
Masamichi Miyaji, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics

Chaos from Information Metric

Meeting Room 1 Kenkyu Honkan 1F, slides (kek.jp only)
We show that rapid growth of information metric of Thermofield double stateis directly related to commutator of simple operators. Following holographic proposal for information metric, we compute information metric of thermofield double state for marginal deformation, by evaluating volume of maximal volume codimension 1 surface, and confirm that information metric increases exponentially with time. Our result implies thermofield double state of chaotic system is sensitive to change of outer environment. We note that our holographic calculation of information metric is consistent with the expected decay of two point function of spacial Wilson loops on great circle.

Yohei Ema, Univ. of Tokyo

Fate of Electroweak Vacuum during Preheating

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Our electroweak vacuum may be metastable in light of the current experimental data of the Higgs/top quark mass. From the viewpoint of cosmology, an interesting consequence is that high-scale inflation has a tension with the metastability.In order to overcome this problem, Higgs-inflaton/-curvature couplings are often introduced to stabilize Higgs during inflation. However, after inflation, the mass term induced by the additional coupling oscillates during the preheating era, and it can potentially destabilize the electroweak vacuum via resonant production of Higgs. In this talk, we study whether the Higgs-inflaton/-curvature coupling can save the electroweak vacuum by taking account of Higgs production during the preheating stage. In particular, we put upper bounds on the Higgs-inflaton/-curvature coupling.

Atsushi Naruko, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Gravitational scalar-tensor theory

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F, slides (kek.jp only)
We consider a new form of theories of gravity in which the action is written in terms of the Ricci scalar and its first and second derivatives. Despite the higher derivative nature of the action, the theory is free from ghost under an appropriate choice of the functional form of the Lagrangian. This model possesses 2 + 2 physical degrees of freedom, namely 2 scalar degrees and 2 tensor degrees. We also discuss the correspondence between these theories and generalized bi-Galileon theories.

Ryo Nagai 長井遼, ​Nagoya Univ.

Unitarity sum rules for WW scattering and their implications

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F, slides (kek.jp only)
One of the important roles of the SM Higgs boson is to keep WW scattering
amplitudes perturbatively unitary in high energy limit. However, once the Higgs
coupling deviates from the SM prediction, the perturbative unitarity might be
broken down at the certain energy scale. In order to maintain the perturbative
unitarity with anomalous higgs coupling in high energy limit, we need new particle(s)
whose couplings are tuned to cancel a bad behavior of WW scattering amplitudes.
The required conditions are called “unitarity sum rules”. We revisit the unitarity sum
rules and apply them to investigate the model independent property of perturbative
extra spin-0,1 particles.

Ryosuke Sato, Weizmann Inst. & KEK

Self-consistent Calculation of the Sommerfeld Enhancement

Seminar hall, 4 go-kan 1F
The annihilation cross section of the dark matter is one of the most important quantity for the phenomenology of the dark matter. If the dark matter couples with a light force carrier, non-perturbative resummation is required in non-relativistic regime due to so-called Sommerfeld enhancement. A commonly used formula of this cross section is a product of the hard (short-range) scattering cross section and the enhancement factor which is calculated by dark matter two-body wave function. However, it is known that this formula violates the unitarity bound for small velocity if there is zero energy bound state. In this talk, I will discuss the calculation of the dark matter annihilation cross section in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. In our framework, both short-range and long-range effect is treated in a non-perturbative way, and the cross section satisfies the unitarity bound.

Hiroyuki Kitamoto, Kyoto U.

Generalization of Stochastic approach for Infrared effects

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
We extend investigations of infrared dynamics in accelerating universes. In the presence of massless and minimally coupled scalar fields, physical quantities may acquire growing time dependences through quantum fluctuations at super-horizon scales. From a semiclassical viewpoint, it was proposed that these infrared effects can be described by a Langevin equation. In de Sitter space, the stochastic approach has been proved to be equivalent to the leading power resummation of the growing time dependences. In this study, we make the resummation derivation of the Langevin equation in a general accelerating universe. The resulting Langevin equation contains a white noise term and the coefficient of each term is modified by the slow-roll parameter. Furthermore we show that the semiclassical description of the scalar fields leads to the same stochastic equation as far as we adopt an appropriate time coordinate.

The above investigations are performed in models whose nonlinear terms are given by potentials. Therefore the stochastic approach should be extended in another direction, i.e. in models with derivative interactions. If time allows, I also talk about this direction of generalization.

Yuta Hamada, Kyoto U.

Reheating-era leptogenesis

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
We propose a novel leptogenesis scenario at the reheating era. Our setup is minimal in the sense that, in addition to the standard model Lagrangian, we only consider an inflaton and higher dimensional operators. The lepton number asymmetry is produced not by the decay of a heavy particle, but by the scattering between the standard model particles. After the decay of an inflaton, the model is described within the standard model with higher dimensional operators. The Sakharov’s three conditions are satisfied by the following way. The violation of the lepton number is realized by the dimension-5 operator. The complex phase comes from the dimension-6 four lepton operator. The universe is out of equilibrium before the reheating is completed. It is found that the successful baryogenesis is realized for the wide range of parameters, the inflaton mass and reheating temperature, depending on the cutoff scale. Since we only rely on the effective Lagrangian, our scenario can be applicable to various mechanisms to generate neutrino Majorana masses.

Shoichi Kawamoto, Chung Yuan Christian U

Size scaling of self gravitating polymers and strings

Meeting room 3, Kenkyu honkan 1F
We study a statistical ensemble of a single polymer with self gravitational interaction. This is a model of a gravitating string — the precursor of a black hole. We analyze averaged sizes by mean field approximations with an effective Hamiltonian a la Edwards with Newtonian potential as well as a contact repulsive interaction. We find that there exists a certain scaling region where the attractive and the repulsive forces balance out. The repulsive interaction pushes the critical gravitational coupling to a larger value, at which the size of a polymer becomes comparable to its Schwarzschild radius, and as a result the size of the corresponding black hole increases considerably. This talk is based on the joint work with T. Matsuo (NIT, Anan College), Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. (2015) 123B02.

Chen-Pin Yeh, National Dong-Hwa U

Holographic Description of Negative Energy in Squeezed States

Meeting room 3, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Using the AdS/CFT duality, we study the properties of negative energy in strongly coupled field theories with the general dynamical scaling. The gravitational wave propagates in the Lifshitz background is dual to the squeezed state in the quantum critical theories. The energy density to leading order in the squeezed parameters can oscillate between negative and positive values with the sub-leading term which is always positive and time independent. We showed that this is consistent with the quantum interest conjecture and satisfies the average null energy condition. And we found a constrain on the duration of negative energy.

Yuichiro Tada, IPMU

Stochastic-delta N formalism and massive primordial black holes in hybrid inflation

Meeting Room 1, Kenkyu Honkan 1F
As a long-studied astrophysical open question, it is known that almost all galaxies possess one or a few supermassive black holes (SMBHs) whose masses reach 10^{6—9.5} M_\odot in their centers. Such SMBHs have been found even at high redshifts as z~6–7 but their production mechanism is still unknown. One possible solution is the primordial black hole (PBH), which is theoretically suggested to be produced by a gravitational collapse of an overdense Hubble patch in the radiation dominant era. It has been proposed that sufficient massive PBHs can be the seeds of SMBHs. In our recent papers, we studied the possibility whether such massive PBHs can be produced in well-know hybrid inflation which is the inflation model ended by a second order phase transition. While that phase transition is roughly estimated to make large curvature perturbations enough to produce PBHs, there have been no quantitatively complete works yet because of the non-perturbative behavior around the critical point. Therefore, we proposed a non-perturbative algorithm to calculate the curvature perturbations at first, combining the stochastic and delta N formalism. Then we performed a wide numerical parameter search to find that PBHs are rather overproduced with the parameters which can make PBHs massive enough. In other words, we showed that massive PBHs cannot be produced with the proper abundance in hybrid inflation, without any specific assumption of the types of hybrid inflation.

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