Yuya Tanizaki, RIKEN
Lefschetz thimble積分法とその物理的応用
Picard-Lefschetz理論の量子系への応用が最近見いだされ、特に符号問題に対する新しいアプローチとしても注目を集めている。符号問題は大まかに言えば振動積分の評価の難しさに起因しており、とくにモンテカルロ法のimportance samplingが破綻してしまう、という内容が lattice field theory の文脈で有名であるが、平均場近似にもこの病的な振る舞いが引き継がれてしまうことが知られている。
Koji Ichikawa, IPMU
Current and Future dark matter constraints from dwarf spheroidal galaxies
One of the most promising way to detect dark matter is to look for its annihilation or decay products among cosmic-rays (indirect detection). Recently, more and more interesting results are reported from measurements of cosmic-rays such as gamma-rays, neutrinos, positrons, antiprotons, etc. In this talk, I will especially focus on gamma-ray search from dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). Though the dSphs is one of the best target for the indirect detection, there remains large uncertainty on the estimation of dark matter profile around the dSphs. I will show how the constraints fluctuate under conservative estimation of the profile and discuss the future prospect of the constraints.
Yasuaki Hikida, Rikyo U.
N=3 higher spin holography and Higgs phenomenon
Superstring theory includes a lot of massive higher spin excitations, and there would appear a higher spi gauge symmetry at the tensionless limit. Moreover, it has been expected that these states could be described by a broken phase of higher spin gauge theory. Recently, it becomes possible to discuss the realizations of the idea with the help of Vasiliev theory and AdS/CFT correspondence. In this talk, I will explain recent developments on the concrete relation between higher spin gauge theory and superstring theory by making use of AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular, I will focus on the AdS_3 case. Moreover, I will show that higher spin fields become massive due to the braking of higher spin symmetry using a simple example.
Sadakazu Haino, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
[Cosmophysics Seminar] The new results from Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS)
The AMS collaboration presented the latest results in its quest to understand the origin of cosmic rays and dark matter. These intriguing results were shared and discussed during the “AMS days” in April/2015. Some detailed discussions on the new results will be made in this seminar.
Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India
The credibility of SUSY phenomenology: some silver linings
With mass limits on supersymmetric particles going up, the role of supersymmetry (SUSY) as the prime option for physics beyond the standard model may appear somewhat debatable to some quarters. In this backdrop, we start by briefly touching upon the desirability as well viability of SUSY in the current context. Then we summarise a few recent works, particularly those by our group, where there is a slight departure from the commonest approaches to SUSY phenomenology, be it in logic, motivation or collider signals.
Yukinari Sumino, Tohoku University
Understanding Heavy QuarkAntiQuark System by Perturbative QCD
Due to the discovery of renormalon cancellation, it became possible to describe the nature of a heavy quarkantiquark system (such as bottomonium) based on perturbative QCD, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Accordingly, interpretaions of the heavy quark mass and interquark force have been modified considerably. I overview what has been understood and some of theoretical progress since then. The UV part of the interquark potential can be computed in perturbative QCD. We show that a “Coulomb+linear” potential is obtained as the prediction.
Ryusuke Jinno, The University of Tokyo
Gravitational effects on inflaton decay
The inflaton inevitably couples to all non-conformally coupled matters to gravity, through an oscillation in the Hubble parameter or the cosmic scale factor. This oscillation leads to particle production during the inflaton oscillation regime. In this talk, I first apply the analysis of scalar particle production to the case of minimally-coupled inflaton to gravity, and then extend the analysis to non-minimally coupled case, in which the Hubble parameter oscillates more violently. I also show the analysis of the graviton production by the inflaton in both minimal & non-minimal case.
Reference :
1. Gravitational Effects on Inflaton Decay, Yohei Ema, Ryusuke Jinno, Kyohei Mukaida, Kazunori Nakayama arXiv:1502:02475
2. Yohei Ema, Ryusuke Jinno, Kyohei Mukaida, Kazunori Nakayama, to appear
Vojtech Krejcirik, RIKEN
[cancelled] Few new insights into $\bar{K}N$ interaction
In this talk, I will report on the recent progress in the analysis of meson-baryon interaction in the strange sector. In the first part, the EFT motivated model taking into account both L=0 and L=1 partial wave will be presented. The model aims at a uniform treatment of both $\Lambda(1405)$ and $\Sigma(1385)$ resonances both in vacuum and in the nuclear medium. The second half of the talk will be devoted to the discussion of lattice QCD approach (HAL QCD approach, in particular) to the problem.
鈴木惇也, 東京大学
[Cosmophysics seminar] Hidden Photon ダークマター探索
ダークマターの存在はさまざまな観測結果から示唆されており、その直接探索実験は実験物理学の花形の一つとなっている。現在、ダークマターの正体として WIMP を想定し原子核反跳を捉える実験が盛んにおこなわれている。一方、それ以外に axion などの軽い粒子が非熱的に生成されるというシナリオも考えられ、その探索を目指す実験として ADMX などがある。近年、hidden photon (dark photon) も非熱的なシナリオでダークマターになりうることが指摘され、その新奇な探索手法として dish antenna を用いた方法が 提案された。それを受けて我々の研究室では、 ~ eV と ~10^{-5} eV 、2つの hidden photon 質量領域をカバーする2つの実験装置をつくり、その探索を行った。本講演ではダークマターの可能性としての hidden photon について、その実験手法と我々の探索結果についての話をおこなう。
Daisuke Harada, KEK
Phenomenology of Heavy vector-like quarks