
Kazuki Sakurai, University of Warsaw

Natural and Unnatural SUSY in light of Proton Decay and Gauge Unification

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
I present the recent study on natural and unnatural SUSY in light of the proton decay and gauge unification. We show that the low energy SUSY mass spectrum is linked to the proton decay via the unification scale, and future nucleon decay experiments will provide a non-trivial upper bound on the superpartner masses. We also show that the mirage mediation provides a consistent picture of natural SUSY. For unnatural SUSY, we present a systematic study on split SUSY and predict a unique spectrum, which could be around the corner of discovery.

Aya Ishihara, Chiba U

Recent progresses on the neutrino astronomy from IceCube

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F  
IceCube is a cubic kilometer scale, deep-ice Cherenkov neutrino detector at the South Pole. IceCube’s cosmic neutrino searches cover an energy region all the way from TeV and less to EeV and higher. Following the first observation of PeV neutrino events and successful measurements of high energy extraterrestrial neutrino flux in the energy region between a few tens of TeV and PeV significantly above the atmospheric neutrino background flux by IceCube, the field of neutrino astrophysics is becoming more and more active. Also in the EeV energy region, a flux of ‘cosmogenic’ neutrinos generated by interactions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays on intervening radiation backgrounds is expected. The cosmogenic neutrinos will give us insight into the sources of the ultra-high energy cosmic- rays (UHECRs). In this talk, I review the recent results from IceCube on cosmic neutrino observations. In particular I highlight the multi-messenger observation using the neutrino as the trigger for the gamma-ray/x-ray/optical telescopes, and constraints on the UHECR sources from the observation of cosmogenic neutrinos. Finally I discuss the future prospects for such activities.

Ryuji Daido, Tohoku University

Enhanced axion-photon coupling in a GUT with hidden photon

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
We first review current status of QCD axion searches, which generically rely on interaction between the axion and SM photon. Next, we show that the axion-photon coupling is modified in the presence of massless hidden photon which has kinetic mixing with the SM photon. If the kinetic mixing and hidden gauge coupling are \mathcal{O}(1), the axion-photon coupling becomes several tens of times larger. Finally, we consider QCD axion in SU(5) GUT with massless hidden photon. Gauge coupling unification is determined by the size of kinetic mixing only, and requires relatively large kinetic mixing, which is naturally generated when hidden gauge coupling is large. We find enhancement factor of axion-photon coupling is about 20 in our model.

Yoshio Kikukawa, University of Tokyo

On the gauge invariant path-integral measure for the overlap Weyl fermions in 16 of SO(10) 

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
We consider the lattice formulation of SO(10) chiral gauge theory with left-handed Weyl fermions in the sixteen dimensional spinor representation (16) within the framework of the Overlap fermion/the Ginsparg-Wilson relation. We propose a manifestly gauge invariant path-integral measure for the left-handed Weyl field using the whole components of the Dirac field, but the right-handed part of which is just saturated completely by inserting a suitable product of the SO(10)-invariant ‘t Hooft vertices in terms of the right-handed field. The definition of the measure applies to all possible topological sectors. The measure possesses all required transformation properties under lattice symmetries and the induced effective action is CP invariant. The global U(1) symmetry of the left-handed field is anomalous due to the non-trivial transformation of the measure, while that of the right-handed field is explicitly broken by the ‘t Hooft vertices. There remains the issue of locality in the gauge-field dependence of the Weyl fermion measure, but the question is well-defined and can be addressed in the weak gauge-coupling expansion at least using Monte Carlo methods without encountering the sign problem.

Yuhma Asano, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studie

Phase transitions in the BMN matrix model

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
Formulating string theory or M-theory by a gauge theory is an attractive idea which has been extensively studied. Especially, realisation of geometries from the lower dimensional gauge theory is an intriguing and challenging problem. The necessity of such emergent geometry suggests that there should be a phase transition in the gauge theory and that a geometry would appear as its temperature decreases. In this talk, we focus on the BMN matrix model, which is considered as a non-perturbative formulation of M-theory on the pp-wave geometry and also conjectured to have a gauge/gravity duality, which relates the vacua on the gauge theory side to bubbling geometries in the type IIA supergravity. Our preliminary results of Monte Carlo simulations show two phase transitions and one of them looks related with emergent geometry.

加藤政博, 自然科学研究機構分子科学研究所

[光渦についての特別セミナー] 自由電子による光渦の放射

研究本館3階 セミナー室



梶田隆章, 東京大学                  

[第四回KEK連携コロキウム] 重力波の観測に挑むKAGRAプロジェクト


Yoshiyuki Inoue, RIKEN

[Cosmophysics group seminar] Toward the understanding of magnetic fields in the vicinity of active supermassive black holes

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Magnetic fields of active supermassive black holes have not been measured yet, although it is one of the most fundamental parameters in black hole physics such as for launching mechanism of relativistic jets and generation of hot coronae. In this talk, I will report our new measurements of magnetic fields in several tens Schwarzschild radii of central black holes. Utilizing ALMA and NuSTAR, we successfully detected coronal synchrotron emission. The estimated magnetic field strength is not strong enough to keep corona hot.

Naoki Yamamoto, Keio University 

Chirality, Topology, and Astrophysics

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Chirality of fermions has a topological nature. This microscopic property modifies the macroscopic hydrodynamic behavior and leads to unusual transport protected by topology in relativistic systems. We argue that these topological tranport phenomena should play important roles in the evolution of supernovae and could potentially solve the problems in astrophysics, such as the origins of supernova explosions and magnetars.

Matsuo Sato, Hirosaki University


Meeting room1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
弦幾何、つまり、相互作用を含めた超弦の集合、その位相、チャート、計量を定義する。弦位相空間上の漸近的な軌跡の集合はターゲット多様体中の超リーマン面のモジュライを正しく再現する。弦幾何に基づいてゲージ場と結合するアインシュタイン-ヒルベルト作用を定式化し、弦空間上の位相、計量、ゲージ場について足し上げる事によって、超弦理論を非摂動論的に定義する。この理論は背景(ターゲット空間を含む)に依存しない。理論は弦多様体上の一般座標変換対称性の一部として超対称性を持つ。T双対も一般座標変換対称性の一部である。結果、IIA超弦とIIB超弦の違いは弦多様体上でどの座標系を選ぶかである。弦多様体においてDブレーンとOプレーンがある配位をとる場合はSO(32) I型超弦との違いも同様である。この一つの理論において摂動論的真空を表す背景を固定し、その周りの揺らぎから、IIA、IIB、SO(32) I型超弦の全オーダーの摂動論的散乱振幅を超モジュライを含めて導出する。理論は、粒子だけでなく時空の点も、ミクロに観測すると弦が観測されることを予言する。つまり、この理論は粒子と時空を統一する。新しい概念の説明のため黒板を用いて日本語で行う。

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