1st KEK-PH lectures on "Precision measurement of W boson mass"
https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/177/ Program
May 10th (Tue.)
9:00-9:50: Dr. Joshua Isaacson (Fermilab), “ResBos and CDF W boson mass measurement”
10:00-10:50: Prof. Chien-Peng Yuan (Michigan State University), “The structure of the proton: The CT18 QCD (and QED) Global Analysis”
10:50-11:40: Prof. Graham Wilson (University of Kansas), “Prospects and Perspectives on mW Measurements at a Future e+e- Collider”
16:00-16:50: Prof. Sven Heinemeyer (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.), “Prediction of the W-boson mass in BSM models”
J-PARCハドロン研究会 2022
The 6th KEK-PH + 2nd KEK-COSMO joint mini-workshop
https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/141/ program
Invited talk
Mar. 9th (Wed.) 11:05-12:00:
Prof. Wei Xue (University of Florida), “Resonant excitation of the axion field during the QCD phase transition”
Short talk sessions
afternoon on Mar. 9th (Wed.) and morning on Mar. 10th (Thu.)
Yoshihiko Abe (Kyoto U.), “Origin of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone dark matter”
Kazuki Enomoto (Osaka U), “Electroweak baryogenesis in the three-loop neutrino mass model with dark matter”
Motoko Fujiwara (Nagoya U), “Electroweakly interacting spin-1 dark matter and its phenomenology”
Yu Hamada (KEK), “Electroweak-Skyrmion as Asymmetric Dark Matter”
Minxi He (KEK), “Reheating after Mixed Higgs-R^2 Inflation”
Asuka Ito (TITech), “Searching for axion dark matter/gravitational waves with magnons”
Naoya Kitajima (Tohoku U.), “Parametric resonance instability of the QCD axion”
Mar. 9th (Wed.) 11:05-12:00:
Prof. Wei Xue (University of Florida), “Resonant excitation of the axion field during the QCD phase transition”
Short talk sessions
afternoon on Mar. 9th (Wed.) and morning on Mar. 10th (Thu.)
Yoshihiko Abe (Kyoto U.), “Origin of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone dark matter”
Kazuki Enomoto (Osaka U), “Electroweak baryogenesis in the three-loop neutrino mass model with dark matter”
Motoko Fujiwara (Nagoya U), “Electroweakly interacting spin-1 dark matter and its phenomenology”
Yu Hamada (KEK), “Electroweak-Skyrmion as Asymmetric Dark Matter”
Minxi He (KEK), “Reheating after Mixed Higgs-R^2 Inflation”
Asuka Ito (TITech), “Searching for axion dark matter/gravitational waves with magnons”
Naoya Kitajima (Tohoku U.), “Parametric resonance instability of the QCD axion”
2nd J-PARC HEF-ex WS
GPDs and related topics at J-PARC
The 5th KEK-PH on "Jet Physics"
https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/141/ program
Invited talks
Nov. 30th (Tue.)
16:15-17:00: Prof. Takuya Nobe (ICEPP, Tokyo), “Jet physics with ATLAS”
17:00-18:00: Prof. Gavin Salam (Oxford), “Jets through the LHC era”
Dec. 1st (Wed.)
10:00-10:45: Prof. Cristina Mantilla (FermiLab), “Boosted jet physics in CMS”
16:15-17:00: Prof. Takuya Nobe (ICEPP, Tokyo), “Jet physics with ATLAS”
17:00-18:00: Prof. Gavin Salam (Oxford), “Jets through the LHC era”
Dec. 1st (Wed.)
10:00-10:45: Prof. Cristina Mantilla (FermiLab), “Boosted jet physics in CMS”
KEK Theory workshop 2021
The 4th KEK-PH on "New Ideas in Particle Physics"
https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/141/ Invited talks
Second day:
Invited talks
First day:
16th (Tue.), Nov. 16:00-19:00 (JST)
Michael Geller (Tel Aviv U.), “Crunching Naturalness”
Raffaele D’Agnolo (IPhT, Saclay), “Aspects of Cosmological Selection of the Weak Scale”
Gia Dvali (New York U.), “S-matrix exclusion of de Sitter landscape, and naturalness”
Matthew McCullough (Cambridge U. and CERN), “Gegenbauer Goldstones”
Second day:
17th (Wed.), Nov. 9:00-12:00 (JST)
Surjeet Rajendran (Johns Hopkins U.), “A Causal Framework for Non Linear Quantum Mechanics”
Anson Hook (Maryland U.), “Solving the naturalness puzzle using old ideas”
Yuta Hamada (Harvard U.), “Brane Probes, Finiteness and Distance Conjecture”
Tom Rudelius (UC, Berkeley), “Consequences of No Global Symmetries in Quantum Gravity”
The 3rd KEK-PH + 1st KEK-Cosmo joint workshop on "Primordial Black Holes"
Second invited talk:
Short talks
Invited talks
First invited talk:
19th (Tue.), Oct. 16:00-17:30 (JST): Dr.Gabriele Franciolini (Geneva U), “Primordial Black Holes and Gravitational Wave Observations”
First invited talk:
19th (Tue.), Oct. 16:00-17:30 (JST): Dr.Gabriele Franciolini (Geneva U), “Primordial Black Holes and Gravitational Wave Observations”
Second invited talk:
20th (Wed.), Oct. 16:00-17:30 (JST): Dr.Christian Byrnes (Sussex U), “Primordial black holes as a LIGO-Virgo and dark matter candidate”