
Tobias Binder, Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo

Progress in understanding dark matter Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation, bound-state formation and decay in the early Universe

Online (Zoom)
If DM is realized at around the TeV-mass region or above, even the heaviest electroweak force carriers could act as long-range forces, leading to the existence of meta-stable DM bound states. The formation and subsequent decay of the latter further deplete the relic density during the freeze-out process on top of the Sommerfeld enhancement, allowing for larger DM masses. In this talk, I discuss how a dense and hot primordial plasma environment influences these quantum mechanical effects, leading to a more complete description and more precise prediction of the thermal WIMP relic abundance.

岡田崇, RIKEN

[cancelled] KEK連携コロキウム「進化ダイナミクスの数理入門」

Tobias Binder, Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo

[cancelled] Progress in understanding dark matter Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation, bound-state formation and decay in the early Universe

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
If DM is realized at around the TeV-mass region or above, even the heaviest electroweak force carriers could act as long-range forces, leading to the existence of meta-stable DM bound states. The formation and subsequent decay of the latter further deplete the relic density during the freeze-out process on top of the Sommerfeld enhancement, allowing for larger DM masses. In this talk, I discuss how a dense and hot primordial plasma environment influences these quantum mechanical effects, leading to a more complete description and more precise prediction of the thermal WIMP relic abundance.

Reona Arai, Tokyo Institute of Technology

[cancelled] Finite N corrections to the Schur index from D3-brane analysis in AdS_5/CFT_4

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
We study the AdS/CFT correspondence by using the Schur index, which is the special limit of the superconformal index. Most of this talk, we focus on the correspondence between 4d N=4 U(N) SYM and Type IIB superstring theory on AdS_5×S^5. The agreement of the index at large N limit has confirmed by Kinney et al., but the case of finite N was a long mystery for last decade. In this talk, we propose a calculation method of the index on AdS side for finite N. The key point is to consider D3-branes wrapping three-cycles in S^5. We explicitly calculate contributions of these wrapping D3-branes to the index by analyzing fluctuations on the D3-branes. As far as we checked numerically, our results correctly reproduce the index on CFT side. We also try to apply our method to 4d S-fold theories, which are generalizations of the orientifold theories and have N=3 supersymmetry. Since it is known that S-fold theories have no Lagrangian description, we have to calculate the index on AdS side based on AdS/CFT correspondence. For some special cases, the supersymmetry is enhanced to N=4, and we use this phenomenon as a check for our prediction. You can also see our results are consistent with the supersymmetry enhancement.

Axel Perez-Obiol, Kochi Univ. of Technology

Coulomb 1D problem with general connection condition at the origin and non-Rydberg spectra

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
We consider the solution of the quantum Coulomb problem in one dimension with the most general connection condition at the origin. The divergence of the derivative of the wave function at the origin invalidates the standard current conservation approach. We explore two approaches, Wronskian self-adjoint extension method and cutoff regularization method, and establish their mutual relations, thereby clarifying the physical contents of the connection parameters. We show how to realize exotic non-Loudon connection conditions, entailing the realization of non-Rydberg spectrum.

Masafumi Fukuma, Kyoto University

Tempered Lefschetz thimble method: the basics and applications

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
The tempered Lefschetz thimble method (TLTM) [arXiv:1703.00861] is a parallel-tempering algorithm towards solving the numerical sign problem. It uses the flow time of the antiholomorphic gradient flow as a tempering parameter, and is expected to tame both the sign and ergodicity problems simultaneously that exist intrinsically in thimble methods. In this talk, we elaborate on the basics of TLTM, and apply the method to various problems, including the (0+1)-dimensional finite-density Thirring model and the quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the Hubbard model away from half filling.

Masafumi Fukuma, Kyoto University

Sign problem in Monte Carlo simulations and the tempered Lefschetz thimble method

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F, slides (kek.jp only)
When numerically estimating observables on a large-scale system with a complex-valued action, one needs an exponentially long computational time for precise estimation. After reviewing various approaches to this “sign problem”, we explain “the tempered Lefschetz thimble method”, which was introduced by MF and N. Umeda in [arXiv:1703.00861]. We argue that this has a potential to be a universal solution to the sign problem, by explicitly showing that this algorithm gives correct estimates for problems that have been difficult by other algorithms.

Matthew Dodelson, IPMU

High energy behavior of Mellin amplitudes

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
I will describe recent work with Ooguri, in which we obtained bounds on the Mellin amplitude at high energies. I’ll start with a general overview of Mellin space, and then move on to our derivation of the bounds. The bounds are obtained by demanding that position space correlators don’t have spurious singularities. At the end I might talk about related ongoing work on black holes, if I have time.

Tomomi Sunayama, IPMU

Cosmology with Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
PFS (Prime Focus Spectrograph), a next generation facility instruments on the Subaru telescope, is a wide-field, massively multiplexed, and optical & near-infrared spectrograph. In the PFS cosmology survey, emission line galaxies (ELGs) in the wide redshift range from z= 0.6to2.4 over 1400 square-degree will be observed. The unique redshift range for the PFS cosmology survey is at z>2. We envision that we will start our survey from 2022, and I will describe strategies to achieve the scientific goals as well as the possible systematic problems for future fiber-fed spectroscopic surveys.

Po-Yen Tseng, Yonsei University

Light gauge boson interpretation for muon g-2 and J-PARC KOTO anomalies

Meeting room 3, Kenkyu honkan 1F
We discuss a list of possible light gauge boson interpretations for the long-standing experimental anomaly in $(g-2)\mu$ and also recent anomalous excess in $KL \rightarrow \pi^0 + \text{(invisible)}$ events at the J-PARC KOTO experiment. We consider two models: i) $L\mu – L\tau$ gauge boson with heavy vector-like quarks and ii) $(L\mu – L\tau) + \epsilon (B3 – L\tau)$ gauge boson in the presence of right-handed neutrinos. When the light gauge boson has mass close to the neutral pion in order to satisfy the Grossman-Nir bound, the models successfully explain the anomalies simultaneously while satisfying all known experimental constraints. We extensively provide the future prospect of suggested models.
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