
飯沼昌隆, 広島大学


Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F

Yuan Qiang, IHEP

Millisecond pulsar interpretation of the Galactic center gamma-ray excess

Meeting room 2, Kenkyu honkan 1F
It was found in the Fermi-LAT data that there is an extended $gamma$-ray excess in the Galactic center region. The proposed sources to be responsible for the excess include the dark matter annihilation or an astrophysical alternative from a population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs). Whether or not the MSP scenario can explain the data self-consistently has very important implications for the detection of particle dark matter, which is however, subject to debate in the literature. In this work we study the MSP scenario in detail, based on the detected properties of the MSPs by Fermi-LAT. We build a model of the Milky Way MSPs which can reproduce the $gamma$-ray properties of the Fermi-LAT MSPs, and derive the intrinsic luminosity function of the MSPs. The model is then applied to a bulge population of MSPs. We find that the extended $gamma$-ray excess can be well explained by the bulge MSPs without violating the detectable flux distribution of MSPs by Fermi-LAT. The spatial distribution of the bulge MSPs as implied by the distribution of low mass X-ray binaries follows a $r^{-2.4}$ profile, which is also consistent with the $gamma$-ray excess data. We conclude that the MSP model can explain the Galactic center $gamma$-ray excess self-consistently, satisfying all the current observational constraints.

Yuta Hamada, Kyoto University

Naturalness and maximum entropy principle

Meeting room 3, Kenkyu honkan 1F
The theory of wormholes and multiverse suggests that the parameters of the Standard Model are fixed in such a way that the total entropy at the late stage of the universe is maximized, which we call the maximum entropy principle. In this talk, We show that Higgs vacuum expectation value is determined in order to satisfy maximum entropy principle. We assume that the baryon number is produced by the sphaleron process, and that the current quark masses, the gauge couplings and the Higgs self coupling are fixed when we vary Higgs vacuum expectation value. It turns out that the existence of the atomic nuclei plays a crucial role to maximize the entropy.

Yuki Yokokura, Yukawa Inst., Kyoto Univ.

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of gravitational screens

Seminar room, Kenkyu honkan 3F
We study the Einstein gravity equations projected on a timelike surface, which represents the time evolution of what we call a gravitational screen. We show that such a screen possesses a surface tension and an internal energy, and that the Einstein equations reduce to the thermodynamic equations of a viscous bubble. We also provide a complete dictionary between gravitational and thermodynamical variables. In the non-viscous cases there are three thermodynamic equations which characterize a bubble dynamics: These are the first law, the Marangoni flow equation and the Young-Laplace equation. In all three equations the surface tension plays a central role: In the first law it appears as a work term per unit area, in the Marangoni flow its gradient drives a force, and in the Young-Laplace equation it contributes to a pressure proportional to the surface curvature. The gra vity equations appear as a natural generalization of these bubble equations when the bubble itself is viscous and dynamical. In particular, it shows that the mechanism of entropy production for the viscous bubble is mapped onto the production of gravitational waves. We also review the relationship between surface tension and temperature, and discuss the usual black-hole thermodynamics from this point of view. (This talk is based on [arXiv:1405.4881].)

Yu Nakayama, Kavli IPMU, Caltech

Understanding phase transitions and critical phenomena from conformal bootstrap

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Conformal bootstrap has become an indispensable tool to understand the non-perturbative aspects of renormalization group fixed points in any space-time dimension. The recent “solution” of the d=3 critical Ising model is just one example.
In this talk, I would like to discuss the real applications of conformal bootstrap to attack the long-standing controversies on the phase transitions and critical phenomena of the frustrated spin systems in non-collinear order and the finite temperature QCD chiral transition by determining the conformal windows of O(n)xO(m) CFTs in d=3 dimensions.
The talk is based on our recent paper arXiv:1404.0489 in collaboration with Tomoki Ohtsuki.

Kazuki Sakurai, King's College

ATOM/Fastlim: Recasting LHC constraints on new physics models

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
The results of ATLAS and CMS beyond the Standard Model searches are very useful to constrain various new physics modes, yet they are originally designed to search for a particular model. Recasting existing analyses on to an arbitrary model involves various subtleties and one has to simulate detector responses and selection cuts as realistic as possible. For this task, we developed two programs: ATOM (Automated Testing Of Models) and Fastlim. ATOM takes event files as inputs and calculates the efficiencies of various analyses automatically, which can be used to calculate an exclusion p-value for an given model. Fastlim, on the other hand, takes spectrum files as inputs and immediately calculates an exclusion p-value using pre-calculated efficiencies of various simplified topologies. In this talk, I review the recent development of the attempt of recasting ATLAS and CMS searches on to general new physics models. I also discuss the methodology used and present performances of ATOM and Fastlim.

Masahide Yamaguchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Non-Gaussianities of primordial perturbations and tensor sound speed

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
We investigate the relation between the non-Gaussianities of the primordial perturbations and the sound speed of the tensor perturbations, that is, the propagation speed of the gravitational waves. We find that the sound speed of the tensor perturbations is directly related not to the auto-bispectrum of the tensor perturbations but to the cross-bispectrum of the primordial perturbations, especially, the scalar-tensor-tensor bispectrum. This result is in sharp contrast with the case of the scalar (curvature) perturbations, where their reduced sound speed enhances their auto-bispectrum. Our findings indicate that the scalar-tensor-tensor bispectrum can be a powerful tool to probe the sound speed of the tensor perturbations.

Keisuke Harigaya, Kavli IPMU

Natural inflation with effective large decay constant by hierarchical charge

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
Natural inflation is a large field model, which is favored from the view point of the initial condition problem.The inflaton can be understood as a Nambu Goldstone boson associated with a spontaneous breaking of an U(1) symmetry. The inflaton potential can be understood as an explicite breaking of the U(1) symmetry to a discrete one. Since the decay constant of the inflaton must be larger than the Planck scale for a successful slow-roll inflation, it is not clear whether natural inflation model can be treated by four dimensional field theory, which has a cut off at the Planck scale. In this talk, I show that the large decay constant can be obtained from a field theory with all the scale below the Planck scale, by considering hierarchical U(1) charges.

Masato Taki, RIKEN Nishina Center

Seiberg Duality, 5d SCFTs and Nekrasov Partition Functions

Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
We propose a duality between various Type IIB 5-brane web configurations, and this conjecture implies an equality between the corresponding 5d Nekrasov partition functions (i.e. refined topological string partition functions) that are associated with local del Pezzo surfaces. It is known that M-theory compactified on a local Calabi-Yau 3-fold leads to a 5d superconformal field theory (SCFT), and this system is dual to a Type IIB 5-brane web system. One can expect that the “Picard-Lefschetz transformation” of these 3-folds implies the duality between these brane setups and the resulting 5d SCFTs. We then find that many different Type IIB 5-brane webs describe the same 5d SCFT that was found by N.Seiberg. We check this duality by comparing the Nekrasov partition functions of these 5-brane web configurations.

佐々木寿彦, 理化学研究所


Meeting room 1, Kenkyu honkan 1F
量子力学では相補的な物理量同士は同時に決定できない。Einsten-Podolsky-Rosen や Kochen–Specker の議論では、このことと仮想的な実験の切り替えを考えあわせることにより、量子力学における実在性の非自明な姿を炙りだした。この様な議論には実用上の応用法があり、実際の通信においても仮想的な実験を考えることで、通信路の性質を強く特徴付けることができる場合がある。本発表では、この様な議論の現状を紹介したい。

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