse spin physics in QCD. To facilitate our all-orders analysis, we adopt the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) for light-ray operators in conformal field theory and develop it in QCD. Our application of the light-ray OPE in real world QCD establishes it as a powerful theoretical tool with broad applications for the study of jet substructure.
Kazunori Kohri, KEK
[EX] Higgs vacuum metastability in primordial inflation
Current measurements of the Higgs boson mass and top Yukawa coupling suggest that the effective Higgs potential develops an instability below the Planck scale. If the energy scale of inflation in the early Universe is as high as the GUT scale, inflationary quantum fluctuations of the Higgs field can easily destabilize the standard electroweak vacuum. This instability produces dangerous AdS domains which should have swallowed the whole Universe.
Notice: In the seminar, there will be a mini lecture by Prof. Ryuichiro Kitano (KEK theory center) on the renormalization of the Higgs potential prior to Kohri-san’s talk.
Shi Pu, USTC
[QCD theory Seminar] Spin Hydrodynamics and Symmetric Energy-Momentum Tensors