List of Documentation to be submitted |
User Registration Form
Each member of the experimental team must register as a user of KEK after getting permission of
their supervisor or manager at their home institution to engage in research activity at KEK.
Visitors coming to KEK to participate in research conferences or meetings also should register
as a user.
User registration must be done through the web page, by clicking the button below.
When you get an e-mail notice of ID and password (temporary), your registration has completed.
Do not forget changing temporary password within 48 hours, otherwise, it will expire.
The registration requires annual renewal.
You can submit the documents bellow from Web system. ( Except 6. Experiment Report Form)
1. |
Letter of Agreement for Experiments (Form 1) |
Person to fill out: Spokesperson
When to submit: Only when your proposal is accepted.
In this form, the spokesperson asserts that he/she is familiar with KEK regulations and related rules and ensure all team members understand them thoroughly.
This Form must be submitted no less than two weeks prior to the scheduled start of the research or experiment. This form needs to be submitted only once for a given experimental proposal and does not require annual renewal.
2. |
Application Form for Radiation Work at KEK (Form 9-2)
(Collaborative Experimenter Registration) |
Person to fill out: Spokesperson
When to submit: When the proposal is accepted and also the beginning of every fiscal year(Apr.)
In order to carry out experiments at KEK, spokespersons of the project must complete this form as well as the " Statement of acceptance for radiation work" (Form 10) described in 3.below.
After filling up the names of research team member who will be registered as radiation worker, this form should be printed out, and send it to Radiation Science Center of KEK (See the address below).
When new members are being added to a pre-registered experiment/research team, include only the names of the new team members on this form.
This form requires annual renewal.
3. |
Statement of acceptance for radiation work (Form 10) |
Person to fill out: All members who will work in radiation cotrolled areas.
When to submit: When the proposal is accepted and also the beginning of every fiscal year(Apr.)
This form certifies that the named person is a registered radiation worker at their home institution and gives permission for them to engage in radiation work at KEK.
After filling up necessary information into the web page, this form should be printed out, signed by the appropriate Radiation Safety Officer and Director or Head of the worker's home institution. Signed original form should be sent to Radiation Science Center of KEK ( in conjunction with
Form 9-2 ,address below).
This form requires annual re-submission.
<Radiation Science Center> High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
1-1, Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaragi-ken, 305-0801 JAPAN
4. |
Notification of Dispatch |
Person to fill out: Visitors whose visit to KEK is not supported financially by KEK.
This form can be found after choosing the project in “Administration relating to your visit”.
5. |
Cancellation Request Form |
Person to fill out: Spokesperson.
When to submit: When some of the team members become ineligible.
This form can be found after choosing the project in “Spokesperson Only Administration” in your portal site of Support system.
6. |
Experiment Report Form |
Person to fill out: spokesperson
When to submit: After your experimentl has finished.
These forms should be completed and submitted promptly after each experiment.
Report for an Experiment at IPNS, KEK Proton Synchrotron |
(PDF , Word ) |
Photon Factory Brief report of the program |
(PDF , Word ) |
KENS Brief report of the program |
(PDF , Word ) |
Users’ Report on the FY2007 KEK-MSL Inter-University Program for Oversea Muon Facilities |
(PDF , Word ) |
7. |
Request for bank account number registration / change |
Person to fill out: Person whose visit is financially supported by KEK.
When to submit: Before the travel expense is transferred.
This form can be found after choosing the project in "Administration relating to your visit" in your portal site of Support System. |