
Thorsten Feldmann, U Siegen

Combining Pati-Salam Grand Unification with Gauged Flavour Symmetries

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Starting with a general introduction to the flavour puzzle in the Standard Model (SM) and the flavour problem in generic new physics scenarios, I present a specific SM extension which is based on grand unification with Pati-Salam symmetry. The setup is supplemented with the idea of spontaneous flavour symmetry breaking which is mediated through flavon fields with renormalizable couplings to new heavy fermions. While new gauge bosons in this approach can be sufficiently heavy to be irrelevant at low energies, the fermionic partners of the SM fermions, in particular those for the third generation, can be relatively light and provide new sources of flavour violation. The size of the effects turns out to be constrained by the observed values of the SM Yukawa matrices, but in a way that is different from the standard minimal-flavour violation hypothesis. We determine characteristic deviations from the SM that could eventually be observed in future precision measurements in the quark and lepton sector.

Hiroyuki Shimizu, Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo

Recent developments in 6d N=(1,0) SCFTs

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F, slides (kek.jp only)
Recently, there is a huge amount of progress in the study of 6d N=(1,0) theories. We now have a better understanding of the landscape of such theories and have a general formula for their anomaly polynomials. For a large class of 6d (1,0) theories, we have 2d gauge theory descriptions of the worldsheet 2d (0,4) SCFTs on the BPS strings. The compactifications of 6d (1,0) theories are also being studied by many authors. In this talk, I’d like to explain such recent developments in 6d (1,0) theories, based on my works with collaborators.
In the first part of the talk, I will review the basic ingredients of 6d (1,0) theories, such as moduli spaces of vacua, anomalies of global symmetries, and BPS strings on the tensor branch. I will also describe the string theory realizations of important examples of 6d (1,0) theories.
In the second part of the talk, I will explain the compactification of 6d (1,0) theories on a 2-torus as a first step toward considering more general backgrounds. I’d like to focus on the similarities and differences between 6d (1,0) theories and the 6d (2,0) theory under the compactification.
References: arXiv:1408.5572, 1503.06217 and 1508.00915 with K.Ohmori, Y.Tachikawa and K.Yonekura. arXiv:1608.05894 with Y.Tachikawa.

Kazunobu Maruyoshi, Seikei University

Infrared supersymmetry enhancement in 4d QFT

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F, slides (kek.jp only)
We study certain deformations of four-dimensional N=2 superconformal field theories (SCFTs) with non-abelian flavor symmetry which preserve an N=1 supersymmetry. The deformation is described by adding an N=1 chiral multiplet transforming in the adjoint representation of the flavor symmetry with a superpotential coupling, and giving a nilpotent vacuum expectation value to the chiral multiplet which breaks the flavor symmetry. This triggers a renormalization group flow to an infrared SCFT. Remarkably, we find that classes of theories flow to enhanced N=2 superconformal fixed points in the infrared under the deformation. For instance, the deformations of N=2 supersymmetric SU(N) QCD with 2N flavors and Sp(N) QCD with 2N+2 flavors flows to the (A_1, A_{2N-1}) and (A_1, A_{2N}) Argyres-Douglas theories respectively. From these “Lagrangian descriptions,” we compute the full superconformal indices of the (A_1,A_n) theories and find perfect agreements with the previous results in some limits. Other examples of the infrared supersymmetry enhancement include generalized Argyres-Douglas theories and rank-one SCFTs with non-abelian flavor symmetries. This talk is based on the collaborations with Jaewon Song and on the papers arXiv:1606.05632 and 1607.04281.

Takayuki Myo, Osaka Institute of Technology

Recent development of complex scaling method for many-body unbound states in light nuclei

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Complex scaling method is one of the approaches to study the resonances in many-body quantum system and widely used in atomic and molecular physics, nuclear physics and hadron physics. For nuclear physics, in proton-rich and neutron-rich nuclei, most of the states are observed as unbound states owing to the weak binding nature of valence protons/neutrons. Complex scaling method becomes a powerful tool to investigate the properties of unbound states in those nuclei. We present the recent development of complex scaling method for the description of the many-body resonances and continuum states in light unstable nuclei.
The seminar consists of two parts as
1) Fundamental properties of the complex scaling method and its application to the many-body resonances decaying into the system of three-body and more, which are often seen in light unstable nuclei.
2) Application of the complex scaling method to the reaction phenomena with light unstable nuclei. In particular, we present the complex-scaled Green’s function method to obtain the cross sections. Green’s function is essential to evaluate the cross sections not only of resonances, but also of non-resonant continuum part individually. This decomposition of the cross section is useful to clarify the reaction mechanism in the connection with the role of resonances.

Morimichi Kawasaki, Institute of Basic Science, Korea


Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
シンプレクティック幾何学は解析力学に起源をもつ非常に古い幾何学であるが、1985年のグロモフの有名な仕事以降、急速な発展を遂げていて、それを一部ではシンプレクティック・トポロジーと呼ぶ。 シンプレクティック・トポロジーと不確定性関係にはいくつかの関係が知られており、これについて概要を説明する。
参考文献:Polterovich-Rosen, Function theory on symplectic manifolds (https://sites.google.com/site/polterov/miscellaneoustexts/function-theory-on-symplectic-manifolds)

Pascal Naidon, RIKEN

From the Yukawa to the Efimov attraction

Meeting room 3, Kenkyu honkan 1F
The Yukawa attraction (screened 1/r interaction) is known to arise between two particles exchanging bosons, such as nucleons exchanging mesons. On the other hand, at the three-body level, the Efimov attraction (1/r^2 three-body interaction) can emerge from resonant two-body interactions, leading to the existence of the famous Efimov three-body bound states. In this talk, I will first review the Efimov attraction from its theoretical discovery in 1970 to its most recent experimental confirmations. I will then show how the mediated interaction between two particles immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate can go from the Yukawa attraction to the Efimov attraction.

Holger Motz, ICSEP, Waseda University

[Cosmophysics Seminar] Methods and Prospects for Science Analysis of CALET Data

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F, slides (kek.jp only)
The ISS based CALET (Calorimetric Electron Telescope) detector is directly measuring the energy spectrum of electron+positron cosmic rays up to 20 TeV with an expected energy resolution of 2%. With an estimated proton rejection capability of 1 : 10^5 and an aperture of approximately 1200 cm^2 sr, it will provide good statistics even well above one TeV. This precise spectrum is going to be analysed for signatures from nearby astrophysical sources such as pulsars and supernova remnants (SNR), as well as from Dark Matter annihilation and decay.
In this presentation I will give an overview of the CALET project and its current status, as well as show possible methods to analyse the data for selected physics cases.
Pulsars and Dark Matter are candidates for the postulated extra source emitting an equal amount of electrons and positrons that is regarded as the origin of the positron excess. Assuming a single pulsar is the extra source, the limits on a potential additional component from Dark Matter annihilation in the galactic halo expected to be obtained from 5 years of CALET observation are presented. It is shown that CALET could significantly improve upon current limits, especially for Dark Matter candidates with a large fraction of annihilation directly into electron+positron, such as the LKP (Lightest Kaluza-Klein particle).
As a possible case of a Dark Matter only explanation of the positron excess, Dark Matter decaying in a 3-particle leptonic mode was studied, as it is not constrained by anti-proton measurements and multiple theories predict suitable Dark Matter candidates. Based on the expected signal and background in CALET, the potential to discern the signatures of this decay from a pulsar being the extra source is shown.
Furthermore, the influence of a nearby SNR as an additional spectrum component in the TeV region and the prospects of using anisotropy information to identify cosmic rays originating from nearby astrophysical sources are discussed.

Hidehiko Shimada, Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics

Membrane interaction and a three-dimensional analog of Riemann surfaces

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
It is an important problem to understand whether the matrix model of M-theory contains the splitting(-joining) interactions of membranes. In the talk, I will discuss the splitting processes in the pp-wave matrix model, which are certain tunnelling processes. After a brief discussion of the relation to the ABJM theory via the AdS/CFT correspondence, I will show that the BPS instanton equations governing such processes are equivalent to the three-dimensional Laplace equation, under an approximation which is valid when the matrix size is large. I will further show that the solution which corresponds to a splitting process is not defined on R^3, but rather on a space which is constructed by stitching two R^3’s, in a manner analogues to the construction of Riemann surfaces. I will also show plots, constructed using explicit solutions to the Laplace equation, which capture explicitly the behaviours of membranes in the splitting processes. The talk will be based on arxiv:1508.03367, done in collaboration with Stefano Kovacs (Dublin IAS) and Yuki Sato (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok).

Ryo Suzuki, ICTP-SAIFR

Superconformal bootstrap of N=4 Super Yang-Mills and average anomalous dimensions

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
Correlation functions of a conformal field theory (CFT) can be constructed from two- and three-point functions. However, the planar four-point functions of a large Nc CFT cannot be recovered by the planar two- and three-points. We apply the superconformal block decomposition to the four-point functions of N=4 SYM, and extracted the non-planar information of multi-trace operators. In addition, we identified non-scalar superconformal primary fields which contribute to the OPE limit. This work is based on collaboration with Yusuke Kimura (OIQP).

Teppei Kitahara, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Recent progress on CP violation in K to pi pi decays in the SM and SUSY solution

Seminar Room, Kenkyu-honkan 3F
Recent progress in the determination of hadronic matrix elements has revealed a tension between the measured value of epsilon’/epsilon, which quantifies direct CP-violation in K to pi pi decays, and the Standard-Model (SM) prediction. On the other hand, the standard analytic solution of the next-to-leading order (NLO) renormalization group (RG) evolution for the DeltaS = 1 Wilson coefficients suffers from several singularities. In the first part of this talk, we will introduce a singularity-free analytic solution of the RG evolution, and give a new prediction value of the epsilon’/epsilon in the SM at the NLO, which also implies the epsilon’ discrepancy. In the second part, we will show that it is possible to cure the epsilon’ discrepancy in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with squark masses above 3 TeV without overshooting epsilon. This solution exploits two features of supersymmetry, the possibility of large isospin-breaking contributions (enhancing epsilon’) and the Majorana nature of gluinos (permitting a suppression of epsilon). Our solution involves no fine-tuning of CP phases or other parameters.
This talk is based on
arXiv:1604.07400 and

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