◆15-12 Beta-detected NMR: a "new" probe for nano science

  • 日時:2/16(Tue.)10:00~
  • 場所:4号館2階輪講室1(メイン会場)/東海1号館314室(tv会議)
  • 講師:Dr. Andrew MacFarlane
  • 英題:Beta-detected NMR: a "new" probe for nano science
  • 要旨: I will review the beta-detected NMR facility at the TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada where we use a collinear laser polarizer to produce intense radioactive ion beams at low energies for studies in condensed matter, particularly in studying depth dependent phenomena in thin films and near single crystal surfaces. I will include recent examples including strongly correlated oxides, such as LaNiO3, Sr2RuO4 and Fe2O3 and topological insulators as well as more conventional metals and semimetals.